Do not let the Cult frame the narrative into a “limited hangout” – 700;000 Americans killed by modified mRNA injections and another 600,000 – at least – killed by "protocols" or “failure to treat"
Here’s the beef.
The “Overton Window” around “vaccine harms and deaths” has bee opened a tiny fraction, but the criminals responsible are out and about trying to create a narrative that vastly diminishes the scale f their crimes of commission and omission.
Here’s the ballpark.
American taxpayers funded the genocide of more than a million Americans and 100 million injuries with 4 trillion dollars of debt.
American taxpayers will pay for any full or partial compensation for deaths and injuries resulting from medical malpractice and wilful malfeasance. These “reparations’” will likely run to tens of trillions of dollars over the next few decades – this is ON YOP OF pre-pandemic health care costs of trillions of dollars.
American taxpayers will pay billions of dollars in legal fees and congressional proceedings – which probably will result in a whitewash with scant few prosecutions or law changes. The costs of “hearings, inquiries and Royal Commissions” etc will dwarf compensation to victims by a factor of around 100 to 1. The UK enquiry has already cost 124 million pounds and has ben postponed after just 6 months. Victim compensation a few million. Maybe the AstraZeneca case will result in some improvement.
The “regressive” positive affirmation hires on the SCOTUS will likely rule that the “government” can censor anyone it wants to during an emergency (Missouri v Biden fails). The emergency can be fake and governments can represent less than half the people, but that won’t matter to the socialists who want centralised control – mimicking the role of King Geirge III who had to raise taxes on the colonies to pay for wars in Europe- - in a move they view as a success against the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
These sorts of numbers and outcomes are prevalent in every country. Taxpayers pay for the means to commit self-genocide, pay for treatment, and will pay for legal proceedings that will whitewash the crimes.
There have been tiny cracks in the dam of censorship around the genocide committed by the whit coated health regulators and medics with their co-dependent MSM sycophants and politicians.
Th Cult started blew a smoke ring in a crowded theatre and shouted “Fire” loudly and many times whilst blocking all emergency exits.
700,000 Americans died from the XPWRIMENTAL C19 modified mRNA injections. Clinical trials were a sham, with pre-falsified outcomes. They were supposed to run for six months between end July 2020 to end January 2021 and instead were unblinded by the end of October 2020. Enquiring minds want to know if the same corrupt logic was used to determine “cases” in the trials as was used to determine “vaxx status” in the general population – that is – day 1 – first dose, wait three weeks, take dose 2, wait two weeks then considered “vaccinated”. That is 36 days after the first dose – with a trial that lasted a shortened 90 days. Let’s be charitable and say “cases” were counted from Day 1 and move on.
We know that the process used for doses in the clinical trials were adulterated and contaminated in the process used to make the doses in the general population.
I believe that the Live Action Role Playing (LARP’ing) we saw in videos from China in the first days of the scamdemic WITH NO EQUIVALENT elsewhere were known by March 2020 and that the Zelenko protocol – based on long standing treatment protocols for other respiratory conditions -was sufficient to halt the scamdemic in its tracks. The efficacy of Ivermectin was also known by May 2020 and would have similarly halted the scam.
The best analysis of the excess deaths suffered during the entre scamdemic is here:
The State of Things Pandemic (
I commented on this analysis here>
It has this summary:
“As of April 27th 2024, there have been
691,738 Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),
187,920 Excess Non-Natural Deaths (including 60,000 sudden cardiac deaths in casual drug users),
375,045 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment,1
373,730 Excess Deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (6.6 x annual influenza-pneumonia)2
making for a grand total of 1,254,703 Manmade Excess Deaths of US Citizens, out of a Pandemic Total Excess Mortality of 1,628,433.”
Look at the numbers for malpractice and denial of treatment. My bet is that those occurred in 2020 and were categorized as C19 deaths. My bet is that the 700,000 modified mRNA deaths were also categorizes as C19 deaths.
The tiny opening in the Overton Window of harms and deaths needs to be shattered and the narrative of serial liars and BS artists like the scarf lady Birx needs to be exposed for what it is – a cover up of the monumental scale and tragedy of a lethal fraud that she played a large part in – along with a few dozen others like Fauco and Rick “hissing Sid ” Bright (who is put the kibosh on HCQ treatments whilst at BARDA and is now somewhere within the Rockefeller Foundation),
I think the numbers of dead are about a million light and that the deaths from the C19 disease caused by the SARS-COV2 virus are about 250,000 overstated (note that there are no excess deaths from the usual fu/pneumonia deaths).
A reconciliation is required of the extra deaths that can be derived from here:
United States Deaths 2024, How Many Deaths in United States 2024 | Dead or Kicking
(Looks like the numbers for 2022 and 2023 are being double checked?)
There has been an approximate 15% increase in the rate of death, pre- and post scamdemic. It is my belief that at least 90% of the “cases” diagnosed using an over cycled “not fit for purpose” RT-PCR test are bogus and hence, so are the deaths with C19 present.
Broadly speaking, a death rate of 8.9 per thousand population prior to the scamdemic have increased to 10.2 post the pandemic, representing a structural shift of 15% in each of the last four calendar years – equivalent to around 500,000 extra dead Americans per annum.
Side note: I wonder how many of the 10 million criminal immigrants brought C19 with them, caught it here, took the injections and either suffered or died from it.
Note the 375,000 deaths estimated by the Ethical Skeptic for “Malpractice and Denial of Treatment”.
