FAIR completes detailed analysis of direct costs to US States of criminal migrants – 151 billion at open 2023 alone – excludes indirect costs – a married veteran - one child - 50% disabled gets less
FAIR = Federation for American Immigration Reform
From here:
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to American Taxpayers 2023 (fairus.org)
1.1 “Key Highlights
· At the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.
· FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – just under $32 billion – from the gross negative economic impact of illegal immigration, $182 billion.
· In 2017, the estimated net cost of illegal migration was approximately $116 billion. In just 5 years, the cost to Americans has increased by nearly $35 billion.
· Illegal immigration costs each American taxpayer $1,156 per year ($957 after factoring in taxes paid by illegal aliens).
· Each illegal alien or U.S.-born child of illegal aliens costs the U.S. $8,776 annually.
· Evidence shows that tax payments by illegal aliens cover only around a sixth of the costs they create at all levels in this country.
· A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.
· Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.
From the key points, annual costs of criminal migration have risen from 2017 (no data cited for years before 2017) were 116 billion and were running at 151 billion (net of taxes paid) by the start of 2023.
There have been at least 10 million criminal migrants entering the US since 2017, probably closer to 15 million – so maybe the estimates look light as there were probably between 5 and 10 million criminal migrants in the US in 2017 – making an increase in direct costs of (151 – 116) 35 billion look light.
Note the numbers exclude the impact of millions (3?) more criminal migrants in 2023 AND maybe another one million so far in 2024.
I have previously guesstimated that costs are around 100,000 bucks per year per criminal (50,000 in direct costs and 50,000 in indirect costs) making an annual cost of a trillion bucks each and every year (a trillion = 1,000 billion) per 10 million criminal migrants.
The US has hundreds of thousands of homeless and millions on welfare or in poverty who are living hand to mouth or in sub-standard accommodation. These criminal migrants enjoy fat higher standards of living than tens of millions of Americans could only dream of.
Tens f millions of criminals are enjoying higher standards of living – for nothing.
The NY Post covered the report here:
Here is a chart of estimated costs to taxpayers by State:
There is a segment on the HighWire here:
The whole HighWire show is here: FENTANYL: MAN-MADE EPIDEMIC - The HighWire
The excellent Jeffrey Jaxzen hinted at the logical conclusion that the draining of taxpayer fuds is one aspect of the huma trafficking cartel that places the Democratic Party ad its operatives front and centre in a criminal racket that involves drugs as well as huma trafficking.
By not investigating and prosecuting the entire supply chain of human ad drug trafficking, it suggests that the FBI is also a part of the criminal cartel.
I wonder if the FAIR people included the costs of the “rendition” of criminals directly from the “triangle” of Latin American countries into American cities or the Federal and State/City/Local assistance paid directly to shady NGO’s and “charities”.
Note that the contracts “negotiated” with those supplying services – like hotel rooms and food – are kept secret.
Remember this?
Never let an opportunity to commit fraud go to waste.
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