Criminal Evidence of Crimes against Humanity by the Israeli Government – relied on by the US government
For months, Steve Kirsch has been attempting to get the FDA/CDC to acknowledge the criminality of the Israeli government in suppressing information about harms from C19 injections in Israel that would facilitate informed consent.
Within his article on SubStack here Catchup (Part 2) - Steve Kirsch's newsletter ( there is this embedded link to an interview by the Epoch Times and Professor Retsef Levi, an expert in risk management and health systems at MIT Sloan School of Management, that has been posted on American Thought Leaders on Epoch TV, here:
There is a transcript of the Professor’s interview with Jan Jekielek of the Epoch Times below the video at the top of the page.
Although Mr Kirsch has been talking about the crimes of obfuscation, omission and data fraud for months, I had not seen any detail of the actual criminality that resulted in Israeli government officials intentionally lying and suppressing data on C19 injection harms to the Israeli people (and also o the US government) about the extent of the C19 injection harms.
Israel has been a giant Petrie dish for the experimental C19 injections and boosters and has claimed throughout that side effects were “rare and resolved quickly”.
Except they weren’t rare and did not resolve quickly. The Israeli people (and the US government) were denied informed consent to C19 injections (vital information) that caused harm. Two crimes that warrant criminal prosecutions. The refusal of the FDA/CDC to review this evidence is also criminal and is on top of the crime of refusing to investigate thousands upon thousands of American deaths and injuries sustained following C19 injections in the US and around the world.
The DoJ and FBI are also culpable for not investigating and prosecuting the pre-meditated random deaths and injuries of these tens (if not hundreds adjusted for under-reporting to VAERS) of thousands of American dead and potentially tens of millions of Americans injured by these toxic injections.
So are all other national, state, city and local governments.
There is no power within an EUA to condone, forgive and grant immunity to those that knowingly cause death and injury on the scale we are witnessing.
For the US, the latest Butcher’s Bill is here. Slide your eyes over to the column titled “US Data Only
COVID19 vaccines (Dec’2020 –“ to see the 15,415 deaths and 901,031 adverse events reported for US residents reported to VAERS, then multiply those already horrific numbers by 40 to adjust for estimates of under-reporting to the VAERS system. I repeat my belief that the Under Reporting Factor of 40 is actually increasing as time passes since injections were administered for the majority of Americans. I suspect it is about half way to the historic under-reporting factor of 100 contained in the Lazarus Report of a decade or so ago.
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 11/18/2022 – VAERS Analysis
There is a critical need to reconcile excess mortality with estimates of C19 “vaccine” deaths AND probably a need to build massive amounts of hospital capacity to diagnose and treat symptomatic/asymptomatic “vaccine” harms. And I mean massive - (stain) testing will need to be done monthly for the entire population to capture developing morbid health conditions - even for those infected by shedding from the "vaxxed.
Back to the crimes exposed in a recording of a meeting where a specially recruited independent team reviewed “vaccine” safety data, as exposed by Professor Levi.
A paper is referred to that I haven’t been able to locate “Notably, in Nature Scientific Reports, you were a co-author of a paper. I’ll get you to explain exactly what it is that you found. It had to do with an increase in cardiac events, but also, you were one of the investigators looking at this Israeli leaked video about possible vaccine side effects.”
The entire video is well worth watching, but kkip to the 36:55 minute mark of the 1hr:14:21 minute video to get to the intentional suppression, distortion and outright lying that the Israeli government engaged in AFTER receiving the independent safety report on “vaccine” harms.
Here’s some extracts taken from the transcript below the video.
“Here, what they told them is that they were surprised to find out that unlike what was told to the public and maybe against the existing narrative, many of the side effects are in fact not short term, but actually last weeks, months and sometimes over a year.”
