“Drag over hot coals! – torture method – should it be used to get the truth from Hancock and UK regulators about the culling of the elderly in England and Wales during C19 and even now amongst all
We will soon have experienced five years of the scamdemic. UK politicians have gone out of their way to cover up its consequences and evidence of crimes of murder and battery assault from initial treatment protocols and the going extra deaths that the experimental modified mRNA injections and the especially deadly viral vector Oxford Biometrics/AstraZeneca injections.
The news cycle has moved on, but the fact remains that “those who do not earn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them”.
The most egregious mistakes are the use of “Do not Resuscitate” notices without the consent of anyone, Midazolam and morphine – which were contra-indicated for respiratory conditions - to kill the elderly in April 2020 and the n-going use of FAILED mRNA technology and unfit for purpose RT-PCR testing. No doubt a PCR test could be devised that would “diagnose” every citizen, everywhere with cancer. That is how ridiculous the test is. Everyone has cancer – it is “handled” by the immune system and strengthened with vitamins and good food, clean water and healthy living.
I have written several articles on the use of Midazlam that pull together the work of others who have doe “deep dives” on the issue. Articles like this one:
Eugenics - UK style - by Peter Halligan
And another example here:
““Is it just a coincidence that the amount of Midazolam solution produced each month match the spikes in alleged Covid deaths?”
“So, how many of the 130,000 UK’s “CoVID-19 deaths” in 2020 and the first 3 months of 2021 - prior to the roll-out of injections - were “death by Midazolam”?”
A few days ago, I presented ONS data on registered deaths in England and Wales. No doubt, there is equivalent data from “authorities” in Scotland ad Northern Ireland to complete overall UK wide data of this sort.
I showed data by month for nine years – 2015-2019 for five years of a rudimentary # “benchmark” and monthly data for the “year of the scamdemic” and three years of monthly data subsequent of the rollout of C19 injections.
I want to highlight the “Midazolam” effect in April 2020 – here’s April 2020, compared to preceding and ensuing “Aprils”. From the tables of 9 years of monthly data.
Kid of stands out like the proverbial dg junk, doesn’t it?
We now know that C19 mortality was similar to that of a bad flu season. Those extra >40,000 I April/May 2020 deaths were ascribed to C19, rather than Midazolam treatment protocols.
Deaths in the months preceding and following April 2020 were higher but not extraordinarily so.
Note the “hangover” of elevated deaths of >10,000 in May of 2020 – v the extra 40,000 deaths in April 2020, 50,000 extra deaths.
Not these numbers are not “age standardised all-cause mortality” deaths. Th are the numbers od registered deaths in England and Wales as supplied by the Office of National Statistics.
Here is a chart of C19 deaths from here:
United Kingdom COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer
Those charts are for the UK, not England and Wales, but they show the general trends:
Twin peaks. One peak in April 2020 and the other in January 2021.
Here’s the first peak tally.
Almost all the extra deaths were assigned to C19, either because they were “suspected” or “tested” using the fake RT-PCR tests.
Were the extra deaths due to C19 or eugenics/murder to “make room” for an expected tidal wave of C19 cases amongst the “healthy” population?
The political leaders of the UK, whose citizens died, have turned their backs on the question, they do not care. Around half of current sitting UK MPs were present at the time. They still do not care. Instead, the UK “blob” rigged the election of Andrew Bridgen to collapse his support by more than 90% in the 4 July 2024 election to remove the constant reminder of their complicity and guilt.
Let’s look at that period when the injections – of the Oxford Biometrics/AstraZeneca injection were rolled out in a “world first” that beat Operation Warp Speed in the US to the death punch.
Care is needed here – I have put January and February in calendar years in the table after the November/December data, so you need to “lag” the rows down a year.
November and December deaths for 2021 and 2022 are 5,000 to 7,000 higher than prior years.
Check out the increase in deaths for January 2021 – the first month of the viral vector Oxford Biomedica/AstraZeneca injections – an extra 17,000! This coincides with the second peak in C19 deaths in the chart above. Was the spike in C19 deaths the result of vaxx deaths?
Here’s the overall fake C19 data in the UK.
25 million fake “cases” – out of a UK population of around 68 million – many people have “had” C19 multiple times. Call it an “infection” rate of around a third. Maing two thirds did not get “diagnosed” as a case.
Not that there is a significant “placebo” group I the UK who did not take a single C19 injection. I am one of them. It would be a simple enough task to check the experimental injections against this placebo to check out mortality and morbidity rates. The data SHOULD be part of the conclusion of the Stage 4, post marketing authorisation ad rollout, ONGOING clinical trial experiment.
The UK – and every other country 0 refuses to do this simple and basic work.
232,000 deaths with the false diagnosis and with the “presence of C19 being listed as the cause of death. the actual numbers of deaths caused by the “new flu” (which = “old flu plus spike protein”) is probably closer to 40,000 a year for the four years ending in 2023 – 160,000 flu deaths.
How many from Midazolam? Maybe 50,000 to 60,000. How many deaths from 176 million C19 injections? 200,000?
Extra deaths for the four years ending in calendar year 2023?
And the response from medical and scientific authorities playing politics plus the politicians playing medics and scientists?
All those green benches should be filled with 650 interested MPs.
UK MPs have exhibited, and continue to exhibit, a dereliction of duties of care, morals, ethics, leadership and curiosity as their people died at the hands of a propaganda and corrupt corporate culture – called FASCISM.
In a sane world, given that the UK voter has ended up with a bunch of Marxist morons pretending to have an ability to take executive action, the UK populace would signal that they, not politicians, are in charge.
There would be a GENERAL STRIKE n Guy Fawkes night to indicate the power of the people. Even just an afternoon to get ready to go watch the fireworks and the US elections.
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I'd love to see Hancock & Co. dragged over hot coals. Literally.
St. James Palace is surrounded by angry Brits calling Charles Iii aka King Chuckles III to come out. A man with an executioners axe is seen at the Square with William the Weak next to the Block. ....