EU Parliament approves the Digital Passport – woops, I mean Wallet – “Welcome to the Borg, Resistance is Futile, You Will Be Assimilated”
From here:
“The EU parliament officially approved the ‘European Digital Identity Wallet’ yesterday.
Although they say it’ll be voluntary - just like they said the digital vaccine passports would be voluntary - this system is the foundation for a Chinese social credit style digital surveillance state.
Once implemented, the EU’s goal is that 80% of the population uses their Digital ID by 2030 for almost all areas of life. From travel, social media and other online logins, doctor's appointments, public transport - you’ll need your Digital Wallet for basically everything.”
Now, on the one hand, it might be an advantage not having to carry around credit cards, work out the best deal with a cell-phone company and be able to shop without cash.
On the other hand, it is not as if there is one of the many suppliers of electronic services that is subject to the legal protection afforded to “consumers” via trad descriptions laws and safety standards.
No. these are government wallets – they belong to the one-size fits all at all times “Norg”. Once you have one, every interface with anything electronic is in the hands of POLITICIANS. Right now, the Borg is controlled by a Cult that operates outside the rule of law, science, ethics and morals.
Companies cannot shut you down. Governments will be able to and probably will. Ask the Canadian Truckers.
Criminal hackers will have a field dat. If they can hack crypto currencies, think how much easier it will be to hack a government database?
Maybe tomorrow, those politicians will be even worse – think Net Zero.
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Don’t let govt fool you AGAIN… in the name of “SAFETY” ⚠️ ⚠️
To be blunt, there can only be one reasonable response to unfettered Statism (with my a priori apologies): phcuk 'em.