Think of those numbers in the context of the administration of Remdesivir, fentanyl, Midazolam and morphine whilst being denied all human contact, strapped in a bed with no food and water – PLUS – medics refusing to continue with existing anti-biotic treatments and not prescribing for fresh conditions requiring anti0biotics.
Let’s test the context of pre-meditation and intent from the Pfizer clinical trial and scale the results from the sample method used to replicate the entire dosed population.
Note the trial did not include the very young, the old, the infirm or the pregnant. The elderly and infirm (with their already weakened immune systems) were injected with a modified mRNA injection with an adulterated and contaminated version of the “natural” spike – which directly attacked their already weakened immune systems. (Let’s leave aside the analogy of injecting snake venom to precent snake bite).
Here’s a table that extrapolates the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial results for the unblinded after 3-4 months of the “trial”. This is supposed to represent an estimate of outcomes if rolled out to the HEALTHY 18-65, (non-pregnant) population.
The trial was conducted over the summer/early autumn months amongst a healthy demographic when the likely death rate per thousand population would be around 7 deaths per thousand population per annum. It has been shown that harms increase at an exponential rate the older the population “treated”. I have not seen a detailed study of the interaction of the spike protein with existing biochemical medications.
Nite that the “natural” spike protein is different from the modified mRNA spike protein and the “natural” spike can be immediately attacked by the bodes immune system via respiratory systems, but the injected spike goes all round the body and organs by first LOWERING the immune response of the circulatory system. Two very different mechanisms.
Note also that the (p)ignorant scarf lady thinks that, despite 1 million adverse events reported to VAERS with 18,500 deaths, these were not credible. (Despite analysis showing an Under-reporting factor of 40!!!! – which increases as the time since injection increases).
22,000 people = around 15 deaths annual rate. For just 3mnths = 4, six months 8 deaths with no scamdemic present.
(Not shown are the bogus placebo group’s 14 deaths in the clinical trial).
You can question the small numbers od deaths and their statistical significance and also you can, maybe, derive the number of C19 deaths v the numbers with no scamdemic present by subtracting the normal deaths of around 4-8 with the 14 deaths in the placebo group to get a C19 population death rate of around 8 C19 deaths per thousand.
That is, of course if you don’t believe in shedding (enquiring minds still want to know how a placebo group ca have “related adverse events” as well as the injected arm.
Here is the link to the study on the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial used.
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print (
Let’s leave aside the 300,000 deaths estimated from the clinical trial and check out the 81 million adverse events of all sorts, the 4 million severe (life altering) adverse events and the 2 million serious (life threatening) events.
These numbers indicate pre-meditation and intent to commit murder and battery assault. As it turns out the process actually used – Process 2 – was indicated in a small sample of 250 – to b 2-3 times more harmful than the Process 1 concoction used in the clinical trials.
It is possible to infer that the results of the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial have been borne out in real life.
It would appear so – in other words, the rushed and poorly conducted double blinded placebo-controlled trial provided a clear indication of unacceptable harms and deaths – even though it was underestimated by a factor of 2.
Now, we know that the Oxford/AstraZeneca concoction was 4-5 times more harmful than Moderna and Pfizer BioNTech’s concoctions – and was pulled within a few months of launch – though still recommend by the WHO and countries like Canada and Australia – and was almost exclusively used in India.
We also know that a billion doses were shipped within the US, but less than 700 million were actually administered. We know that 1.5 billion doses were shipped to the EU but “only” a billion were administered. Were there kickbacks for over ordering?
Away, 700,000 US dead from the EXPERIMENTAL C19 modified mRNA injections – a million Europeans killed, around 150,000 Brits, 52,000 Ozzie’s, 10,000 kiwis and 80,000 Canadians and so on and so forth – assuming one death per thousand doses, everyone dosed twice.
Multiply those death estimates by 240 to get an indication of all adverse events, by 13 to get an indication of severe (life altering) adverse events and by 6 to get to serious (life threatening) events for each of those countries.
For India? 2.2 billion doses administered, not shipped, five times more harmful than the mRNA shots = one death per 200 doses? 11 million dead since the doll-out 4 years ago?
How many in China for its 3 billion doses? The Chinese are not crowing about either safety or efficacy for their “normal” vaccines (or their own mRNA doses).
There were 13.7 billion doses administered globally in the last 3 years or so. China and India 5.5 billion of those leaving around 8 billion f which Pfizer and Moderna make up 6 billion – so 2 billion for all other manufacturers.
Lastly, how much tax did Pfizer pay on its blood money?
(100) A quick look at Pfizer’s Income and Tax over the last ten years (
Not much because it uses shelf companies in the back streets of Amsterdam to shelter its profits and transfer pricing via Ireland to reduce tax on what is unsheltered.
7.4 billion of taxes paid over ten years, with 71.7 due based on a 21% corporate tax rate.
0000078003-24-000039 ( page 61 out of 168
omething quite squirrely there. 2023 income before tax should be around 35.5 billion, not 1 billion – and as for the tax rebate of 1.1 billion, well, no surprises there!
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Makes me mad, makes me sad, for all the harm done to unsuspecting people by our thoroughly corrupt governments, & so far zero accountability, even now after most of us are aware this awful scheme was set in motion to injure, disable, & kill millions & millions of innocents. Dear God, what a mess. We need divine intervention to help us battle this evil. I thank God for the warriors like you, Peter Halligan. I pray for the truth to spread far & wide, knocking over every evil facade, convicting hearts, & mending lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
News readers like Chris Cuomo live in a fantasy world and not in the one most of us inhabit. To say he’s a journalist is like saying Biden is a statesman 😂😂😂😂😂