2020 hindsight – mass murders in New York – incentivised by bounties determined by politicians?
There has been a lot of coverage of the decade’s long run-up to the C19 scamdemic and the legalisation of “death by government” via EUA protections.
Trillions of dollars of taxpayer funds have been spent on scamdemic measures, hundreds of billions of dollars have been made by big pharms, tens of millions of dollars have bee made and lost by “the freedom movement” in exposing the harms done by the experimental C19 modified mRNA and viral vector injections.
A relatively tiny amount – a few hundred million bucks has been spent on compensation for victims of the experimental injections – far more has been spent on legal proceedings seeking compensation.
It is also apparent that there was no public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC pronounced FAKE), rather, the C19 scamdemic was equivalent to a bad flu season.
It has been clearly demonstrated that the RT-PCR tests and RAT#s were bogus, the lockdowns achieved nothing but suffering and the injections, in the US ale killed 700,000 people, and severely harmed at least 8 million Americans – half of those seriously,
What has ben shoved far down the memory hole is the horrific number of deaths in New York as the fear and panic over the “outbreak”.
Compared to rated of death per population in 2018/19, around 2.24 million extra Americans have died over the last 4 calendar years.
The Ethical Skpetic has provided this estimation of excess (not extra) deaths up to June 2024:
The State of Things Pandemic - Week 22 2024 (theethicalskeptic.com)
500,000 vaxx deaths and 375,000 deaths from malpractice and denial of treatment. The difference between extra deaths of 2.25 million and this estimation of excess deaths is around 600,000 Americans. A possible reason is the deaths by the stresses of the C19 measures – stress causes all sorts of issues, and no-one is estimating the impact of the psy-op on mortality over the four years or so.
What could possibly be the cause of those 375,000 malpractice and denial of treatment deaths?
Well, we can start with the treatment protocols that emerged early on.
Respirators and Remdesivir, plus the “bounty” for “diagnosing” a C19 infection using the bogus and not fit for purpose RT-PCR test.
From here:
“,. the Federal government provided massive incentives for the designation and treatment of C19 patients in this way:
· Outpatient average treatment costs = $3,200
· Hospitalized as a complex non-CoVID-19 patient average charge = $111,000
· Hospitalized and treated as a complex CoVID-19 patient (intubation/ICU) average charge = $450,000
“On top of these charges, the hospitals get a bonus from the government by way of the International Classification of Diseases code that allows them to charge an extra 20 percent on the entire hospital stay, adding $90,000 to the $450,000.”
“A patient comes to the hospital often for a problem unrelated to COVID-19,” the lawsuit says. “They are told they have COVID-19 or ‘COVID pneumonia. From there, they are separated from loved ones and placed in a room where they are told remdesivir is the only option, the lawsuit says.”
Remdesivir was the treatment protocol set down by health regulators. Gilead (supplied by Pfizer) would charge between 2-3,000 bucks for a curse of Remdesivir.
Let’s cut to the chase.
From here:
So, what actually happened in NYC over the 11 weeks spanning April 2020? (substack.com)
Most deaths occurred in just 15 days around April 2020
This effect did not occur to this degree in any other US State.
Within NYC, these are the deaths in just five boroughs.
Manhattan especially.
At the state level, these are the daily deaths with C19 present veer the entire scamdemic period.
Those 15 days of death swarf all other peaks in dwath.
Fear and panic led to intentional killing of infected, mostly elderly, people I an attempt to free up hospital beds in some sort of triage?
Here’s an age cohort comparison for 2019 and 2020. for NYC.
“On March 23, 2020, Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko circulated his first open letter to “all medical professionals around the world”.
2021-zelenko-protocol-bw.pdf (utrgv.edu)
In my view, the C19 and other excess deaths in NYC, along with the vast majority of C19 deaths and excess deaths in 2020 could have been averted had Zelenko’s protocol been used.
By May 2020, the efficacy of Ivermectin was apparent as a treatment and prophylaxis.
There would have been little to no C19 around by August 2020 and there would have been no need for the experimental C19 injections as there would have been no scamdemic by November 2020.
This was the pre-cursor to all the angst we have seen since the experimental injections were rolled out. NYC is an extreme case of the C19 treatment measures that should have been treated with HCQ.
Maybe Remdesivir was not used as an end-of-life treatment protocol I NYC, but you would think that an investigation of a few hundred out of the thousands of dead would be warranted, by the Feds if not the city and State police.
2020 hindsight points to a similar number of C19 as flu sufferers, the majority of which could have been avoided by using HCQ not the 112 million US C19 cases could have been largely (80$?) with IVM.
Fr a few million bucks, rather than the trillions spent and more trillions in economic costs.
Lastly, there is also this:
'Biggest fraud in a generation': The looting of the Covid relief program known as PPP (nbcnews.com)
“Many who participated in what prosecutors are calling the largest fraud in U.S. history — the theft of hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money intended to help those harmed by the coronavirus pandemic — couldn’t resist purchasing luxury automobiles. Also mansions, private jet flights and swanky vacations.”
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Great reporting once again!
It's completely disgusting. Here in Oregon, the bank demands photo id & ss# verification on any cash deposit of $1,500 or more from people who've been customers over 30yrs. What a joke. The bank is battling "fraud" by targeting the innocent, but just can't seem to get the real crooks! 🤡🌎