A little more discussion on those fibrous, white blood clots found in 70% of the dead being embalmed
From here:
“More than 70% of 269 embalmers surveyed found fibrous white blood clots — clots they weren’t finding pre-pandemic — in significant percentages of corpses in 2023. The FDA said it hasn’t seen any related safety signals and observations made on cadavers fall outside the agency’s “regulatory purview.”
Got that? The FDA says that it won’t check out any causal links I the dead – maybe it will deign to do so amongst the living – or maybe the CDC is the right federal “body”?
But the FDA will continue to employ its tactic of not investigating anything – and claiming its investigations have revealed nothing. Pathetic and a gross dereliction of duty and its stated 0urtpose.
Maybe the FDA needs reminding:
“We Serve We are a mission-driven, public health, regulatory Center. Safeguarding human and animal health is what we do. We serve our stakeholders and hold their trust in the highest regard. Collaboration and communication, across all disciplines, are the tools we use to provide the greatest level of service.”
Maybe embalmers aren’t worthy of collaboration and communication because they aren’t a “discipline”.
Maybe it is a matter for individual States – like abortion. Here’s how Florida handles the issue.
Funeral Director and Embalmer License Requirements | Jimerson Birr (jimersonfirm.com)
“Which laws and regulations apply to Florida funeral director and embalmer licenses?
In Florida, the regulation of cemetery licenses falls under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services. The governing laws are in Chapter 497 of the Florida Statutes, specifically Part III, which focuses on funeral directing and embalming licenses and related regulations, and Chapter 69K, Florida Administrative Code.”
If it’s s matter for the individual US States, it may be incumbent on them to investigate and find out firstly, if the 70% of bodies being embalmed in their States are full of fibrous white blood clots and secondly, IF THE LIVING ALSO HAVE THEM.
It matters not if these clots are caused by C19 or by the mRNA injections. It matters if they are causing death and suffering. How they can be detected and treated is crucial. Do blood thinners work or other treatment protocols? What happens to them if they are “dispersed” in the body? Do they reform without constant treatment?
Other articles here:
In September 2022:
(100) How many people have 6 feet of bloodclots - post vaxx (substack.com)
And hre a few months ago:
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The living have them too. A theatre technician filmed these being removed by surgeons, where op was for something other than clot and they remarked they'd never seen them before, or op, using machine tech guy brought in to specifically vacuum veins. So, plenty medical staff know about it.
The FDA and CDC are loaded with Zionist Joos who are the ones behind the plan-demic. Who also control the media, congress, the senate , the president, wall street, hollywood, most of the federal agencies and on and on and on. There needs to be a major housecleaning of ALL dual citizenship Israelis' from this United States government. THAT'S WHERE ALL OUR PROBLEMS LIE! STOP FUNDING ISRAEL, they are NOT our friends, they are not God's chosen people, they are waging war against the citizens of the United States, especially white Christians with their Kalergy plan, their protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Talmud!