Breaches of Ethics Codes – Intentional Withholding of Information by US Health Regulators and medics =Denial of Informed Consent
All institutions – public and private – have Codes of Ethics that govern the behaviour of individuals who work for those institutions.
We are all too aware that these Codes, from Congressional to Banking and all points in between are breached with relative impunity – with prosecution and sanctions imposed even less often than violent crimes in general across the length and breadth of the country. Crime pays.
After some pre-amble, I show three points in time when Codes of Ethics were breached by the CDC, FDA and WHO. These breaches also apply to every government and health authority that approved the roll-out of C19 mRNA injections.
All are guilty of maliciously withholding information that was vital for informed consent. People would not have injected themselves in anywhere near the same numbers (5 billion people injected with 13.4 billion doses so far) with the toxic injections had they had access to such information.
This has important ramifications for the International Health Regulations and a Pandemic Treaty forcing any “vaccination” protocol for, say, international travel via digital health passports. The idea may be attractive, but the application is deadly because of poor quality and denial of information required for consent to experimental treatments.
EU Phase 4 clinical trial results of 10,000 are not due until 31 December 2024 (I am not sure about the US, but I thought I saw they were due any time now, but before the end of 2023?)
The first date that information was available for consent was at the end of the clinical trials and BEFORE emergency use authorization – 10 December 2020.
The FDA and CDC had the results of Phase 3 clinical trials which indicated FAILURE.
The second date is the 30 April 2021 post-marketing authorization report presented on 30 April 2021 covering the period from 11 December 2020 to 28 February 2021 where the injections markedly exceeded safety parameters.
The third date is in September 2022 when the FDA itself reported serious concerns with the manufacturing of Moderna doses.
Let’s start with the WHO.
Code of Ethics and professional conduct (
“Integrity: To behave in accordance with ethical principles, and act in good faith, intellectual honesty and fairness.
Accountability: To take responsibility for one’s actions, decisions and their consequences.
Independence and impartiality: To conduct oneself with the interests of WHO only in view and under the sole authority of the Director-General, and to ensure that personal views and convictions do not compromise ethical principles, official duties or the interests of WHO.
Respect: To respect the dignity, worth, equality, diversity and privacy of all persons.
Professional Commitment: To demonstrate a high level of professionalism and loyalty to the Organization, its mandate and objectives.”
Check out the statement “: To conduct oneself with the interests of WHO only in view and under the sole authority of the Director-General..” Only the interestof the Who and no-one else??? Sole authority for the ethics of a dictator with a track record of terrorism in his native country???? Sounds totally U.N.ethical.
Exposed: WHO’s Gangster and Dictator Dr. “Tedros the Terrorist” Adhanom Gebreyesus –
The FDA and the CDC have their own Codes.
The FDA Code of Ethics was first drawn up here – at a time when it was not required to mention the female or any of the other 57 genders:
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (
“The following code of ethics, adopted by Congress on July 11, 1958, shall apply to all Food and Drug Administration employees:
Code of Ethics for Government Service
Any person in Government service should:
1. Put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department.
2. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.
3. Give a full day's labor for a full day's pay; giving to the performance of his duties his earnest effort and best thought.
4. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.
5. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept, for himself or his family, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of his governmental duties.
6. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.
7. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly, which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of his governmental duties.
8. Never use any information coming to him confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means for making private profit.
9. Expose corruption wherever discovered.
10. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.”
Pretty straightforward. The CDC only has “guidance” over 34 pages:
The ethical behaviour of medics is derived from other Codes and Treaties.
The key question is “Are C19 mRNA injections an experiment?”
The answer is, of course, a resounding YES.
Messenger RNA has never been proven to work anywhere for any condition or disease. PERIOD.
The FDA/CDC did not authorize the C19 mRNA injections for Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna, they granted “Emergency Use Authorization” when other treatments with proven success were denied use. The Pfizer/BioNTech injection branded Cominarty was given full authorization in August 2021, but was never administered in the USA.
As such, the mRNA injections had no proven safety or efficacy or temporal characteristics – quite aside from the lack of any information on administering doses to pregnant women, children or those with severe existing conditions or a previous/current SARS-COV2 infection.
Here’s the Nuremburg Code:
Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code | NEJM
I will detail what should have been told to each individual getting a C19 mRNA injection in the context of Informed Consent, Here’s the first article of the Nuremberg Code:
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”
The movie “The Great Awakening: Plandemic 3” reminded me of the politicians, talking heads, celebrities and others who breached this first article – by directly intervening with “force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching and other ulterior forms of constraint and coercion – from pizzas for kids to hookers for adults, from denial of access, to house arrest, from lies about the safety and efficacy of the injections, overreach by POTUS with executive orders, and the apartheid practised throughout the education system and society at large.
The breaches of this first article of the Nuremburg Code are “crimes against humanity”. The anti-human defence is that “well the Nuremburg Code does not mention “vaccines”, so it does not apply.”
Article 1 goes on.
