The toxicity of the Astra Zeneca vaccine is slowly being revealed – India has 80% usage and has probably killed many millions of its people
The suppression of information about the lethality of the Oxford/AstraZeneca viral vector C19 injections is ever so slowly breaking out.
Because the path to compensation from vaccine injury is so tortuous ,British lawyers are taking a different tack and seeking damages under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.
Consumer Protection Act 1987 (
The lawyers pursuing damages for injections not being as safe as could be reasonably expected are here:
Hausfeld | Claimant group brings legal claim against AstraZeneca under Consumer Protection Act 1987
“Hausfeld are acting for 41 individuals and families who have suffered devastating injuries or bereavement as a result of a rare complication of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
The Hausfeld Claimant group includes 13 bereaved families, and 28 survivors all of whom suffered serious injuries caused by “Vaccine Induced Thrombocytic Thrombocytopenia” or VITT.
A Letter of Claim was sent to AstraZeneca on 30 November 2022 and a formal Letter of Response is expected before 7 April 2023. The claim is brought on the basis of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and argues that the AstraZeneca vaccine was “defective” in that it was not as safe as individuals were entitled to expect. VITT is now established as causatively linked with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Many of the Claimants have made applications to the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) which is intended to make ex gratia one off payments to individuals who suffer serious injury or bereavement as a result of vaccination. Those whose claims are accepted under the VDPS, under the current statute, can expect to receive a maximum payment of £120,000.”
Dr John Campbell makes reference to the case in this 17 minute video
Vaccine injury staff increased 20 fold - YouTube
That I clipped this screenshot from, to make the point about the damage caused.
Dr Campbell led off with the news that the number of staff engaged to process “vaccine” injury claims has increased from 4 to 80 – which cannot, of course, because vaccine injury claims are dropping, but because they are persisting and growing.
Dr Campbell also makes reference to the persistent lies being told by the CDC, even today, about the ability of the mRNA injections to prevent infection or transmission.
Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC
“COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older in the United States for the prevention of COVID-19.”
Lots more detail under the “Show more” button on Dr Campbell’s YouTube video.
A quick detour into US data.
There have been 674 million C19 injections administered since the first mRNA injection was authorized for Emergency Use in the US in December 2020
The number of “cases” has increased from around 17 million to over 106 million since mid-December 2020 and the number of deaths with C19 present (remember just 5% of these deaths had ONLY C19 present) have increased from around 300,000 to over 1.13 million.
How can anyone possibly look at the below charts and claim that C19 injections have reduced “cases” and deaths with C19 present.
Now factor in the “vaccine” harms and deaths caused that (adjusted for under-reporting estimates) show that around 700,000 Americans have died and tens of millions have been injured from mRNA injections – (Astra Zeneca is a viral vector “vaccine” that is 4-5 times more harmful) and the scale of damage done by Astra Zeneca comes into sharper focus.
The US hired battlefield casualty compilers, General Dynamics, for 44 million bucks to process adverse events reported to the US VAERS system. The US has probably topped up that contract with millions more since. The UK has one fifth the population of the US. Eighty full time employees probably cost 80,000 pounds each with health and pension plans – so there is an annual cost of 6.4 million pounds being run up.
This is just the beginning for the UK.
Astra Zeneca has been all but banned from use everywhere in the world, except India.
The Indian health authorities have no data on vaccine damage from 2.2 billion doses administered for its 1.4 billion population.
My guesstimate is that the vaccine fatality rate for the Astra Zeneca viral vector injection is closer to one in 200, compared to one in 1,000 for the already toxic mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna.
For the 1.76 billion Astra Zeneca shots alone that implies almost 9 million killed in India in the last two years. Other “vaccines” employed in India may or may not be as lethal.
Last year, India was accused of massive undercounting ofC19 infections and cases.
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The massive inhumanity to mankind by the entire CDC COVID treatment protocol, the economic shutdown, the known dangerously toxic “vaccine” to human life and unborn, the non-lethal long term side-effects of this jab and the long term destruction of education to our kids is beyond the pale even when we view the known toxicity already to the FDA when approved for experimentation on the people of the USA and the World. That Govts of the World just want to “move on...nothing to see here” is simply egregious behavior and evidence they will do it again too...we must expose their inhumanity to man and those responsible need prosecution and prison ...they KNEW the worst about both economic negative, educational and lethal/disabling effects yet did little to acknowledge such or protect us citizens from its harm... If nothing truly is done to ensure this does not happen again the Dem Progressives and RINOs will allow it to happen will the AMA types and Medical Associations.
Can someone please post the empirical studies that show the death and damage rates of the viral vector vaccines?
Thank you