With any luck, the Trump Presidency will restore some common sense to life in the USA. From personal safety, to health, to geo-politics amongst other things, but also to capital markets - currencies, bonds and equities.
A favourable tax regime is essential. The EU, the “dollar bloc” (Australia, Canada and New Zealand) plus the UK, have long abandoned rational economic policies in favour of insane “net zero” and “open borders” dogma.
These areas have large levels of planned and unplanned immigration policies that pummel the living standards of the elderly, the sick, and the poor – in favour of burgeoning and persistent fiscal deficits that add to the large amount of personal and government levels of debt.
The US, under the illegitimate Biden/Harris junta, pursued these disastrous policies over their term – continuing Obama’s disastrous policies from prior Presidential terms.
Fingers crossed that the Trump team, working hard with Congress will reverse and abandon the worst of these – booting out immigrant beggars and deleting ALL “net zero” white elephants.
T is highly likely that Trump will create an economic environment that will give business leaders in the EU, dollar bloc and the UK, the opportunities that their idiot, kakistocratic politicians have taken away.
I anticipate that where discretion exists, the US will attract a lot of investment capital that is not subject to onerous regulations, burdensome taxation, exorbitant energy prices and escalating labour costs.
Out of the dustbin of economic fallacies and into the land of opportunity!
Trump should do his best to ignore the now irrelevant Democratic Party and its propagandists and spit in the face of the Cult of Moloch and its denizens - like the UN, (and its organs of the WHO, IPCC and IOM) , WEF and all the other anti-human league foundations and organisations.
Corporations in the dollar bloc, EU and UK would prefer a longer-term horizon than just one Trump term – so “The Apprentice” needs to be fired up to select the next round of leaders, starting in 2028!
So, for the EU, dollar bloc and the UK, the choice is clear. Invest in the dying clown world or balance the risks of the US and China!
The US stands out for language, cultural and security reasons. – although education and a skilled work force needs long term solutions as the US has fallen a long way behind China in numbers and quality of skilled people.
High inflation because of energy prices based on fake science, increasing sectarian violence amongst immigrant communities, high taxes and regulations that make conducting profitable business all but impossible.
Or invest to the maximum extent possible in the much more dynamic, profitable, cheaper and less regulated US.
Rising profits, rising share prices, a strong US dollar and lower interest rates any help?
Make no bones about it, removing trillions of dollars of wasteful spending will contract the US economy by, probably, 2-3% per annum for a few years – in the same way that profligate fiscal deficit spending boosted economic growth in the past four years and during Obama’s twin terms.
The EU, dollar bloc and UK resemble a fleet of Titanics that have already hit multiple ice bergs. The US is about to steer round them!
Decisions, decisions.
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The 'dollar bloc' ....
Going no where and increasingly useless to everyone other than the mindless State MSM and its incumbent political, bureaucratic, business, institutions and educators, a gigantic kakistocracy, which has been cultivated to monstrous self-replicating parasitical proportions.
No silliness of "crossing fingers", please! We need more than anything to recognize where all blessings originate, from the creator & giver of life. Praying for honesty & integrity to take center stage in our daily lives in 2025, which only becomes a reality with God's help. (Not holding my breath for any triumph coming from DC) I realize that may sound contradictory, but I can only change my own actions, & pray for others to awaken to the reality of the great need for the only Saviour, Jesus Christ.