Crime and Retribution - someone has to say it - the Giant Syringe in the room killed millions
For many bad actors operating from the origins of the pandemic – at least a decade in the making – the punishment should be death by lethal injection.
For others who were “just following order”, life sentences. For those preventing cures to death and suffering, death by lethal injection.
There have been several attempts to push a “forgive and forget” narrative – “what else could we do when we knew so little?”
We knew a lot after the initial panic in March 2020 was over by May 2020. There was no footage of healthy US citizens dropping dead in the street whilst foaming at the mouth as video footage from China showed.
We now know that variants, like the deadly delta variant, would not have broken out without tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials wandering the streets of major global cities infecting people with the delta and other variants that were forced into existence by clinical trials.
The same phenomenon, luckily, forced a much more benign Omicron variant once the injections were rolled out to the global population. A lucky outturn that could have been an even more deadly variant.
This was obvious over a year ago – no coverage anywhere. Remember this?
Rise of the VARIANTS - YouTube
Skip to the two minute mark:
How many death and life sentences in the US for those found guilty?
Probably several hundred thousand.
In Europe, probably double that number.
Around the rest of the world? Another half a million death sentences needed.
The WHO stands at the forefront of those that are guilty of the most heinous crimes. The head of the snake must surely stand trial and the panel of senior advisors.
Remember Swaminathan who recently resigned as Chief Science of the WHO was charged with murder in India? What happened to that case? Bought off and under NDA? Same goes for Bill Gates et al.
A total of around 1.5 million people need to be put on trial for intentional and pre-meditated random homicide and its attempt, plus pre-meditated assault.
Can the US and the world tolerate this level of retribution for crimes against humanity from pre-meditated and intentional random homicide?
What else can be done? Re-education camps? Hell no. Disbarring all medical professionals guilty of administering the injections – maybe they should wear a black star - but this would be “cutting off your nose to spite your face”. Who would treat those still alive from the medical abuses these medics inflicted?
Whatever the retribution for these crimes that have resulted in the deaths of tens of millions SO FAR and the billions now developing diseases and conditions that will leave them poorer, sicker and in paid in fore-shortened lives, VICTIMS are in need of help – especially the uninsured and those not able to represent themselves.
Here’s some of those 1.5 million people globally that need to be tried for murder and assault.
US Military
Luminaries such as Dr David Martin and Sasha Latypova are the experts in the field of military and corporate developments of what can only be termed bio-weapons of mass destruction.
Personally, it looks to me that the US military has engaged in a covert biological war against Russia, using Ukraine bases for at least a decade. Bio-weapons research was banned in the US under Obama, but the research simply shifted to overseas locations and carried on. Additionally, a number of shell companies, EcoHealth Alliance and MetaBiota among them, were established to hide the involvement of the Department of Defence, no doubt aided and assisted by the CIA.
These types of DoD funded machinations were also present during Trump’s presidency where DoD funded operatives like Stefan Halper were paid from DoD sources, who in turn employed collaborators like Mifsud and Downer.I regard Peter Daszak as the pandemic equivalent.
As a reminder, here is an article that details the funding to EcoHealth Alliance before and after the pandemic.
Suffice to say, the roll-out of injections was part of a long planned effort. After all, coming up with the thousands of litres of solutions to go into vials, sufficient for billions of doses in a few months is beyond the realms of possibility. It was either prepared before hand or was sourced from a country more advance than the US in this field – either India or China.
Here are some links to BARDA and DARPA websites – BARDA sits under HHS, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
These organisations will have lots of co-operative ties to UK, Canadian and European equivalents. You can read about them here:
Comparing US BARDA, EU HERA, and UK ARIA | Ropes & Gray LLP (
Those involved in the military that created, perpetrated and coordinated the roll-out of injections are guilty of first degree homicide. Their only defence can be that the US was engaged in a war and that collateral damage was inevitable without their intervention and their actions prevented even more deaths. Since the casualties of the C19 pandemic were narrowly focussed on the elderly and infirm, this defence falls away.
