Climate morons in Chicago move to ban natural gas in new homes - to quote a judge ruling on C19 measures in New York - the measures are "arbitrary and capricious"
From here:
Chicago Moves to Ban Natural Gas from Private Homes to Meet WEF's 'Net Zero' Goals - Slay News
“The Democrat-controlled City of Chicago is moving to ban natural gas from all new homes in an effort to comply with the “Net Zero” goals of the unelected World Economic Forum (WEF).
The Chicago City Council is considering an ordinance that would outlaw the use of natural gas in most new buildings. City Council officials claim the plan is vital in meeting the WEF’s “Net Zero” agenda to “save the planet” from the so-called “climate crisis.”
The proposal is dubbed the Clean and Affordable Buildings Ordinance (CABO). It would set an emission standard effectively prohibiting natural gas via an unreachable standard.”
This is wrong on so many levels.
Frosty, the WEF has no jurisdiction over Chicago – anything it says or does has no relevance. It is also doubtful whether the UN and its organ, the IPCC, has any jurisdiction either.
So ay reference to the WEF or UN has no basis.
Secondly, a question needs to be asked of the chicken littles on the Council running around with their sandwich boards proclaiming, “the end is nigh”.
Here is the question:
“What impact on levels of CO2 will banning natural gas from new homes have on either the level of CO2 in Chicago’s atmosphere over the next 5, 25 or 50 years and what will be the impact on Chicago’s average annual temperatures by month? Please cite the studies you have access to that demonstrate these impacts.”
“The Biden administration in June supported Berkeley, Calif.’s plan it enacted in 2019 to ban natural gas in future buildings. Years after the city handed down the plan, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the restriction of natural gas by cities and states violates federal law.
Earlier this month, the court declined a petition to grant the case a new hearing, meaning the ruling will be final unless the Supreme Court takes up the case.”
Just how demonic and ignorant are “Net Zero” policies being pursued by Democratic Party chicken littles (anti-huma Cult of Moloch worshippers).
“Democrats in Washington state are pushing for members of the public to be jailed for up to one year if they are caught using gas-powered gardening tools, as Slay News reported. According to State Reps. Amy Walen and Liz Berry, jailing law-abiding citizens over their lawn mower’s power source will help to fight “climate change.”
Last month, the Democrat lawmakers introduced House Bill 1868.The legislation seeks to meet “Net Zero” by the year 2030 by “reducing emissions from outdoor power equipment.” According to the bill, gas- and diesel-powered landscaping tools “emit a host of air pollutants.” These “pollutants” are allegedly “contributing to climate change and negatively impacting public health,” the legislation claims.”
The Democrats are fully on board with the goals of the Cult of Moloch. “Impose as much poverty, disease and hunger on as many people as possible. “. Not a single policy priority of the Democratic Party will actually make anyone healthier, wealthier or wiser – just the opposite.
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This will cost from 3 to as much as 5 times more to heat and cool, using electricity alone. (need to look at the residential rates of Kw/hr vs natural gas rates and adjust for LOWER efficiency of electric heat, because? The power plants are burning ngas to produce electricity, and then large transport losses, Silly, stupid politicians are Gutting the middle class, their goal all along. Just walk away or better still move away from these idiots.
The electric grid is not strong enough to provide heat to the people of Chicago during the winter without natural gas. People will freeze. But of course we know they could care less.