Calling US parents – check to see if your kid is being indoctrinated by left wing “woke” lunatics “Exposing $1 Billion in Department of Education grant funding that has entrenched far-left ideologies
From here:
GrantED - Parents Defending Education
“Total ED Grant Money Awarded (2021-present): $1,002,522,304.81
Total number of ED grants (2021-present): 229
Number of States: 42 plus Washington D.C.
Number of K-12 school districts*: 296
Number of K-12 students*: 6,766,158”
What has been funded with taxpayers’ money?
“We have broken the grants down into three buckets:
· Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Hiring: $489,883,797.81
o This category includes DEI or race-based recruiting, training, and hiring practices. Read more about DEI Hiring in K-12 here.
· Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programming: $343,337,286
o This category includes general DEI programming and trainings, discipline including restorative practices, and youth activism.
· Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Based Mental health/Social Emotional Learning (SEL): $169,301,221
o This category includes DEI based mental health training programs and SEL trainings and programming. Learn more about SEL he
“We have broken the grants down into three buckets:
· Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Hiring: $489,883,797.81
o This category includes DEI or race-based recruiting, training, and hiring practices. Read more about DEI Hiring in K-12 here.
· Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programming: $343,337,286
o This category includes general DEI programming and trainings, discipline including restorative practices, and youth activism.
· Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Based Mental health/Social Emotional Learning (SEL): $169,301,221
o This category includes DEI based mental health training programs and SEL trainings and programming. Learn more about SEL he
“Under the Biden Administration, the U.S. Department of Education quietly funnelled more than $1 BILLION of federal taxpayers’ money into programs that entrench divisive and damaging practices and ideologies like restorative justice, DEI hiring, and social emotional learning in our schools.
From a careful analysis of 229 grants to 296 school districts –– which serve a combined near-7 million students –– in 42 states and the District of Columbia, Parents Defending Education discovered:
· The School District of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania received $3,973,175 for a "restorative justice program" modeled after one run by a former Communist Party USA member, even though restorative justice policies have decreased student safety nationwide.
· The University of Iowa received $1,261,718to train 40 elementary-school teachers to “enact equity-centered education” in partnering K-12 schools. As you’ll understand, “equity” in this case doesn’t mean fairness or justice; instead, it’s an activist buzzword that demands equal outcomes for all, even if it requires discrimination to achieve.
· Ypsilanti Community Schools in Michigan used $38,750 of its $15.5 million in granting funding to bring in a consultant for a one-day professional workshop development course on “culturally responsive” teaching (that cost $19,500) and to purchase that same consultant’s book (that cost $19,250!).
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It's so disgusting. Taxpayers paying top $ to have their children ruined by the state schools for the use of the state.
Unbelievable 🤬