A New Dark Age "threateneth" – a world of excited misery dominated by the sophistry of a Cult, where merit, the exchange of ideas and scientific advancement is censored and suppressed
“Sophistry – NOUN - the use of clever but false arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving:”
Which will lead to this:
.In the new clown world, we are subjected to the output of “models” rather than evidence and facts that we see in the real world. Real world evidence and facts are either denied as some form of undesirable information (mal, mis or dis-information) or are censored outright and banned from the public forum. Free speech and informed consent are viewed as “subversive” by those in power.
Our leaders do not serve us and our best interests, but the interests of a global deep state that I all the Cult of Moloch.
Regular readers will be familiar with my references to “the Cult of Moloch”. I use the expression in an attempt to portray the denial of any and all scientific advances that increase the quality of life for the majority of people, whenever these advances do not also advance the interests of the global deep state/Cult.
We have been subjected to the tyranny of – not a global elite, but a global cabal that seeks to eliminate any and all advances in science that do not benefit that cabal. Maybe the term “global deep state” is a more apt term than “the Cult of Moloch.
Resident Biden’s election slogan was “Build Back Better”. This slogan satisfied the mental derangement of the lunatic left of the Democratic Party – the Goon Squad of AOC – whose view is that every violent criminal is a victim of oppressive, misogynistic, racist and “LBGTQ+ophobic”. -deserving of “reparations” for their victimhood.
The criminals in the insane world of the lunatic left goon squads were the victims – clown world.
To any sane person, not part of that lunatic fringe, these goon squads were projecting their insanity onto other sane, ordinary without much justification for the majority (80%) of people from all walks of life and sexual preferences,
Can you believe the claim by the racist bigots supporting BLM that every black in California should receive 5 million bucks in “reparations” for past racist acts (presumably committed anywhere in the US, rather than on a few dozen or 100 blacks dozens of decades ago? Madness.
“Build Back Better” implies that existing civilizational standards need to be torn down and “something” better installed in its place.
Banning of hydrocarbon fuels, decriminalization of crime, money printing, unlimited fiscal deficits and debt, open borders, State sponsored drug abuse, no property ownership, forgiveness of all debt (repudiation of all contracts), abolition of all merit standards in education, encouragement of child sex, free access to education, housing and health care, defunding of the police, no bail required for violent crime, gun laws that do not crack down on armed criminals, no prosecutions brought by District Attorneys, fabrication of crimes for political opponents, rigged elections, heavy sentences for political opponents whilst leniency for political supporters, censorship of news that does not support the global deep state “narrative”,, scientific sophistry that starts with a result required by the global deep state and “fits the data to the desired result”.
Each of these are crimes against civilization and intended to waken if not destroy the Constitution. Each of these are the nihilistic goals of the Cult of Moloch/Global Deep State. These “policies” are fundamentally anti-human and degrade civilizational progress.
These are the policies of “Build Bak Better”. Tear it all down and start again.
We saw how policies can be enforced during the C19 scamdemic. With the jackpot and within a whisker of breaking into people’s homes and carrying off “dissidents” to internment camps with the denial of any medical treatment in order to prioritize treatment of the “vaxxed”.
Even with the mass murder of the elderly, the infirm and the poor by C19 lockdown and treatment protocols, the ability to correct abuse was suppressed by the global deep state – as instructed by the WHO in accordance with existing International Health Regulations.
The banning of free speech to arrive at scientific and medical advances to solve the issues of the scamdemic.
Sanity banned because of the madness of the Cult. The denial of free speech to solve a huge problem – shutting off the expertise of millions of scientists and doctors around the world, to force the unscientific and unqualified views of a handful of cultists, supported by a global network of deep state operatives.
All to force the injection of spike venom via a faulty mRNA delivery system that had never worked and was entirely experimental.
Enforced by the jackboot of the global Deep State – no “dissent” allowed. The only “science” permitted was the sophistry of the Cult.
