An independent energy expert explains how the UK’s “Net Zero” strategy will result in blackouts by 2030 – how the solution is nuclear and how natural gas could have reduced bills for decades
The discussion covers issues facing the entire world – especially the costs and duplication of assets!
Here’s a few, brief, cliff notes.
The UK plan is to shut down natural gas and so remove the back up to intermittent “renewables”.
Gas and nuclear rely on turbines rotating at 3,000 rpm to produce 50 cycles – renewables produce direct current – requiring an adjustment to convert to the alternating current used by the grid.
From here:
Gas powered electricity accounts for at leas 50% at all times. The Marxist lunatics want to turn it off by 2030.
Here is a 47-minute video:
Will blackouts come to Britain?
On 8 January 2025, wind provided just 2.5 GW (out of the claimed 17 GW) and imports of electricity from overseas interconnectors could only provide 5.7 GW – demand was for 47 GW.
Loss of load probability was 29% - it is usually zero – meaning power blackouts were possible.
NESO = National Energy System Operator - a quasi-autonomous non-government organisation – QANGO – formed when the Marxist Labour government bought out the grid assets from National Grid plc – with taxpayers money a few months ago.
Demark had to defer maintenance in order to supply 700 MW (not GW) from Demark – thy dd the UK a favour – the Danes were under no compulsion to send the electricity over.
All about “where did the reserves come from and how much back-up is available?”
Prices on 8 January 2025 reached £5,500 per MW – normally 120-150 per MW – a power company made a few million pounds in a few hours – why would not ALL power companies take advantage of the price?
Don’t forget, the flip side, if the power from wind turbines is not needed, “curtailment fees” are paid to the wind turbine operator – for NOT producing energy!
The YouTube write-up says this:
“Did the UK only narrowly avoid a blackout last week? Freddie Sayers is joined by energy analyst Kathryn Porter to break down the National Grid numbers and find out how Net Zero might cause blackouts by 2030.”
The solution is to get KEPCO (South Korean Electricity Company) to build 8 nuclear power stations in the UK over the next decade and let everyone make out like bandits!
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I suppose it would be too much to ask for a court to shut off the Marxist planners' power until they come to their senses. (Only on their first 2 or 3 homes most frequently used, located in the UK.) Nitwits need to get a taste of what it is they're foisting on the rest of the people.
I would prefer that energy conservation retrofitting be pursued with natural gas creating insulation boards and blankets and high efficiency low e triple glazed windows and vent dampers. If it was done just in residences in the USA alone the figures I ran a couple of decades ago showed we wouldn't need new nuclear power plants and could have shutted 1/2 of the remaining ones.