Farmers protest outside Parliament in central Londo – the Marxist Labour government claims 500 out of 200,000 farms will be affected by changes to inheritance tax – the Farmers Union claims 70,000
Brits can sign a petto here
Here is a link to a “raw” YouTube video (h/t
(26) London Farmers Protest 2024 Live - YouTube
Typical London winter’s day. Raining, no sun or wind and getting cold. Illegal immigrants are enjoying rom service I their nice, warm hotels and could not give two hoots about UK farmers,
And here is a link to an article:
Farmer protest latest: Jeremy Clarkson begs Labour to 'back down' on inheritance tax
“Th Treasury has published figures showing it estimates around 500 of the UK's 200,000 farms will be impacted by the tax changes. The National Farmers Union disputes this number and says around 70,000 could be impacted.
“I am not surprised that the Labour left wing lunatics are “mathematically challenged”.
This sort of crap permeates ALL their “work” – where it does any work ad doesn’t just ignore inconvenient truths about its insane and unfounded dogmatic policies.
This is just one of the “nudge” tactics being used against farmers. The Marxist Labour government also wants them to sell up their land and install wind turbines. The “government” borrows vast amounts of money and bribes farmers to install wind turbines for 50-70,000 pounds each – far in excess of what they can earn from being farmers – preserving areas of natural beauty and feeding the country.
A link to a petition here:
Ober 8.000 now,
At 10,000 signatures...
At 10,000 signatures, government will respond to this petition
At 100,000 signatures...
At 100,000 signatures, this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament
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hi folks be aware theres a petition on the uk parliament petition page..dont change inheritance tax relief for working can be signed and reshared widely from all over the currently has over 7560 signatures it urgently needs many more .it can only be signed by uk residents