And this is “in play” now. The C19 scamdemic was simply one tactic in a larger strategy to destroy the civilisation we have today.
Next up will be enhanced powers granted by all governments in every country to the WHO, via a complete re-write (not amendments) to International Health Regulations and a Pandemic Agreement/Treaty that removes voluntary acceptance of advice by the WHO and turns it into mandated laws – no discretion allowed. All the worst excesses that killed tens of millions and cost trillions of bucks will be made compulsory.
After than will come the nest “Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced FAKE).
It might be Dengue, drug resistant TB, haemorrhagic fever, some bacteria and if those aren’t identified using the usual tactics of sophistry (fabricate an outcome, make up the data, censor dissent) the PHEIC will be a “climate Emergency” that will (using sophistry) be claimed to be causing ill health and death because of CO2.
CO2 is the gas of life. Were it to be eliminated, all animal and plant life would cease to exist. We need more CO2 not less to feed a growing human population, not less.
Net Zero is madness. THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS. Solar and wind cannot possibly replace hydrocarbons for energy – recycling human excrement and wasted food are just as rational and far more “environmentally friendly”.
Where will all this take us?
The C19 scamdemic disproportionately killed the elderly, the infirm and the poor. Not because of a virus, but because of measures imposed by the global Deep State and designed by the Cult. Not just the odd one or two million people – tens of millions of people who needed the protection of their leaders and, instead, were brutalized.
A new “Dark Age” is coming with a plague of cancer, heart disease, brain fog and other vital organ conditions.
The C19 mRNA injections have accelerated the decline of the immune system that would otherwise progressively worsen from the age of around 55. Each injection reduces the potency of the immune system by 7%. Someone aged 40 might have just received their 5th C19 injection. Instead of their immune system keeping them alive until 80, they will probably be dead 14 years sooner) at (Five lots of 7% = 35% times 40 years remaining life) 66.
Not as sudden as the Black Death, but the life years lost as a result of the C19 mRNA injections is staggering, let alone quality life years lost in the years leading up to the age of 66.
Will the Cult declare a “Climate Crisis” as a PHEIC? Why wouldn’t it? It has proven that the global deep state will enforce compliance. The Cult has shown that people will not only tolerate the “ethnic cleansing” of the elderly, the infirm and the poor, but will embrace this “ethnic cleansing” and will cheer its enforcement by the global deep state.
So, we enter the new Dark Age.
A plague of diseases brought on by the destruction of the immune system, followed up by the banning of hydrocarbon energy that will really hit the elderly, the infirm and the poor.
That is the objective of the Cult.
A Dark Age in a world of excited misery. Civilizational advances censored unless they benefit the Cult and can be controlled by the global deep state.
Of course, that doesn’t have to occur. The Cult could be prosperous for the crimes against humanity that it has already inflicted. The “Net Zero” sophistry can be overturned tomorrow. We do not have to vote for “the Goon Squad”. We can stop the death, disease and depression caused by the Cult by simply voting them out of office.
Failing that – adopt the mantra “Taxation is theft” and starve the Cult of its theft of our money.
Put the lunatics back in the asylum, prosecute the criminals, close the borders, balance the federal budget, direct resources to curing the diseases already created by the Cult and live longer, healthier, safer and happier lives.
We will, of course, have to increase the volume of medical facilities to diagnose and treat as best we can the cancers and organ diseases that have already been caused by the Cult, but hey, “Yes we can!”.
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This post!! If only everyone would read it, and let it sink in, it speaks to all the current issues
A comprehensive review of the assault on civilization and humanity, thank you Peter. We also need to keep in mind the foundation of ethics and Christianity at the heart of the West, one which as I write this is also being overturned and profoundly subverted by DIE ideology, the manifest ideology of death, a literal and figurative social, economic, cultural, biological, moral and ethical dead-end. If the Church falls, so will the West and civilisation.
But as you say, it need not be thus. The Cabal are insatiable and doomed to devour themselves. Satan will be thwarted and driven out.