CDC hired contractors to process VAERS records – Bivalent “boosters” were authorised on 31 August 2022 – lag time for reporting deaths is now – 6 months – something is off
Avid and regular readers will remember this article:
Which referenced this report:
Here’s a few excerpts:
“A FOIA request revealed, in late August 2020, that the CDC contracted with General Dynamics to handle VAERS reports for COVID-19 vaccines. The contract anticipated up to 1,000 reports per day, with up to 40% of them serious in nature, Josh Guetzkow reported. The value of the year-long contract was $9.45 million.”
“Vaccines” were not rolled out until mid-December 2020). Remember this table from the “Pfizer Documents” released early instead of after 75 years?
reissue_5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (
Page 7 had this:
42,086 adverse events, with 1,223 known deaths BUT 11,361 not recovered and a whopping 9,440 “Unknown” – this report was for the period from 10 December 2020 to 28 February 2021 – 80 days.
What was the claim for processing VAERS reports by General Dynamics? 1,000 a day? Does 80 days times a 1,000 a day still = capacity for 80,000 VAERS reports compared to 42,000 with 9,400 “Unknown” (only 32,600 actual reports requiring “processing”?
By the way, in that same re-issue of the 5.3.6 report, Pfizer stated: - immediately above Table 1, you know to “set the scene” for anyone reading the report:
“3.1. Safety Database
3.1.1. General Overview
It is estimated that approximately 126,212,580 doses of BNT162b2 were shipped worldwide from the receipt of the first temporary authorisation for emergency supply on 01 December 2020 through 28 February 2021.”
Well, let’s leave aside the fact that authorization was not 1 December 2020, it was 10 December 2020 – don’t be fooled by the “shipped worldwide” statement. It is a diversion and a distraction from actual numbers "injected worldwide”, which was considerably less.
The US and the EU received almost all Pfizer doses and according to data here and here the US actually only injected 37 million doses and 29 million in the EU for a total of 66 million – the Pfizer statement implies almost double that number and hence implies half the rate of deaths and adverse events.
Okay, back to the contractors that the CDC/FDA paid tens of millions of dollars to process VAERS reports.
“In March 2021 the contract was amended to process backlogged reports filed through Feb. 28 for an additional $21.5 million. The CDC also contracted Eagle Health Analytics to assist with the processing for an additional $6 million.
Although other financial information about the dollar amounts associated with the contracts was redacted, Guetzkow estimated that the CDC paid contractors at least $40 million over two years to process VAERS data.”
Let’s leave aside the 33,000 workers at the CDC and FDA you might expect to be deployed in an Emergency, what is going on with VAERS reports?
Well here’s one “lens”, extracted from the people at, right down towards the bottom of some of the charts they produce each week, last weekly report here:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 2/24/2023 – VAERS Analysis
I shot off an email enquiry to VAERS a few days ago to confirm what this looked like to me – no reply as yet.
It looks to me like the lag time for reporting adverse events and deaths has shot up alarmingly.
These are not the dates that deaths and adverse events occurred. These are the delays (lags) in reporting any deaths and adverse events to VAERS (via General Dynamics and Eagle Health Analytics).
Having peaked at 484 days on 20 January 2023, delays fell sharply to 192 days in the latest report covering the period ending 24 February 2023.
Now this chart is not adjusted for volumes of deaths, but clearly, a report of at least one death from a “vaccine” has been recorded more than 6 months AFTER the injection of a vaccine.
Of note, bivalent injections were authorized on 31 August 2022 – 181 days ago – six months ago.
To repeat, what exactly are the performance benchmarks that General Dynamics (is GD still being used?) and Eagle Health Analytics being measured against? Their ability to delay reporting of adverse events and deaths?
Out of interest, here is a table of adverse events and deaths for the last 8 weeks – with doses recorded on the CDC website lagged one week to make a dubious attempt to show events the week after injection. It does not signify much of anything, just an indication of some data: The adverse event and death numbers are taken from weekly reports of VAERS data.
The number of daily doses peaked at 3.5 million on 5 April 2021. Peak insanity borne of the fear and loathing created by politicians, health regulators and big pharma.
The significance of timely and accurate data makes a table like this “not very useful” – but it should be the type of table we are most concerned with. Keep in mind that these deaths and adverse events are only valid if ALL reports are made immediately AND all deaths and adverse events are “spontaneous” – as the Europeans like to call them.
The timing of reports of deaths is usually represented like this:
Most deaths occur within a week, but, in my view, it is likely that deaths and adverse events have a decreasing probability of being reported, the more distant from an injection date.
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OMG!! Did you hear this.... Smoking Gun! UK Gov Job Posting For The Coming "Largest Mass Vaccination Program" In History
Thanks PH. Back to the "follow the money trail" Yet again!!!!