“It seems that the Ministry of Health in Israel took this to their attention, because when you look at the actual report that they post in the public domain, they essentially took out a lot of the messages, a lot of the findings that were found by the research team that they hired. And moreover, they misrepresented the data and misrepresented the reporting rates of the different side effects, and made them look like very, very rare side effects.
Whereas, the fact of the matter is, the reporting rates were much higher. How did they do that? They did that by doing two things. They basically ignored the fact that the system was only launched at the end of 2021, a year after the vaccination started. When they considered the number of reports, they took this number and divided it by the total number of doses of vaccine that were given in Israel throughout the entire period of time.
That’s clearly manipulative. The irony is that when they took the number of reports on menses irregularities, they divided it by the number of doses of men and women. I think that everybody could tell you that you don’t need to be a scientist to know that’s wrong.”
So, take adverse events over a short period and express them over the longer period of the “vaccine” campaign and express problems with menses on a population that included all men.
“.. these reports represent only 15, maybe 17 per cent of the population in Israel.”
“..clear evidence that these reports in many cases demonstrate causal relationship to the vaccine. .. based on a phenomenon that is called re-challenge. one dose of the vaccine and had a neurological reaction, .. took the second dose of the vaccine, this neurological reaction either came back or became worse.”
“.. clear evidence that they were harmed by the vaccine. .. they did not expose the fact that there is evidence of a causal relationship to the public in Israel. They also did not reach out to these individuals to try and compensate them and take care of them.”
“.. there are women that suffer for weeks and months and over a year sometimes from irregular menstrual cycle, and different types of irregularities. Again, there is evidence that this is directly caused by the vaccine because of the re-challenge.” Alongside this quite “Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, who is the number two healthcare official in the Ministry of Health interviewing on Israeli TV, and basically saying something along the lines, “Okay, maybe there is a phenomenon like that, but it’s just short term. Nothing to worry about, go vaccinate.”
Side note. Even the venerable Professor does not distinguish between the Phase 3 Clinical trials of 21,000 odd in each of the injection arm and the placebo arm that ended in November 2020 that was published in many places and the 3 month post authorization marketing document that the FDA wanted to withhold for 75 years. The 3 month post marketing document revealed over 1,200 deaths and over 40,000 injuries up to end February 2021 – separate and distinct reports. I watched an interview between Megyn Kelly and Robert Kennedy jr where Kelly made the same error. Maybe a minor point, but relevant because the (short) six-month clinical trails predicted the mortality and adverse event outcomes, not only of the (short, that is less than) 3 month post authorization marketing document, but the likely rates of all deaths and injury rates since the launch of injections.
“What are the principles that we all believed to be fundamental to the success of public health policies? Transparency, trust, and empathy are the three fundamental principles. We lost transparency, as we can see. As a result, we lost trust. And the problem is that we also lost empathy.”
I will stop there.
Bottom line? Health regulators globally are suppressing data on the rates of “vaccine” harms and deaths. They refuse to be transparent. This is a crime against humanity as it denies informed consent. There is no EUA that can sanction crimes against humanity, none. Where can it be prosecuted if the prosecutorial bodies and police forces in each country are complicit in such crimes and are “accessories after the fact”?
I can think of only one place and that is the International Criminal Court in the Hague.
A case was brought, link below. No updates for months.
UK ICC Complaint – Hannah Rose Law
It has been acknowledged by the ICC.
Link to the case here:
icc-complaint-7.docx (
“On behalf of the peoples of the United Kingdom.
This proprio motu request was drafted by Hannah Rose and filed with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on December 6th, 2021. It is free and available to anyone who wishes to read it, download it, share it, re-use it or otherwise benefit from it’s content. Namaste”.
Outstanding post. Thank you.
It must be a given that in most countries the judiciary is not for for purpose any longer.
The only legal body that I personally believe hasn't been "got at". Is the ICC.
They regularly find governments guilty. Only problem is, they don't have a mechanism to punish the guilty.
Survey of side effects after booster vaccination: more common in women and young people