Eugenicists operating in the USDA and CDC - using the “models” developed by the UK’s Imperial College that started the C19 scamdemic - Neil Ferguson - have slaughtered a third of the US chicken flock
In a sign of the intentions of the Cult of Moloch’s plans for humanity - and the failure to achieve the same level of success with the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections - the “experts” in the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) announces a $1,25 billion plan to kill more chickens,
From here:
“The government has a new, $1 billion plan to combat the spread of bird flu among U.S. chickens and rising egg prices.”
“U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Brooke Rollins on Wednesday announced the five-pronged “$1 billion comprehensive strategy,” including funding for biosecurity measures, financial relief for farmers, actions to reduce “regulatory burdens” and increase egg imports — and “$100 million for vaccine research.”
“According to Rollins, about 166 million laying hens have been culled since 2022. Culling “can be an effective way to stop an outbreak,” CNN reported.”
Just because someone has a plan, does not mean it is a good o. th democratic Party had a plan and Trump punched them in the face (apologies to Iron Mike Tyson).
Here is a link to another article:
“The authors of the 2025 pre-print paper on bird flu wrote, “Our model suggests that dairy herd outbreaks [of H5N1 avian influenza] will continue to be a significant public health challenge in 2025 and that more urgent, farm-focused, biosecurity interventions and targeted surveillance schemes are sorely needed.”
“In 2001, as foot and mouth disease (FMD) broke out in parts of Britain, Ferguson and his team at Imperial College produced predictive modelling which was later criticised as “not fit for purpose.” At the time, however, it proved highly influential and helped to persuade Tony Blair’s government to carry out a widespread pre-emptive culling which ultimately led to the deaths of more than six million cattle, sheep and pigs. The cost to the economy was later estimated at £10 billion.”
“Separately, Ferguson predicted that up to 150,000 people could die from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, “mad cow disease”) and its equivalent in sheep if it made the leap to humans. Per 2020, there have been fewer than 200 deaths from the human form of BSE and none from sheep to human transmission. The result was an EU ban on British beef exports; and the eventual killing and incineration of over 3.7 million cattle.”
“In 2005, Ferguson claimed that up to 200 million people would be killed by bird flu or H5N1. By early 2006, the WHO had only linked 78 deaths to the virus, out of 147 reported cases.”
The models used by Ferguson always produce he same result - mass deaths if preventative measures are not used,
Read more in the linked article from about tens of thousands of deaths he predicted whilst working on the “expert panel” at the WHO.
No vaccine? Kill all affected animals. Humans are animals. Why would anyone pay attention to this moron (he cheated on his wife during 2020 lockdowns as well).
Back to the CHD article:
“Some farmers and medical experts questioned the USDA’s plan, under which chicken culls will continue.
Vermont attorney and farmer John Klar said, “Economic relief for poultry farmers is appropriate, as is monitoring flocks and supporting improved biosecurity measures.” However, Klar said he is “dismayed by the fearmongering about bird flu” and fears that a “silver bullet” to tackle the crisis may not be available.”
“The single most effective action to reduce egg prices in the long-term is to stop the practice of mass depopulation, which has led to a costly and ineffective cycle that not only wastes taxpayer dollars but also worsens the spread of H5N1.”
Just wait for the “vaccines”.
From Brave AI:
“Bird flu vaccinations for poultry are being developed and stockpiled in response to the ongoing outbreak. The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced plans to rebuild a stockpile of bird flu vaccines for poultry that match the strain of the virus circulating in commercial flocks and wild birds, indicating the widespread and devastating nature of the outbreak.”
“Several vaccines exist for use in humans, including Aflunov, Celldemic, and Seqirus/Audenz, which are in various stages of development and testing.”
“The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is reevaluating a $590 million contract awarded to Moderna for the development of an mRNA-based bird flu vaccine.3 This review is part of a broader government effort to reassess spending on RNA-based vaccines, similar to those used for the COVID-19 pandemic.”
“The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that inappropriate use of vaccination in poultry can sometimes cause silent transmission of infection from asymptomatic birds and can spread the disease.”
“As of February 25, 2025, there are 70 confirmed cases of bird flu among humans in the United States23.
The most recent cases in 2025 include a dairy worker in Nevada, a poultry worker in Ohio, and the owner of a backyard poultry flock in Wyoming.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that the current public health risk remains low, and there has been no documented person-to-person spread of the virus.”
There is virtually zero risk of getting the virus from properly cooked meat. Per Brave AI:
“Cooked chicken is considered safe for consumption during an H5N1 outbreak. Experts advise that the risk of contracting the virus from eating properly cooked chicken or eggs is extremely low. Cooking poultry to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius) inactivates the virus, making the meat safe to eat.”
As for remaining chicken numbers in the US? Per Brave AI:
“In 2023, the total number of all chickens in the U.S. was around 522 million, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.”
166.2 million culled chickens - less any replenishment - implies that number is down - a lot.
Per Brave AI, human symptoms are:
“Human symptoms of bird flu can range from mild to severe. Common symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, chills, muscle aches, and conjunctivitis (eye infection). Less common symptoms may include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or seizures.
In severe cases, complications such as pneumonia or organ failure can occur. Symptoms typically appear within 3 to 5 days of infection and can develop into more serious conditions within days if not treated promptly.”
Slaughtering 166 million chickens to protect 70 chicken-to-human transmissions for pinkeye (there is no human to human transmission) seems OVERKILL!
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Not to mention…did “they” ever mention…(?) this is murder of chickens by hire, so to speak. These farmers were paid HALF a BILLION $$ to kill “their” chickens.
These creepy chicken farmers, some of them… sent in flame throwers to horrifically KILL perfectly well birds…in scenes of unnecessary terror for their 30 pieces of silver. Sorry, but IMHO, this is demonic…
WHERE IS PITA? Where is COMMON sense?
"...and the failure to achieve the same level of success with the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections - "
I agree that the Abusers did not achieve what they thought they would.
And that gives us a great opportunity to get at them when they are so exposed.
Thank you to you all for doing the work!!!