Did bird flu – H5N1 or H7N3 or H7N9 or whatever - leak from a lab in Georgia, US or the Netherlands? How long before “conspiracy theories” turn into “evidence”?
From this 11 minute video embedded here (h/t Diana):
“Did the current strain of bird flu come from a lab leak? A new study suggests that is the case. Now the WHO says that the first person has died from bird flu and health experts say that we need to start testing animals with PCR tests. Stop me if think you’ve heard this one before. Dr. Kelly Victory joins us to discuss.”
Gain of function? Hundreds of lab leaks occur every year!
You can see how close you are to a “research lab” here:
Of course there is an mRNA “vaccine” standing by to make billions of bucks for a few mRNA manufacturers.
Dr Judy Mikovits has weighed in here:
Judy Mikovits: "They injected H5N1 in every flu vaccine since 2012" (substack.com)
Which has an embedded video with this quote:
“They injected H5N1 in every flu vaccine since 2012. Since 2009, actually, when our 2009 October 23 science paper that's when they created another diversion to lie about what the data was really showing.”
Diana who alerted me to the Redacted video, also offered this:
“2Cure- Bird Flu- you need antibiotic- natural would be best if you cannot go to doctor like me-
I would choose OREGANOL- or Hydrastis Canadensis- Goldenseal- you can also use GREEN TEA with high EGCG”
HCQ and IVM might help also!
Remember, new variants of C19 evolved DURING clinical trials,
Injecting people and livestock with mRNA concoctions will also FORCE new variants that may or may nor be more virulent and transmissible.
From August 2021:
Rise of the VARIANTS (youtube.com)
Skip to the 2-minute mark. Delta was first identified in India in December 2020 – at the time of the clinical trials.
Enquiring minds want to know if reported “cases” break out close to clinical trials for the “vaccines” for H5N1!!!
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“Lab leak” is becoming a household trademark. We need some education, then.
A “lab” is a special place where you cannot enter. They won’t let you in. They only allow their own. Because what they do there is none of your business.
Since it is their business, usually copyrighted, patented and trademarked, you will never know what it is about. If, by some random act of mercy, you get employed there, they won’t let you out. They will search through all your belonging, x-ray you and your stuff every hour or so, and they will take your phone away. If you convince them that you want to sleep outside of the lab, and enjoy your own toilet seat, they will search you again before every leaving of the premises. Three times.
A “leak” is not a decent word in the ultra-modern world, so we’ll skip it.
If you are intent on a lab leak, consequently, it cannot be an accidental leak. You will have to consider many aspects of bypassing all kinds of safety and security protocols and inquisitive eyes and hands of the gatekeeping personnel.
You won’t be able to leak the stuff into the ambient air, later to be picked up by a drone operated by the 9-year-old kid of your friend. You won’t be able to hide these nice vials, even plastic ones - because everything there has a label and is counted and checked and numbered and reported.
They do serious stuff there. For a successful lab leak, you would need to learn from all crazy SF movies in which everything is possible. Once you master one lab leak, more will be possible. Then they will know by your travel history, social media selfies with vials and Friends who repeatedly report you with all kinds of authorities because of jealousy.
As Judy once said, lab leaks do not occur in nature. Intentional removal of stuff, oh, yes, why not.
Ban and defund all mRNA research involving injections or any other delivery medium. Prevent all public health organizations from receiving private donations. Make all communications by public health workers public record. Make all financial records of PH leaders and their families public records.