Ashes to ashes – US Mortality by Sex and Race reveals a dramatic burden on females but especially males – bizarrely the increase in the death rate by race between 2019 and 2023 is 16% across the board
Deep breath for this rant!
The opinions expressed are my own. I am not a scientist or a medic. My background is in directly managing and assessing the performance of multi-billion-dollar investment portfolios by the largest investment managers of large pension, trusts, insurance company and sovereign wealth funds.
Regular readers will be familiar with my constant references this chart from here:
United States Deaths 2024, How Many Deaths in United States 2024 | Dead or Kicking
It shows the 16% step increase in the rate of death for the US population over the scamdemic period. All evidence destroyed, only medics allowed to prescribe the cause of death and a step increase that has persisted even though the scamdemic is over. C19 Deaths are prescribed by the WHO using a fake test called an RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) that is confirmed with the RT-PCR test, using uselessly high amplifying cycles that perpetuate the scam,
That great site provides access to many individual layers of mortality and cause of death data, so I thought I would put together some tables based on the sex and race data it provides. You can examine any year by substituting your year of choice for “2024” in the link above.
Note this is all raw data and depends on the quality of its source. The numbers are NOT population adjusted standardised mortality rates – or age adjusted for demographic changes with age buckets (aging populations will tend to have higher mortality rates), Percentages show the change in the rates of death per million of the population,
Although I have tabulated the data by each year from 2015 to 2023 (and so far in 2024), I will show underlying data from 2019 for brevity. Data was relatively stable prior to 2019.
Her’s the overall morality numbers broken down by gender (2024 shown for info):
Which gives these changes in rates of death between 2015 and 2023 and: between 2019 and 2023.
Quite why the male rates of death per million are so much higher, whilst that of women is not. is a something for statisticians to explain,
Here’s the data by race:
Giving these rates of death per million:
One wonders how it can be possible for the change in the rates of death per million to be identical across all races between 2019 and 2023! But there it is. The cynic in me thinks that the data for 2023 is a “goal seek” solution – a number that is generated by applying a fixed percentage to a start point (2019) and which bears little resemblance to reality (much like DMD data?)
It is also totally “whack” that “Caucasians” die at the highest rate per million. I do not doubt that the owner of the deadorkicking website is extracting the data provided from official government sources. What it looks like is that the data is bogus!
Note that the CDC stats that deaths in the US were “3,090,582”, whilst the deadorkicking data – reconciled between male and female deaths shows 3,394,001 = a difference of around 300,000!
Here’s some data on cause of death. As you look at the table, see whether you agree with me that the C19 deaths (included in “flu and pneumonia” deaths should have been allocated to either “poisoning” from Remdesivir plus morphine, and, the deaths from other leading causes, are incorrect because of the withholding of anti-biotics, in 2020. In other words, someone may have died of pneumonia, BUT they would not have died if they had been given anti-biotics. This probably means that the vast majority of C19 deaths should, in one way or another, be ascribed to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s etc – but because C19 was present, people were allowed to die, untreated for a preventable death,
From 2021 onwards rather than ascribe to leading causes, may (at least half?) the deaths should have been ascribed to “poisoning” with the experimental C19 injections.
I still cannot fathom how injecting a treatment that causes the poisonous protein to be created is a cure for the poison! Imagine using the same logic for snake poison proteins! “Here see if your body can cope with constant infusion of cobra venom proteins”!
Neither can I understand how treating the elderly - who have greatly diminished immune systems - can have their non-existent immune systems stimulated to do anything useful – the immune systems of the elderly are already in the last stages before death from a lack of a functioning immune system!
Based on the underlying data below:
C19 was largely over and deaths with C19 “present” were tapering lower from around 400 a day by early 2023.
United States COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
All up, extra deaths are braking through two and a half million over the last (almost) five years – by giving lethal treatments and withholding treatments proven to work over decades.
Mabe we can get the data, or maybe the criminals responsible for the carnage of the last (almost) 5 years will continue to successfully withhold it and avoid the “long (injected) arm of the law. Remember, medics can and did determine their own guilt, or otherwise, without involving the police or prosecutorial authorities. Medics are/were the sole arbiter of cause of death, unless there is an autopsy. Cremation gets rid of any possibility of that (no evidence of poisoning). Medics also operate under the direct instruction to use treatment protocols laid down by the WHO (one size fits all) – as compelled by insurance companies.
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Has a single doctor globally (and we are probably talking in the millions here) ever apologised for administering or recommending the covid vaccine? I know apologies aren't enough at this point but my point is such an apology imports a raft of assumptions with it such as "I own my own choices" and without it brought up for argument that the vaccine is indeed bad. If medics saw these apologies perhaps they would re-evaluate where they stand.
from readings over the past months soundslike it can be deterined by autopsy if aperson has died from vax yet its not being done... so murders are being covered up and murders are gong free