Australia convenes a “Covid Commission” - the Australian gene therapy regulator (OGTR) states that the Australian TGA authorised the “vaccines” and that OGTR is not responsible for anything IMPORTED
From here:
(100) ☕️ LITTLE VICTORIES ☙ Saturday, October 28, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 (
Scoot down to the image of Senator Rennick to play the Jikkyleaks tweet here:
Australian law states that gene therapies can be imported without any vetting by the regulator of gene therapies the OGTR is not responsible.
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (
“We protect the health and safety of people and the environment from risks posed by gene technology”
Well, no, you actually don’t. You need to add “unless the gene technology is imported and the TGA calls it a vaccine”.
More commentary here:
“In Australia, the use of viruses or viral vectors modified by gene technology require an OGTR licence. OGTR licences specify risk management requirements for managing potential environmental and health risks from gene-modified viruses and viral vectors.”
“Clinical gene technology in Australia: building on solid foundations”
Yeah, really. Unless it is imported, relabelled a “vaccine” - then its over to the quacks in the TGA.
Senator Rennick also announced the formation of a Covid Commission and wants it to answer these questions:
I can think of a few more around:
Why didn’t OGTR engage in an y quality control(compliance and conformance) via random sampling of the 65 million doses administered to 24 March 2023 (why does it stop there?)
Did the OGTR study the clinical trial results and post marketing authorization reports (the TGA probably wouldn’t even have thought to look).
What does OGTR think of the change in product from Process 1 to Process 2
What does OGTR think about the presence of SV40 promotes In the injections and what steps is the OGTR taking to discover what the UNKNOWN sequence is (it is multiple times the size of the SV40 component).
Did the OGTR get the list of ingredients and their framing
Did the OGTR know that the TGA had zero expertise in gene therapies – did it offer any assistance?
What were the internal emails in OGTR around adverse events? No comment would be even more damning than “leave it to beaver”-TGA
Why didn’t OGTR go visit the “vaccine” supply chain manufacturing sites around the world?
What experience did OGTR have in the experimental gene therapies used
What the hell is ATAGI supposed to be responsible for?
Vaccination numbers and statistics | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Note the complete absence of numbers on the page titled “Vaccination numbers and statistics”
Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI)
Lastly, I wonder what the vaxx uptake is for the new monovalent injections targeting the almost extinct XBB.1.5 “variant”.
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Designed diffusion of authority/responsibility.
TGA. OGTR. Probably many others down to the State level. "It wasn't me, Your Honour. It was that other TLA."
RBA. APRA. ASIC. Each pointing to the other. Every. Single. Time.
A feature NOT a bug, of The Monster's systems.
You can never get to the one, the origin, the guilty bastard. And it keeps us spinning our wheels. Objectively, these facts were known based on the advertised mechanism of action for the bioweapons. PlasmidGate just adds extra urgency to what has been known for literal years. But our wheels have been spun by the manufactured distractions and delays The Monster has thrown up in our way.
Great work keeping track of this Peter. They have not made it easy.
The evasions from those in power is far beyond maddening.
I picture mass formation with pitchforks and torches, finally targeting the real guilty bastards.
More Aussie 'Lip Service'?
They'll cover up the deliberate Depopulation program called Covid and the associated USELESS but DEADLY injection (they pretend is a 'vaccine').
The UK's in the middle of a 'cover-up - whitewash' calling it a Covid inquiry! It deliberately avoids sensitive issues like NO LIABVILITY for vax makers, the mysterious disappearance of Ivermectin and excess Deaths following the DEATH SHOT!
We've all witnessed mercenary Dr Andrew Hill's (aka Judas) cowardly climb down after promising Tess Lawrie that he'd work tirelessly to promote IVERMECTIN. But as soon as reems of CASH was on the table, he decided to join the DEADLY VAX promoting villains that want us terminated. He suddenly refuted all his promotional verbatim regarding IVERMECTIN and submitted to bribery & corruption.
A DEADLY JOKE - that's the useless but frequently DEADLY Covid injection (they pretend is a 'vaccine') which does NOTHING to stop Covid (which was made to order = GoF) or its transmission. It simply shortens recipients' lives, brings back previous illnesses (with more serious eventualities) or can Kill recipients outright.
Perhaps this was the Plan from the outset = To kill the majority of the World's population in order to Save the Planet from 'fictitious Global Warming'?
All the while these murdering injection manufacturers enjoy ZERO LIABILITY from any adverse reactions or DEATHS that follow their poisons being injected.
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!