Data doodling – Registered deaths in England and Wales (excludes Scotland and Northern Ireland) by year and month from 2020 to 2023 – benchmarked against 2015-2019 death rates
Using data from here and Brave AI for ONS sourced population umbers:
We can construct this data by year:
An approximate increase in the rate of “deaths per million” of around 5%, from peaks of around 10% for 2020 and 2021.
We can summarise these like this:
224,470 extra (not excess) registered deaths in England and Wales over the four calendar years ending in 2023. Note these are not the actual dates of death, they are the dates in which the dates were registered.
Here’s the breakdown by month and year:
First half:
Second half:
I am sure you can spot some “anomalies” in the monthly data, like April 2020 (lockdowns and DNR’s?) and January 2021 ad February 2021 (roll-out of injections?).
Here’s some analysis by month, using 2015 to 2019 as a benchmark:
I don’t have injection data by month or death data by age – but maybe there are some clues for those that have such data.
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Hi Peter, you wrote:
"224,470 extra (not excess) registered deaths in England and Wales over the four calendar years ending in 2023.
I previosuly published:
"Based on total England and Wales deaths, I ran an approximate analysis and calculated TOTAL British Covid-19 vax-caused deaths in 2021 and 2022 of 172,000. I posted that message at Metro.UK and it was censored after one day."
So my estimate for 4 years would be similar to yours.
Best Allan MacRae, Calgary
Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull