Boom - China administers 2 billion doses of a traditional vaccine. No more gravy for Astra Zeneca after administering 2 billion doses of its viral vector vaccine
Boom – 2 billion Sinovac C19 injections before the Year of the Rabbit celebrations on 20 January 2023
Bust --2 billion Astra Zeneca doses administered globally by the end of 2021 – but deemed of insufficient efficacy by the UK for a booster ever since.
I have no idea how many Sinovac injections have already been administered in China, but it’s recent relaxation of draconian internal controls suggest It’s well underway. China needs it rolled out well before the mass intra-country migrations to celebrate the Chinese New Year on 20 January 2023 (Year of the Rabbit). Pray it works, as if it doesn’t? See link a little further down for what might happen to China if the experience of other Asian Tigers is repeated in China.
2 billion doses is sufficient to inject a billion people with a C19 “initial protocol” for either the C19 viral vector or the (traditional) Sinovac deactivated virus injection.
Astra Zeneca’s C19 injection was a “viral vector” injection, as opposed to PfizerBioNTech and Moderna’s injections which are “mRNA” injections.
The UK withdrew AstraZeneca injections from its C19 “booster” program, in favour of Moderna and PfizerBioNTech C19 after considering studies such as this Phase 2 clinical trial, published in the Lancet on 2 December 2021. Not as high powered as a Phase 3 clinical trial, but perhaps it was a “confirmatory” trial, supporting an already agreed outcome. All worries about “mix n match” resolved over this small sample and short time period?
Here is a link to some (conservative) UK press coverage.
Such a decision seems to be borne out by adverse events reported to the EMA’s adverse event reporting system EUDRA which yielded these results, last time I checked.
Pick your own number for under-reporting and multiply these “raw numbers” by that URF. At first blush, the Astra Zeneca is even worse than the already abysmal Moderna and PfizerBioNTech concoctions.
Still, marketing executives at Astra Zeneca must be bitterly disappointed that they too did not “move at the speed of science” to react to “market signals”.
I suggest AstraZeneca consider developing a “traditional” inactivated virus vaccine or consider acting as a distributor for SInoVac to give the C19 mRNA manufacturers some serious competition - “Six times as Safe and Effective” might be a slogan.
You will also have a price advantage as Pfizer is about to increase the price of its injections to $1,200 a dose. (Note the link in that article to a an article in MSN has been removed by MSN)
Scoot over to the Orient, and the warning signs in this article may be fully mitigated by China’s roll-out of a 2-dose “traditional” inactivated injection, using methods that have been around for 100 years, rather than the experimental, and so far disastrously unsafe and ineffective C19 mRNA injections.
Here is the inestimable Dr John Campbell, once more dancing on the head of a pin – to protect thousands of hours of training videos on YouTube that will be scrubbed if he puts a foot wrong, according to the woke owners of the platform
You can tell he is just dying to say “why the eff didn’t we devwelop and roll-out the same type of true vaccines, like China is doing!!!”. Sorry John, I just had to chuckle when I see your restraint and use of satire! I suggest you copy your entire video library onto your own storage devices or copy to another platform as back-up!
Here is a link to Dr Campbell’s video on the Chinese Sinovac C19 vaccine (no inverted commas needed).
The Sinovac vaccine virus is cultivated in Vero cells (monkey kidney cells).
From 1955 to 1963, an estimated 10-30% of polio vaccines administered in the US were contaminated with simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from monkey kidney cell cultures used to make polio vaccines at that time. Most of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), but it was also found in oral polio vaccine (OPV).
Because of research done with SV40 in animal models, there has been some concern that the virus could cause cancer in humans.
How much do you trust the purity of that Sinovac Vero cell line and the subsequent vaccine?
I agree! The mRNA companies need serious competition, and WHY NOT from China if they use inactivated vaccines instead of the experimental, russian roulette vials like those from the US and the UK/Germany? As it seems, we need to turn our focus on the Western deep state cabal with their global death cult promoting eugenicist toxic injection programme. Thank heavens that George Soros was banned from China for life in 1989, but let's not forget his fellows with their shadowy tentacles operatong out of the Shanghai Club.