Big pharma and health regulators - GUILTY
By now it should be apparent to everyone that the experimental C19 mRNA and viral vector injections were rolled out globally failed every test necessary to prove safety and effectiveness.
By May 2020, it was known that 95% of those succumbing were 1-2 years older than average life expectancy, had between 2-6 co-morbidities and could be given prophylaxis and early to mid-stage treatments to cure the disease.
Health regulators knew that injecting into a pandemic, rather than treating the afflicted, would force new variants that would bypass any efficacy from the injections they were mandating.
Health regulators knew that testing was inaccurate and knew that masking, lock-downs and isolation of the asymptomatic was useless and harmful to individuals and economies as a whole.
The safeguards put in place over previous decades by past health regulators to prevent deaths and harms were intentionally bypassed under “Operation Warp Speed” on President Trump’s watch.
There were no warnings given by health regulators that these safeguards were being breached and would result in lethal and ineffective experimental treatments. None.
The clinical trials were fraudulently conducted and hence any and all liability protections for anyone fall away.
Phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials clearly and demonstrably failed and/or were truncated before results were known. For just the small part of the clinical trials with results, all results proved to have more harmful effects than benefits. All of them.
Big pharma knew in advance that they had produced a poison and not a remedy. Big pharma should have stopped the roll-out of injections during clinical trials and hence are guilty of intentional, pre-meditated random homicide.
Beyond the failure of clinical trials, post marketing authorization documents for the first three months of roll-out, once again demonstrated the lethality and harmful nature of the experimental injections. One again, health regulators globally, ignored the glaringly obvious signals of deaths and harms from the experimental injections.
All this can be proven. The evidence exists in every country that health regulators failed in their duty of care to prevent harmful treatments to be released into populations.
Big pharma knew this. The regulators knew this. This was pre-meditated and intentional. The bestial nature of health regulators to add these injections to child vaccination schedules down to babies 6 months and older – and now double boosters – in an “in your face” protection of big pharma from responsibility for death and destruction simply beggars belief.
Medical Professionals
A fraction of the medical profession stood firm against the predations of the health regulators. The vast majority did not. Not only did they knowingly administer the toxic experimental injections, they knew they were doing so AND they failed to report the harms and murders they committed, by “just following instructions”.
The same applies to dispensing chemists, school nurses and all those working in “injection booths” the length and breadth of the country. Foreknowledge and intent.
Politicians and Public Administrators
Most politicians, of course, being the venal, innumerate and evil human beings with no moral compass that they are, leapt at the chance to dominate their voters into submission with any and all weapons at their disposal in order to satisfy their perverted egos – a global phenomenon.
For politicians, the crimes are coercing, incentivising and making injections a condition of employment or access to public spaces. It matters not if they were too stupid to recognise the experimental natured of the injections. They abused human rights. Particularly egregious was the denial of exemptions because of known allergic reactions or contraindications. Religious exemptions denied also. One size does not fit all and never has.
The MSM and social media
Anyone believing anything the MSM has told them since Trump was elected in 2016 has only themselves to blame.
The actions of social media companies to prevent information and discussion is an affront to freedom of speech and the development of science and medicine.
This is the deadly downside of the “woke” – ignorance and bullying that results in preventable deaths and harms. However, their heinous activities have been revealed and they are shown to be acting as the (p)ignorant a$$holes they always have been. Political meddling in these private companies has also been revealed, so that any future harms from the abuses of social media companies are now the responsibility of those that persist in using those social media platforms to spread division and hate, by hiding debate and discovery.
The list is not exhaustive. A particularly tricky category is coercion by friends and family - some of whom even now cannot see the writing on the wall.
Sound harsh?
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There is not a single, untainted element of the global legal system that will do this for us. If we want it done, we need to encircle DC, London and Ottawa with whatever white males are left, still in firm command of their testicles.
The only thing I must disagree is that there's no "virus" ! After 200 plus FOI requests to various countries, a great American woman has made a list that not one country or lab has ever isolated a Covid19 virus !