Fauci, Birx, Collins, Bright et al are guilty of the most hideous and heinous crimes that can be committed by human beings - by cmmission and omission
Here is a pagraph extractd from the post by Vinay, extracted in full below/
“The people in the Biden administration who pushed mandates without exemptions — Murthy, Walensky, Fauci, Jha — got it wrong, and refused to listen to outside perspectives. As a result, trust in public health and vaccination is declining, and they have themselves to blame.
Many Americans lost their jobs— and any subsequent health loss of this group (job loss is not good for health) can also be blamed on mandates (paper coming on this topic).”
That misses the point which is that these individuals caused the loss of trust in the medical system – which is a moral and ethical crime against the people of the US. I maintain that this was the pre-meditated INTENT – since all the reasons – moral and ethical – were know to these people PRIOR to their actions.
Trust I the medical system WOULD BE RESTORED – if these people were prosecuted for their immoral and unethical behaviour. The issue is – what crims did they commit?
At the very least, discriminatory hate crimes, accessories to battery assault and murder, unlawful detention and denial of medical treatment – I am sure the list is far longer.
Anyway, here is the post from Vinay Prasad
(I am Unable to cross-post to this article. so I post it in verbatim and in full).
I wrote repeatedly in 2021 that vaccine passports and mandates for the COVID19 vaccine were a bad idea. First, any adult who wanted to get a vaccine could, and no one had shown that forcing others to comply further benefitted a person who chose to get vaccinated themselves. In other words, why do you need Tim to do it, do it yourself, Johnny, if your are so worried.
Second, a longstanding principle of medical ethics says it is unethical to force someone to receive a personal medical product (ingest or inject) unless the benefit to third parties outweighs the loss of autonomy. CDC knew by summer 2021 that COVID vaccines could not halt transmission, and ergo all mandates past that date (aka all mandates) were unethical— they didn’t benefit third parties beyond the loss of autonomy.
Third, the punishment for failing to comply with a mandate has to be proportional to the harm. Loss of employment in an entire sector (health care) for years on end for not taking the vaccine is a death penalty for walking on the sidewalk. Original vaccine mandates had small fines.
Fourth, there was no exemption for having had COVID before, which means the person who set the policy can’t read data.
The people in the Biden administration who pushed mandates without exemptions — Murthy, Walensky, Fauci, Jha — got it wrong, and refused to listen to outside perspectives. As a result, trust in public health and vaccination is declining, and they have themselves to blame. Many Americans lost their jobs— and any subsequent health loss of this group (job loss is not good for health) can also be blamed on mandates (paper coming on this topic).
The 10th circuit court recently ruled on the University of Colorado’s vaccine mandate policy, and the university lost big time. There administrators set an indefensible policy. Let me explain, and in doing so, see what it can teach us….
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Not sure that losing trust in the system is a bad thing. We need to be pro-active about our own health.
they push a button and let the machine gointo action... if they had to take and axe or knife and do it themselves they would become exhausted.... we do need to examine in the future what goes thru the minds and hearts of those that set such things in motion... of course they are still just frontmen for other forces and other more powerful people.