Compensation precedent for those receiving blood and organs tainted by C19 mRNA injections set in the UK for those that received HIV and Hep C tainted blood
From here:
Thousands of victims of infected blood scandal will receive £100,000 by the end of this month (
Any current and future claims made by those infected with diseases caused by receiving blood or organs from C19 injected people is and will be purely coincidental.
Would it be churlish to point out that the majority of those who received the "tainted" HIV & HepC blood are long dead?
That word "coincidental".
Where on earth are these rsclowns from?
OH! Fool me, that I am!
Of course they're the EXPERTS.
Oh them! YES! Those experts that had the UK knee deep in dead bodies etc etc etfriggingcetra.
Let's keep away from the medics and hospitals and pharmacies. Eat real food that grows and you recognise. Include raw garlic and ginger in your diet. Leave animals and dairy off the menu. Avoid accidents, be vigilant, wear shungite. Bring yourself into the country and seaside often. Learn natural healing medicine. Lots of good advice on youtube. Go to Fairyland Cottage or Danu's Irish herb garden on youtube. Great natural advice on making your own cleaning products and bodycare