Data doodling – UK Healthcare since 2000, hospital waiting lists last five years and the significant contribution of smokers to the economy!
From here:
UK Healthcare Spending - Analysis, Charts 2015_2025Charts Tables (
We have this chart – spot the impact of the scamdemic:
UK health spending has quadrupled since 2000, whilst the population has grown from 58.9 million in 2000 to 69.4 million in 2024- plus 18% (including a million or two illegal immigrants) bringing their health problems with them).
Extra spending on health across the UK is up around 60-70 billion pounds a year over the period of the scamdemic.
According to Brave, in 2019 around 4.2 million English (just England, not the UK) were waiting for elective treatment. In December 2023 that number had increased to 6.4 million.
But “A survey by the Office for National Statistics in April 2024 estimated that almost 10 million people across England could be waiting for an NHS appointment or treatment (9.7 million when extrapolated). – that excludes Wales, Scotland and Ulster.
Somewhere amongst those numbers are the impacts from the “steenking” experimental modified mRNA C19 injections.
New the contaminated and adulterated C19 injections starting off costing around 20 pounds per injection. Recent “yaw” before taxpayer subsidies in the US are around 150-200 bucks. These health care spending numbers will include the cost of the injections and their associated administration costs as well as the costs of treating the carnage caused by the experimental injections (don’t forget, the mRNA and viral vector platforms had never worked in a public health policy setting – ever.
Now, just for shit and giggles, and being a smoker for 50 years myself, I thought I would take a look at the taxes paid by UK smokers to see how a previous WHO edict had played out.
The UK is targeting “net zero” and a smoke free UK by 2030. Here is the WHO governing body responsible for tobacco.
“The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO. It was adopted by the World Health Assembly on 21 May 2003 and entered into force on 27 February 2005. It has since become one of the most rapidly and widely embraced treaties in United Nations history.”
By signing up to this “convention” smokers in the UK are subject to a large amount of taxation. Now, I am not whining about the tax paid to smokers – I am conscious that according to the WHO, my lifespan will be 10 years shorter than otherwise (saving the British taxpayer 10 years of my State pension). Now, I am drawing the comparison of a GOVRNMNT IMPOSED ADDICITION to “vaccines”.
The democide will cost more and shorter lives for all Brits – and will be far more harmful than smoking.
SO here is a back of the envelope contribution of UK smokers’ taxes to the UK economy since the year 2000. Note the halving of the numbers of smoking whilst health care costs are up from 50 billion to well over 200 billion since 2000.
Tobacco taxes come from Brave.
In those 24 years, UK smokers have paid in 125 billion pounds in taxes, which if put in a savings account earning 5% would be worth 207 billion pounds.
Now using data from here, ad population data from Bing, we can construct this table:
Tobacco taxes automatically go up at 2% over inflation every year, which has resulted in tobacco taxes going up from 168 pounds per “smokita” to 883 pounds per “smokita! Over 20 years from 2002 to 2022– 425% = 8.6^ p.a. compound.
I suspect that this escalation in taxes will be applied directly to taxation on “fossil fuels” if the global Marxists/Socialists/Cult of Moloch get their way in national elections and at the UN.
I also suspect that big pharma is pursuing this business model in their pricing over the next few decades.
Big pharma will reduce the world population far faster than any tobacco use!
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