From here:
1. Open borders and illegal immigration
2. Rampant crime and unsafe cities
3. Mass addiction and fentanyl
4. Election insecurity and interference
5. The educational indoctrination and exploitation of children
6. Asymmetrical weaponization of justice
7. The destruction of private property rights
8. Inflation and debt
9. The global depopulation agenda
10. Record low fertility and plummeting birth rates
11. Unaccountable Federal bureaucracies
12. Toxic food supply
13. Vaccine and pandemic disinformation
14. The “Trans” contagion and sterilization of children
15. Over prescription of pharmaceuticals
16. Destruction of the nuclear family and parental rights
17. DEI and the new racism
18. Moral and societal decay
19. Financing of endless foreign wars
20. The sprawling surveillance state
21. The centralisation and consolidation of government power
22. The destruction of trust in institutions
23. The censorship industrial complex
24. State media propaganda
25. The smearing of those that challenge it.
Pretty good effort!
There is one major element missing – “Net Zero” policies to transition to unaffordable, ugly and environmentally hostile policies,
I am sure you can think of a few others.
All these attacks on the US, courtesy of socialism and the Democratic Party and its apparatchiks.
How many of these issues will candidates’ campaign on? In the UK, the Labour Party looks set to win the 4th July national election in a landslide and will not only support these same destructive factors in the UK, but will expand them – nationalising industries and enforcing compliance to the fake “Net Zero” dogma and mass mRNA injections.
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