Court rules that the EXPERIMENTAL modified mRNA injections are not “vaccines” and they never were “vaccines” - the death penalty should be used on those culpable - by lethal injection!
Couple of videos on Rumble.
One from Dr David Martin a few days ago:
Dr David Martin about court ruling about mRNA injection not being a vaccine. (
And Russell Brand’s take:
“It Was NEVER A V*ccine!” Court Drops BOMBSHELL Covid mRNA Ruling (
I wonder whether this means the damn has broken and all Pfizer/BioNTech’3 and Moderna’s profits will be confiscated, the companies broken up and the proceeds put into a trust fund that can be used to pay for the TRILLIONS in costs that these mofo’s have caused.
Those personnel in government departments, the personnel in the regulatory agencies AND the MSM AND politicians that promoted these bioweapons need to be stripped off all their wealth and sentenced to the maximum permitted under the laws of each State and at the Federal level.
That includes Trump.
Now the Democrats have shown how to prosecute Federal crimes in State courts, the crimes should be tried in States that have the death penalty.
Maybe this court finding will shake out a few plea-deals amongst those who don’t want to lose everything and possibly by sentenced to death by lethal injection – how ironic.
Dr Martin states that the injections are the instruction to make the toxin – NOT to stimulate the immune system. Aaron Siri is in error to assert that the injections are intended to stimulate an immune response.
Please watch – it may be important for your court filings to recover ALL your loss of earnings and medical costs from injuries and enable you to sue for the deaths of you loved ones.
Watch fr any class actions or successful individual cases that are brought that can be used as precedent. No doubt the lawyers are already sharpening their needles to help.
This was domestic terrorism by domestic terrorists.
There can be no victory with so many millions killed and maimed by these acts of terror. only compensation for the anguish and pain caused.
Remember, the infrastructure was in place to prevent these crimes against humanity. The perpetrators (perp - e - traitors”!?!?!) acted intentionally = with malic aforethought - to circumvent every check and balance in place to prevent these acts of terror.
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Frankly I am sickened and horrified by what I have discovered. you need to read the big one, which I posted before this summary on my free substack, it contains all of the information which I used to compile this summary. The rest you can find in past posts on my substack. I have been driving my narative in this direction for the past 4 years, but where before it was my theory, now it appears to be fact, or rather, I have the facts to prove my theory - it is for you to disprove them, with the facts I provide, if you can. The armed forces do as they are told. The Canadian army had a vaccine loss rating of 800% though how they calculate 800 out of 100 escapes me. But let's say 80% and 20% not affected by the vaccines = 20% for Super Soldier Genetic conversion then. We started off this pandemic with 8.5 Billion, now it is around 6.5 Billion World Wide, so I gather. RFK is dead set against the vaccines and in fact has his own newspaper, The Defender or Children's Health Defense and he has been knocking the vaccines from day one. Unfortunaterly, once in, the vaccines and the billions of carbon particles they contain which can't be seen without an Electron Microscope, can't be taken out - Robert O Young has his web page where he exhaustively examines the blood taken from the heel of a hand (where blood is at its finest apparently) to provide the blurb which he does wth photo's and technical explanations too. 500 million, in practicality, they can't just stop the effects of their vaccines or diminishing old age replacing their stock of the vaccine free - I refused vaccines, though I'm Human Rubbish, so that includes me too, but I'm late 70's like Trump, Biden, Gates, etc, if you get my drift - we can't create babies anymore. Deagles Great Reset is scheduled for 2025/26 have to see what population numbers are like then - I live in an arid area of somewhere - I don't think there will be many left here as the vaccines take away those remaining, left. Funny how the US Army has their own "military speak". Maybe they think that unless you are military, we can't understand what they are saying to each other, so in simplistic terms the US Army are using the vaccinated as an experiment, to see how effective their Toxic Spike vaccines are in killing and maiming a would be enemy, in war, or alternatively, through Trump's Operation Warp Speed, to exterminate everyone who had a vaccine by 2025/26 in line with Deagles and The Great Reset. There's a law on the books, 21-USC-360bbb, that says,Emergency use authorized countermeasures under public health emergency cannot constitute clinical investigation.If clinical investigation is not possible, then you cannot have clinical trials, you cannot have informed consent, you cannot have clinical trial subjects, or clinical trial investigators,explaining that the pharmaceutical companies had been commandeered to produce the non-Good Manufacturing Practice compliant injectables.
People were never told come over and get injected with a countermeasure prototype, were they? People were told, this is a vaccine. It's safe and effective. It's been tested rigorously,
(said Latypova). By the way, no testing of safety has been done. They have not done any animal trials, not even started them before they started mass injecting people in human trials, and that's a complete violation of all regulations everywhere in the world, including FDA [the US Food and Drug Administration]. They just went straight into people.
This is the US Army contract with Pfizer for the supply of the vaccines which Trump signed (TO 2027) and which the US Army then supplied to all - for Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which you will see referenced third paragraph down.
If nothing happens and the population numbers remain the same - there is hope yet, but if the numbers of deaths and injuries continue to occur without reason, then the damage has been done, can't be changed and the above is true - but I really, really hope not (shudder)
The Great Reset will occur and nothing can stop it now.
Wow what a wonderful life we will have under the Elite, those of us that survive, because we refused their vaccines - funny, I thought the Elite ran our world now, am I missing something here?
Lethal Injection is a pathetically weak response.
Crucifixion, Incineration or slow hanging for starters.
You are lucky if you go quickly and suffer in misery, fear, pain and GOD knows what other ailments.
You want to send them gently into the night?
You see Innocent children suffering in fear, turmoil, pain, Autism, if not death, and you reward them with a peaceful sleep.
This is precisely why they have done this, you all lack logic, courage cold enough to see the horrendous Evil and the ruthlessness to expand on their brutality, to do what is needed.
All for Righteous Reasons, because Extreme as it is, Logic demands it to prevent repetition and terminate the misery and suffering.
There are Reasons it's Called a Holy War, and GOD is only one small aspect, no matter what you believe.