“This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.”
The possible harms and risk of death were discovered in the clinical trials. They were known IN ADVANCE of the roll-out and Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA/CDC and by the WHO.
“The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.”
This applies to each and every person that injected another or persuaded, cajoled or forced another person to get injected WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT.
Other “codes” or “accords exist.
There is a link to the 1964 WMA Declaration of Helsinki – amended up to 2013:
Informed Consent is covered in much the same way as the Nuremburg code, starting at point 25 of 37.
Point 37 permits unproven interventions that the medic thinks might work!
Informed consent should have, at least, taken the form of a presentation of the results of the clinical trial. In Pfizer/BioNTech’s case, the person being injected should have been told the results in the table below AND should have been told that these results were from a clinical trial that was terminated 2 months earlier than its 6 month schedule trial period AND that there would be no attempt to follow-up on the health of patients after the trial concluded.
Here's another link referred to as the Declaration of Geneva:
Declaration of Geneva – WMA – The World Medical Association
The end-point of the Phase 3 Pfizer/BioNTech clinical trial was the reduction of symptoms. Not transmission or infection and not hospitalization and death.
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print (
For 21,900 or so in each of the injected group, these were the results of the clinical trial:
That is the first part of delivering informed consent.
People should have been told that they were three times more likely to suffer a related adverse event (though I don’t see how anyone in the placebo group could have a “related adverse event” unless it was an injection site reaction).
They should have been told that there was a 75% increase in suffering a severe (life changing) event and a 10% increase in suffering a serious (life threatening) event OVER AND ABOVE THAT FROM C19 ITSELF.
This information was known BEFORE THE ROLL-OUT OF THE PFIZER/BIONTECH C19 mRNA injections.
That is the first part of “Informed Consent” that was denied to victims of the injections.
The next denial of informed consent was the Post Marketing Authorization Report covering the period from 10 December 2020 to 28 February 2021 – 80 days.
The report was delivered on 30 April 2021. It makes no mention of any Under Reporting Factor.
reissue_5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (
There is this table
Note: these are not VAERS reports – the reported deaths to 28 February 2021 to VAERS were 4,665)
42,086 reports (remember, no estimate of under-reporting) with 1,223 deaths.
Note the 9,400 “Unknown” case outcomes and the 11,361 “Not Recovered”.
Now, let’s check out a sleight of hand by Pfizer in this report. The first report Pfizer produced had the number of “doses shipped” redacted for commercial reasons. The “revised” report linked here had this:
“3.1.1. General Overview
It is estimated that approximately 126,212,580 doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide from the receipt of the first temporary authorisation for emergency supply on 01 December 2020 through 28 February 2021. “
Leave aside the reference to 01 December 2020, instead of 11 December 2020, the point is that “safe” injections are usually viewed as a rate of one death per million doses.
1,223 deaths from 126,212, 580 doses shipped = 9.69 deaths per million. But it’s worse. Here’s the trick.
“Doses shipped” does not equal “doses administered”. How many doses were actually injected?
Most of the doses were administered in the US and Europe. We can work that out from this:
“Most cases (34,762) were received from United States (13,739), United Kingdom (13,404) Italy (2,578), Germany (1913), France (1506), Portugal (866) and Spain (756); the remaining 7,324 were distributed among 56 other countries.”
Now, the UK government makes it almost impossible to access its Yellow Card system for adverse events. Nonetheless from here and here, we have the number of doses for the US and EU as at end February 2021.
US on the left, EU on the right:
There were 38.43 + 29.07 million 67.5 million Pfizer/BioNTech doses administered v the 126.6 million doses shipped.
Some adjustment would need to be made for UK and other countries, 20,728 – but I am betting that of those “other countries” at least 90% were for other EU countries – leaving just the UK to be added.
Ignoring the UK and other countries, we have (a maximum of) 1,223 deaths amongst 67.5 million doses administered in the US and UK.
1,223 deaths from 67.5 million doses administered = 18 deaths per million.
Now, some wiggling needs to be done to correlate the roll-out of injections to the elderly, most at risk and medical staff with the risk of death from C19 for those same cohorts.
But the point is, compared to a generally accepted premise that “safe” = one death per million doses, the figure of 18 per million needs to be part of informed consent.
A final part of informed consent that was omitted was manufacturing quality. This surfaced early on with Moderna.
From this article dated 21 September 2022:
Moderna booster supply resumed after FDA cites Catalent plant (
The FDA issued this report download ( covering the period 1 August 2022 to 1 September 2022.
I covered it here:
Denial of informed consent has resulted in tens of millions deaths and billions of harms.
This complete lack of quality is what the WHO and bureaucrats in Geneva are seeking to cement into the laws of 194 countries. They have no track record of success - in fact, they have a track record of abject failure.
