Connecting some dots in the EU – plans for 75 million immigrants – shutting down farms – building new cities
Frist those 75 million migrants – from somewhere (another war?)
Enquiring minds want to know how the Nordic countries feel about that!
Anyway, here’s the gist:
“The new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, which is expected to flood Europe with as many as 75 million new migrants, was approved on Wednesday by the European Parliament’s LIBE committee.”
What the hell is an LIBE committee? Well, what you would expect from the EU,
European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Wikipedia
“The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is a committee of the European Parliament that is responsible for protecting civil liberties and human rights, as listed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.”
Here is a link to the members of that LIBE committee ad of course a full bench of substitutes all feeding at the taxpayers’ trough.:
Members | Home | LIBE | Committees | European Parliament (
Not the civil liberties of EU citizens of course, or their human rights. No, this is all about the rights for EU citizens to be crowded out of the facilities paid for by generations of taxes and given away for free to immigrants – and unlike the US – these immigrants will be legal from day 1 with full housing, welfare, education and health benefits – including pensions. 65-year-olds from all over the world qualify for a free retirement with perks!
Back to the ReMix article:
“One of the key provisions of the migrant pact is that it contains a migrant distribution system that has proven ineffectual since 2015, Róbert Gönczi, an analyst at Hungary’s Migration Research Institute, told daily Magyar Nemzet.”
“Migrant distribution” – human trafficking cartel!!!
The quota is vague – I wonder if it includes the kidnap and rendition of people from particular countries in the unlikely event that there are not sufficient unhappy or criminals willing to move to a country that they have nothing in common with.
But wait, it gets worse!
“The migration pact states that member states can choose between accepting asylum seekers or pay a financial penalty that costs up to €25,000 per migrant.”
Unbelievable! Taje these migrants in and pay them all the benefits of your welfare system or pay 25,00- euros – presumably into the EU Parliamentary coffers for redistribution to those who take the migrants – well, less a cut for the human trafficking cartel of course.
Aside from the moves to expel migrants in those Nordic countries, check this out also from the ReMiz website published on 5 December 2023:
“A new comprehensive Dutch study from the prestigious University of Amsterdam is likely to put to rest claims that migrants and diversity are positive social and financial contributors for a healthy society.”
“The landmark study, entitled “Borderless Welfare State: The Consequences of Immigration on Public Finances,” shows that net costs of immigration to the Dutch public sector over the period 1995-2019 were an astounding €400 billion, averaging €17 billion a year, with a peak of €32 billion in 2016 due to the 2015 “refugee crisis.”
Which coincidentally works out at around 25,000 euros for every man, woman and child in the Netherlands – though of course double that cost for the Dutch who actually pay taxes.
Here’s another dot – even the BBC is reporting on the farmers strikes hitting almost ALL of Europe. From Poland to Spain, Europe's farmers ramp up protests - BBC News
It doesn’t mention German farmers that even CNN has covered!
Germany protests bring country to a halt as far-right spots an opening | CNN
Now, land has been fought over in Europe for millennia, there is not much, if any, left. Farmers own a lot of it. So, would another “dot” to connect be “throw the farmers off the land and build vertical slums for the new migrants?
Well, here’s one plan:
Eurocities in talks to found new city - Eurocities
Which is running into a few “issues”.
Concerns about £100 million 'Eurocity' project | GBC - Gibraltar News - GBC TV and Radio Gibraltar
That will be the first of perhaps 30 new cities to be built on sequestered farmland. Maybe they will house people already accustomed to eating bugs.
Oh, lastly, all those 15-minute cities and low emissions zones? All part of plan by the cabal. You have no say, you didn’t vote for higher taxes and inflationary “transition” plans to obsolete and inefficient “renewable” energy, did you? Of course not. The Cult does not require your consent/ Your silence IS consent. “Welcome to the Borg, Resistance is Futile, You HAVE been assimilated”.
The old cities of the EU are being given a useless and unnecessary “upgrade” – designed by morons to create more morons.
Explained: EU Mission – 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030 (
See if you can spot the 1984 Newspeak in the opening stanza.
“The spirit of innovation is growing among European cities. The EU Commission’s 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030 project could be one of the reasons for excitement. “
You can almost picture the tutu wearing freak writing this, right?
Not Mission Impossible – just “Mission”:
The EU Mission commits to:
Deliver at least 100 European climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030.
Ensure that these cities also act as experimentation and innovation hubs for others to follow, to enable all European cities to become climate-neutral by 2050.”
Uh huh. Note the central planning embedded in that statement. What the hell is climate neutral? Why does the EU dictate the pace and roll-out of “experimentation and innovation”? Smacks of command control of a communist regime! Control the means of production! I bet you could not get agreement to the fact that progress and innovation occur DESPITE government, not because of it!
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