Compulsory viewing for pregnant mums and dads – and those with babies and tots – it arms you with the information about the CDC's vaccine schedule - many more than other healthier countries
A one hour video from Children’s Health Defence here:
The Vaccine Schedule: The Good, The Bad + The Ugly | Childrens Health Defense
“Very few doctors and scientists have actually looked deeply at the American vaccine program which now encompasses 76 vaccine doses. As more and more vaccines get approved to go onto the CDC recommended paediatric vaccine schedule, we see and ever increasing epidemic of chronic paediatric health problems. CHD presented this panel of experts that have studied the vaccine schedule and correlating health outcomes during the Rise+Resist 2023 Conference.”
Bottom line: none of the vaccines have been through adequate clinical trials or been studied for long term health impacts )or any interactions with each other!).
The video references this book which has a huge amount of reference data. Maybe read it in conjunction with “Turtles all the Way Down”.
“The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do
This book is based on over one hundred studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Each study is analyzed, and health differences among infants, children, and adults who have been vaccinated and those who have not are presented and put in context. Readers will find information on:
The infant/child vaccination schedule
· Thimerosal in vaccines
· Live virus vaccines
· The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
· Vaccination and Gulf War illness
· Influenza (flu) vaccines
· Hepatitis B vaccination
· The COVID-19 vaccine
· Vaccines during pregnancy
Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.
Here is a link to “Turtles..”.
Here are some of the questions and answers covered in the book:
· How is safety demonstrated before a new vaccine is licensed? What technique do vaccine manufacturers use in clinical trials to make vaccines appear safer than they actually are?
· What “last ditch” technique is employed when the above one cannot be, and what are its grave (and damning) ethical implications?
· What is the scientific foundation of the safety of vaccination, and what practical tools does this body of science provide physicians to anticipate, diagnose, and treat vaccine injury?
· What fundamental flaws are built into vaccine adverse events reporting systems, and how are these systems used (or misused) by health authorities to support their safety claims?
· What kinds of post-marketing vaccine studies are conducted, and how can they be manipulated by researchers to produce “favorable” outcomes?
· Why would researchers want to skew vaccine research, and how could skewed results be promulgated by the scientific community?
· Why would medical journals publish faulty vaccine science? What is the role of the famed “peer review” in this process?
· What are “the studies that will never be done” by the medical establishment and how long it has resisted doing them? (Hint: more than 100 years!)
· What key CDC-recommended childhood vaccination guidelines were arbitrarily set, without an adequate scientific basis?
· In addition, three cornerstones of vaccination lore are covered in depth:
· What is herd immunity, and how does it apply (or not) to the vaccines on the childhood schedule?
· What role did vaccines actually play in the historical decline of infectious disease?
· Was the paralysis associated with polio actually caused by the poliovirus? Is there a better explanation for the great paralysis epidemics of the 20th century? What are the “19 polio mysteries”?
Fore warned is fore armed! You can dismiss the information or send it to your podiatrist and ask what he thinks about it – then make an even better decision!
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Humans don't need to be injected with mercury, detergents and bacteria.
Australian Dr Geoff Pain recently said something along the lines of "I wonder how many people would agree to vaccination if they knew they were injecting sepsis-causing agents".