So when they say “Vaxx passport, peasant” …
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This bioethics guide is an important one, too. Nuffield Council on Bioethics is a leading resource for global health policymaking ethical guidance. Nuffield Council is largely funded by Wellcome Trust (Glaxo-Wellcome), which until last year was led by Jerermy Farrar, who is now the WHO's Chief Scientist. Wellcome Trust was a Zero-Covid founding member, with Jeremy Farrar arguing for more extreme lockdowns mandates in the UK, he envied China's totalitarian approach, even resigned from the UK's pandemic response team because it wasn't totalitarian enough for him. Wellcome Trust is a peer global health influencer of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for those who aren't familiar with it. And Jeremy Farrar was one of the names revealed in Fauci's emails concerning the Wuhan lab origination theory. And, Fauci's wife is the NIH's Chief Bioethicist. So this topic of ethics you raise, bioethics, is a very, very, very important piece of what failed beginning in 2020. Blowing through all previous guardrails like your post explains. Here's another very important version of ethics guidance, about many subjects, including infectious disease, pandemics, vaccinations. They practice "The Stewardship Model" of our betters tending to their otherwise helpless or insolent charges:
Nuffield Council on Bioethics 2007
Chapter 4 Case Study - Infectious Disease (p 51-77)
Selective vaccination to protect individuals who are vulnerable or at-risk: Examples include:
annual influenza vaccines for health professionals, elderly and disabled people; and vaccinations advised for people travelling to regions where specific infectious diseases are common. (p 54)
This may be achieved through the targeting of vaccinations at those who are particularly susceptible to ill health, as in the case of influenza vaccines, or through the protection offered by population immunity as it will clearly extend to the most vulnerable (p 54)
The paragraphs above illustrate that there is a wide range of different risks and benefits, affecting a variety of people, that need to be considered when deciding whether or not to introduce or change a particular vaccination programme. This may give rise to competing interpretations about whether or not a vaccination presents an acceptable balance of risks and benefits. So although a healthcare professional may be keen to enrol a person in a programme, taking the view that the risks are acceptable and that the benefits to the person concerned and/or others are substantial, the individual may be undecided, or not persuaded, for whatever reason. The fact that some healthcare professionals receive payments for meeting vaccination targets may further complicate such situations.35 Also, the interests of companies involved in the (expensive and potentially risky) business of developing and producing vaccines may need to be considered. Some are critical of the extent to which these industries influence debate and policies on vaccines, and are sceptical as to whether these interventions are genuinely offered on the basis of medical need only. One consultation respondent who took this viewpoint commented that:
“those who support vaccination most strongly are the drug companies, who stand to profit the most”. Mrs Esther Hollands (p 57)
While we are not aware of any countries that go as far as to force individuals to be vaccinated, there are several approaches that may be used to influence their behaviour. We consider three main types: quasi-mandatory programmes, in which individuals are required to be vaccinated unless they qualify for an exemption and where there are penalties for those who do not comply; (p 58)
Further questions may be asked over whether quasi-mandatory policies are just, as the punishments for refusal to vaccinate, such as fines or refusal of access to education may disproportionately affect those on lower incomes. (p 59)
Quasi-mandatory approaches tend therefore to shift the emphasis away from protecting the interests of the individual, and towards providing benefits to others. (p 60)
We identified two circumstances in which quasi-mandatory vaccination measures are more likely to be justified. First, for highly contagious and serious diseases, for example with characteristics similar to smallpox. Secondly, for disease eradication if the disease is serious and if eradication is within reach. (p 60)
On the basis of the value of community and stewardship considerations, it is in principle ethically justified to encourage individuals to take part in vaccination programmes when there is no, or only a small, personal benefit, but significant benefits for others. However, consent is essential, and there should be careful assessments of the benefits to be gained for the population and the possible harm that may result for the people who receive the vaccination. (p 60)
4.56 Control of Infectious disease (p 70)
4.58 Issues raised by quarantine and isolation (p 72)
4.63 Use of vaccines in control of infectious diseases
[this sentence is quite revealing: "the likely global scale of the disease would lead to demand for pandemic vaccines that is likely to far exceed their supply." They had to market, push, incentivize, implore, mandate them, they had to artificially create demand. Had the virus been dangerous the demand would've exceeded the supply. Revealing.] (p 73)
4.69 The importance of information in the case of an epidemic or pandemic
Downplaying the risk of the disease may lead to higher rates of infection. By contrast, a campaign that overstates the risks may lead to panic and lack of trust in healthcare professionals in the longer term.
[And a framework of] prior public debate to explore the ethical, professional and practical implications of an influenza pandemic, condition public expectations and ensure that decisions are made in an inclusive and transparent way."(p 76)
The entire 225 pages is basically a masturbatory exercise in how enlightened and ethical they are for giving voice to individual liberty, balanced with collective public health needs. Oddly, always siding with totalitarianism when down to brass tacks. They give lots of wiggle room in their words to allow for it under ethical guidelines, not meant to be firm barricades protecting individual liberty, or even consent. Suggested. But negotiable. Ethics!! As written by well-meaning totalitarians.
Great work, Peter, exposing these b*stards!