A thought – how many “null” responses were there on V-Safe – and were they cross-checked with death records? Did 10,000 of the 10 million V-Safe subscribers die?
Remember V-Safe – which the CDC closed for enrolments a few weeks ago?
(100) ICYMI – V-Safe enrolment was terminated by the CDC on 19 May 2023 (substack.com)
It was possible for 10.1 million participants to report on adverse reactions to the C19 injections – and there were 4.29 million such reports.
There were probably multiple reports per person reporting – no detail on that.
But what about those people in V-Safe who did not report?
Some might have submitted “null” reports – but a lot of them might not have because they died.
Unless someone at the CDC monitoring any “null” reports, cross checked them with death reports, might there be a significant number who died and, obviously, could not report their own deaths to V-Safe.
There is a rule of thumb of one death per thousand doses – equating to 676,728 deaths for te 676,728,000 C19 doses administered in the US.
This number of deaths approximately squares to the number of 17,500 US deaths reported to VAERS scaled for an Under Reporting Factor of 40, of around 700,000.
Now, the 10.1 million people do not have the same health levels and demographics of the overall US population, but, let’s just see how many people might have died on V-Safe, over
V-Safe was launched in December 2020 and the v3 protocol in May 2021 (note the typo for December 2021 instead of December 2020 on page 2 of 55
V-safe-Protocol-508.pdf (cdc.gov)
There would have been 20 million doses administered to the 10 million or so people who enrolled onto the V-Safe system, meaning that as many as 20,000 subscribers to V-Safe could have died over the 30 months that the system ran for.
Maybe half that number if adjusted for healthier, younger and richer subscribers than the general population – including sudden deaths and deaths from unknown causes! Maybe that is also sufficient to account for background deaths of that healthier, younger and richer population.
Just a thought.
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Good points. Someone needs to hack the VSafe data.
Survivor's bias. It is really a problem in safety.
But I think that Big Pharma even uses this to make their product seem better. Imagine you have a toxic medicine. If you kill or scare away the weak people, the stronger will remain in your statistics. And those stronger people will be better at surviving infections. This will give you a positive statistical effect, even though the medicine is toxic.