Alex Berenson on Tucker Carlson – more worries about the production of IGg4 after the booster (plus NO mRNA treatment has ever worked!!!)
From this 53 minute video here:
Tucker Carlson 1/14/24 | Tucker Carlson January 14, 2024 (
EDIT: Youtube has taken down the video. You can access it here (h/t Metta Z)
The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Alex Berenson
A few snippets from the interview referencing Igg4.
Quotes start here, lots of other stuff around birth rates falling off a cliff and first time in history that white countries have been experimented on and black countries have not.:
“yes um there's a specific subset - it's called the IGg4 antibody that people who who've been repeatedly given mRNA it looks like three shots is sort of where the where the where the switch comes on
um if they're then infected a number of these people will produce uh this IGg4
in volume and frankly I would say even immunologists and biologist have no idea
what that means long term
now I don't want to overstate the risks here because we don't know what they are are and Omicron is very mild in general for most people most people shake it off
I don't know what's going to happen … if omicron stays this mild I I you know it'll just be something you know it'll it'll run through nursing homes sometimes it'll hurt some people assuming the IGg4 thing doesn't become a true problem there will be people who will be sick you know “
Berenson also mentions that out of 5 billion doses were shipped and two billion doses were destroyed.
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Peter ~ Just now discovered the YouTube video has already been taken down. Can you confirm this is the original?
Thanks for sharing, Peter. I look forward to reviewing.
In the meantime, this sounds like it is going to confirm everything I've seen about the history of mRNA vaccines:
> History of mRNA Vaccines:
Perhaps not coincidentally, the same this is true for the failure of ALL previous attempts to create coronavirus vaccines:
> History of Coronavirus Vaccines: