A triplet of outrageous conspiracy hypotheses pointing to a future of a global socialist/fascist dictatorship
An eventful week.
A general election was called for the UK on 4 July 2024, the WEF is about to appoint a new leader to spearhead a move to be the world authority on public/private partnerships (global fascism) and the number of criminal migrants under Biden soared past 11 million (according to Ted Crus.
The UK’s extreme left Labour Party firmly believes that a centralized machine of morons should be in charge of every aspect of the daily lives of Brits. It believes that there is a climate crisis and that illegal immigrants should be given full citizens’ rights – with no limits on illegal migration. It is a supporter of the amendments to the International Health Regulations ad a new Pandemic Treaty.
You can read all about their “manifesto” here. Not worth the screen it is displayed on of course, as the real world blows up such drivel and turns it into a series of expensive and useless white elephants.
From four months ago:
The Labour Party is likely to win a sizeable outright majority, at least equal to that enjoyed by the outgoing Conservative Party for the next six weeks. The Tories had the chance to switch from the quantitative top-down methods implicit in socialism to policies of incentivising quality and reducing the size of government bureaucracy, especially in health, and failed abysmally – choosing to become socialists themselves.
Conspiracy hypothesis 1 – The UK Labour Party is made up of inexperienced, far left socialists. It also leaned towards remaining in the (socialist) European Union. The Labour Party has zero competence in governing, after being out of power for 14 years or so. The European Union could be termed the Union of European Socialist Republics – the UESR.
Socialism is a global religion. There is common ground with Chinse Socialism and the politics of Russia and Brazil.
The incompetence of the Labour Party and its socialist proclivities are a close fit with the EU.
They are both socialist with all that that entails for controlling the means of production, investment and distribution - cradle to grave nanny statism, climate change and immigration policies. The inevitable result is higher taxes, higher inflation, higher unemployment, lower quality in living standards and, of course, massive increases in government debt.
As the Labour Party founders on the rocks of its incompetence, expect it to pave the way for the UK to rejoin the EU ad hide behind the institutional incompetence and demagoguery of the EU.
Conspiracy hypothesis 2 – 86-year-old Schwab switches from executive to non-executive chairman of the WEF. The WEF itself is changing its strategy from being a forum for morally and ethically bankrupt ideas of those that consider themselves the intellectual superiors of all of humanity, to being the unelected global leaders of the move to run the planet with centralised public/private partnerships with zero accountability to anyone but themselves. – enablers of global fascism.
Behaviour modification of human livestock via transhumanism, airborne vaccination, 5G, 6G and 7G, rationed bug proteins for food, prisons (quarantine camps and mental asylums) for non-conformists and so on.
A replacement of the madness of a belief in racial superiority of Hitlers’ Germany with the madness of belief in (self-proclaimed) intellectual superiority. Modern Naziism.
How different will this be from global socialism? “Your car ca be any colour you want as long as it’s black”.
Conspiracy hypothesis 3 – the Biden junta has arranged the invasion of the US with 11 million desperate criminals on the run from their home countries. More than half (70%?) are fighting age males. Half are unemployed and unemployable with ay kind of background checks for qualifications and criminal records.
The US military has had a big recruitment problem ever since the woke ideology of the LBGTQ+ freak show came to town. How many criminal migrants from the last few decades are in the military?
Let’s suppose that the same logic that resulted in the trafficking of criminals from abroad, was present in a plot to stage a military coup of the US.
Is it such a leap to think that the human trafficking of fighting age men – 7 million - could be part of the plot to take over the US – not by increasing the number of Democratic (Socialist) Party voters in swing states, - but to take over the US with brute force?
This take-over could be direct, or, as is currently happening, a “de facto” take-over via getting access to the “free shit” of the US welfare system – displacing Americans from jobs, houses, school, hospitals and so on – creating shortages and tension at every turn. All at ta direct and extravagant cost to the US taxpayer or via rapidly rising federal, state, city and local debt levels.
These criminal migrants have already been organized to enter the US from all the near and far flung corners of the planet – how easy would it be to simply continue as they do at present, or to organize in bushes of tens of thousands ad simply walk into every military establishment in the US. Would the military shoot them down or “LGBTQ2+ wave” them through? What if they formed, say, 70 groups of 10,000 each or 140 groups of 5,000 each and “stormed the barricades” in a synchronized attack?
Just in case you think this is far=fetched, consider this. In 2019, how far-fetched was the outturn of more than 700,000 Americans slaughtered by experimental injections and 40 million wounded AND another 350,000 Americans killed by hospital treatment protocols inflicted on the elderly and infirm – whilst being denied food and water and being strapped to their beds for weeks.
Politicians in Congress approve of this butchery because “silence = consent” and they are not just the proverbial 3 wise monkeys, they are 535 monkeys (with a few heroic exceptions) led by a jackass and a cackling hyena.
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