An example of the inner workings of a big pharma lobby group – claiming that 4,600 bucks invested in “vaccines” makes billions for any country (if you ignore all the costs of treating adverse events)
Random thoughts before diving in:
How long would it take for someone injected 8 times with modified mRNA instructions to manufacture spike proteins - to infect all 7 trillion cells in the human body with a spike protein – can a single human cell be infected with more than one spike protein – do the contaminants and adulterations in the modified mRNA injections have a pathway of least resistance along which those contaminants and adulterations “clump”?
Ok, diving in. The outright bald-faced lie that “investing” 4,600 bucks per person in vaccines results in 19 times that in economic value to the country is at the bottom of this piece.
Ever heard of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations?
Here’s its website: Home - IFPMA
Take a look around it, then check out this “Open Letter”:
Read how it pushes the buttons of the “woke” health politicians and aligns with the UN and WHO’s Un”Sustainable Development Goals”
“On 9 April 2024, IFPMA, Interfarma, and FIFARMA submitted an open letter to G20 Ministers in support of the advancement of the G20 Health Agenda. The letter is available for download in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.”
Always easier to get the words right when there is only one prayer I the prayer book right?
Does this sound familiar?
“With ongoing negotiations in Geneva and less than six years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the G20 forum serves as a key platform to promote constructive, coordinated, and collaborative solutions. Toward the Presidency’s goal of “building resilient health systems,” all global health stakeholders – including governments, civil society, academia, and the private sector – must work together on the collective imperative to “leave no one behind.”
Those “negotiations in Geneva” are of course the WHO working groups discussing the changes to the IHR2005 amendments and the new Pandemic Treaty. Single prayer, single prayer book. Injections, injections, injections – jab the world, over and over and over with no risk of adverse evets and deaths v “benefits” that have not been subjected to proper randomized clinical trials – just like the DA altering, C19 mRNA spike venom injections.
The open letter is from a lobby group that is toadying up to all the hungry and needy wolves looking to eat the woke sheep of the G20 who they invited to dinner.
Of course, no toadying up to the “woke” - and guilty of genocide) government health ministers in the G20 - would be complete without a reference to, drum roll, climate change – because everyone knows that global temperatures are gig up and need to be reduced just a little bit with every injection in every arm.
“The biopharmaceutical industry significantly contributes in many ways towards G20 HWG priorities, including in the areas of Immunization, Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PPR) (including equitable access), Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR), Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), Climate Change, and Women’s Health. In the below sections, we set out our current engagement and 11 key proposals that would complement the G20 health agenda.”
Billions upon billions of G20 tax bucks – with all the problems at home – and solving nothing – chug, chug, chug goes the gravy train!
HWG = G20 Health Working Group (HWG), not to be confused with the WHO working group – oh wait… half a tomatoe, half a tomartoe.
Here’s a link to another website:
About | G20 Health & Development Partnership (
With these “capabilities”:
“We break down silos to make your voice heard” – that is, unless you bust for incompetence and corruption!
“We turn your differences into common objectives that leave no one behind.” Whilst we ignore all the inefficient and costly health systems that result in lengthy and growing waiting lists and the huge loss of life and injury from malpractice
“We create links between G20 Presidencies and promote legacy initiatives”- a.k.a. “riding the gravy train” – and smoothing the transition between annual rotating turnover in Presidents of the HWG. How nice for them. Sort of like travel agents. Don’t mention virtual meetings!
Here’s another upcoming conference that reflects the push to digital passports and health.
Only those on the inside can attend meeting such as these. If you ain’t in the frame, you can’t ride the gravy train!
Ok, let’s swing back to that “spend 4,600 bucks to make billions” claim from the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations.
From here:
The socio-economic value of adult immunisation programmes - IFPMA
“This study by the Office of Health Economics (OHE) synthesizes existing evidence for the broad, socio-economic value of adult immunization programs, focusing on influenza, pneumococcal, herpes zoster (HZ), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) programs in ten countries (Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, South Africa, Thailand, United States).”
I wonder if safety and efficacy evidence is stronger than that for IVM and HCQ plus vitamin protocols?
“In particular, benefit-cost analysis of the same vaccines showed that adult vaccines can return up to 19 times their initial investment to society, when their significant benefits beyond the healthcare system are monetised.”
19 times? Well maybe for Bill Gates, right?
“This is the equivalent of billions of dollars in net monetary benefits to society, or more concretely, up to $4637 for one individual’s full vaccination course.”
There was me thinking that “vaccines” are only ever introduced when the target disease had almost disappeared!
See if you can spot any estimated costs from side effects like ADHD.
From here for the USA:
Autism Costs U.S. Billions of Dollars Each Year - Psychiatry Advisor
“The annual cost of supporting U.S. children and adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is between $236 billion and $262 billion, depending on the prevalence of associated intellectual disabilities, researchers estimated.”
That’s just for one year, just for the US and just for autism that is causally linked to vaccines.
Now let’s factor in causal links to cancers, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, diabetes and so on and so forth. How much do you want to bet that big pharma has destroyed more failed vaccine clinical trials than it has submitted “winners” for approvals?
How des that 4,600 investment look now? Still paying 19 times over?
The point is that the politicians being lobbied have the cognitive ability of slugs and half the mathematical ability, let alone statistical competence. But the politicians just lap it up. After all, it’s only health and it’s not theirs, right? If something goes wrong, the taxpayer funds their medical expenses, for “as long as it takes”!
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Brilliant reporting!
"Merchants of Death." The Big Three lobby groups highlighted by this 2006 dark comedy, where Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms vie for the most deadly lobbying interest. I don't think it's an accident that Big Pharma was left out of the Merchants of Death club. Given that the body count it's responsible for exceeds the entire Big Three - combined.
Ban Smoking!
Ban Guns!
Ban Alcohol!
Mandate Big Pharma!
Not an accident.
"Merchants of Death"
Thank You for Smoking
Making a 'Smoking' Satire of the Lobbying Industry
NPR, March 17, 2006
The MOD Squad in “Thank You For Smoking”
Sitepoint, May 7, 2006