In a few months we have endured three years of the C19 Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC pronounced FAKE).
Using data from WorldOMeter and OurWorldInData here are tables of countries with the highest and lowest total POPULATION C19 fatality rates. Some countries without relevant data have been excluded. WorldOMeter publishes “official” data on 227 countries/territories and ships.
You can sort the data on the WorldOMeter site by clicking on any of the column headings, click once for highest, click again for lowest.
C19 population fatality rates are shown – C19 infection rates have been estimated to be around three times C19 case rates. C19 cases were initially determined using a Drosten RT-PCR test approved under Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, but, following the withdrawal of this authorization in August 2021, other RT-PCR tests and Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) which, supposedly were more accurate have been used worldwide.
Vaccination rates are the latest available, some stopped a few months ago, the majority are up to date.
Here are the countries with the highest total POPULATION fatality rates per million people.
Along with the population fatality rates, I show the recovery rate from diagnosed “cases”, the percentage of the population still “active” and the “vaccination” rates.
Recovery rates are percentages of “cases”, “active” rates are for the total population.
Of course, the “cases” are false – the Drosten RT-PCR tested for nothing significant and no-one has been “vaccinated”, since the injections do not prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization or death and simply either inject instructions to create poison or inject poison directly.
For the whole PHEIC, Peru has the worst population fatality rate, but note that all the other countries are in Eastern Europe. In fact 14 out of the worst 21 population fatality rates are in Eastern Europe – ex-Soviet countries that border Ukraine or are very close to it. Funny that the Ukraine has dozens of “research” bio-labs right, with a deadly history of lab leaks in east Ukraine, going back to 2015?
The USA is just outside the top 10 countries with the worst population fatality rates. The top ten countries are unlikely to have engaged in the murderous treatment protocols employed by the US that qualified for billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars. Maybe they did engage in the withholding of treatment protocols, such as the administration of anti-biotics.
Although Peru and Bosnia have 93% and 94% recovery rates, the “recovery rate” for the majority of these countries is 97% to 98% - higher than the claimed “efficacy” rates at the start of the roll-out of the injections of “somewhere around” 91% to 95%.
Note that there is no obvious correlation between the number of injections – these range between 60 injections per 100 of the population all the way up to 254 and all points in between. The injections have had no significant impact on population fatality rates whatsoever.
In other words, the injection roll-out could only, maybe, have ever benefitted 1-3% of the population.
Now reconcile that with the population fatality rate from a “normal” flu season of around 0.1% per annum (flu disappeared between the outbreak and the end of the 2021/2022 flu season) to adjust for a 0.3% over three years and THERE IS NO PANDEMIC of national or international concern EVEN AMONGST COUNTRIES WITH THE WORST POPULATION FATALITY RATES.
Now for the countries with the lowest population fatality rates.
With the exception of Tajikistan, the countries with the lowest population fatality rates are African.
Had the USA “enjoyed” the population fatality rates of these countries with the lowest population fatality rates, instead of 1.1 million deaths with C19 present, there would only have been just 4,750 deaths in the US (ten countries with the lowest population fatality rates had deaths amongst 429.5 million had deaths with C19 present of 6,094 over three years, compared to 1.1 million deaths with C19 present for the US population of 334.8 million.
Staggering comparison.
Now combine that little factoid with the “vaccination rate” per 100 population. Rather than a ratio of 2 does per capita for the USA (199/100), the highest per capita dosage is 0.42 for Nigeria (42/100) – one fifth the rate of injections.
There will be reporting issues, demographic issues, data quality issues, issues of fraud and corruption and so on and so forth.
But.. there is no PHEIC and there is no proof of efficacy of the injections.
Recoveries are close to 99% - 4-10% higher than any claimed efficacy at the start of the “vaccine” roll-out.
What this means is that entire populations have been injected with instructions to make poison or injected directly with the intention to protect maybe 1% of the population.
The injections themselves (using an Under Reporting Factor of 40 and data from the VAERS/EUDRA) have a kill rate of 1 death per 1,000 doses (one in 500 people die from the two dose “initial protocol”) .
The USA has administered 662 million doses and VAERS has 15,880 US deaths - 15,880 times 40 / 662 million doses = 0.1% - two doses for each American = 0.2% lethality rate.
Kill 0.2% of the population to maybe save 0.1% - the injections have to be stopped.
As a reminder, the recent 1.7 trillion dollar fiscal package did not contain a single red cent for the vaxx injured. I ball-parked a low number of 14 billion in costs for the 10% uninsured here (multiply by ten to get the over all costs of the damages caused by the injections. Ukraine got 47 billion bucks to continue hiding the evidence of bio-labs and Burisma.
Here’s hoping you all had a “most excellent” Christmas - you can buy me a coffee here if you aren’t already, or are unable, to subscribe!
Note that almost every one of those countries also have endemic problems with parasites - they all take Ivermectin. The CDC would have you believe that that is merely coincidence.
Nuremberg trials 2.0 if we can ever arrest and trial the guilty for their crimes against humanity! The world must live by the Nuremberg code! I believe it was binding then as it is now! And the WHO and the UN want binding agreements with signatory Countries on pandemics and world governance they can go to FN Hell! Shove your Agenda 2030 where the Sun don't shine!