Filling the swamp of death – hundreds of times as much spent on bureaucracy and failed vaccine technology than is paid out to compensate victims injected using the C19 spike venom weapon
The US government has two schemes to compensate sufferers of damage from vaccines. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Scheme (VICP) and the Countermeasure Injury Compensation Scheme (CICP).
Compensation for the injuries and death caused by the C19 spike venom weapons is covered by the CICP. There is a huge mountain to climb to get compensation from the CICP that covers death and injury from the mRNA spike venom weapon.
Here is a table of compensation paid as a result of countermeasures administered over the last 13 years for from here: Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) Data | HRSA
Here’s the record for the C19 mRNA spike venom weapons.
12,864 claims submitted, 83% of which have not been reviewed. 11 claims paid with 28 “pending administration”.
Let’s go down a rabbit hole in the swamp. From here:
A snippet from page 72 of 458 for the HRSA budget from here (mentioned 512 times, good luck finding out anything relevant to the CICP!):
On page 456 we have this:
One rabbit hole leads to another in the swamp!
Side note: From here: FTCA Frequently Asked Questions | Bureau of Primary Health Care (
“,,, employees of eligible health centers may be deemed as federal employees for the purposes of liability protections under the FTCA for acts or omissions in the performance of medical, surgical, dental, or related functions resulting in personal injury, including death, and occurring within the scope of employment (including within the approved scope of project).”
Hmm… health care workers can be “conscripted”!!!
Okay, back up for some oxygen!
Compare the 10,640 claims to the CICP – just 11 compensated claims and 29 pending, to the adverse events reported to VAERS for US citizens:
Over a million adverse events for the US with 14,939 life threatening events, 89,069 hospitalizations plus 18,527 deaths (which will never be compensated?).
How big is the under-reporting factor? 10, 30, 50?
Remember that V-Safe system that was terminated by the CDC in May 2023 and how the CDC has been compelled to release “free text” fields for? Over 10 million people took part – the dead will not report, and we have no idea of how many were left by May 2023 out of the over ten million (note JnJ data has been released so far, not Pfizer or Moderna!!! Funny that).
The above numbers are for around 10 million people, presumably injected twice with the spike venom.
Let’s adjust the numbers for this (healthy “I-phone users?) – population for the 676 million injections into 270 million Americans. CDC COVID Data Tracker: Vaccinations in the US
Multiply by 13.5? So, 971,028 hospitalizations, 2.1 million ER/ED visits and almost 9 million outpatient/urgent care/telehealth consultations for the healthy I-phone users? What about adjusting for the unhealthy and the elderly?
12 million “adverse events” requiring medical attention v “Compare the 10,640 claims to the CICP – just 11 compensated claims and 29 pending, to the adverse events reported to VAERS for US citizens:”
So far, we have checked out the massive bureaucracy that is part of a multi-trillion dollar federal organ - with three years of dealing with the effects of the C19 mRNA and viral vector spike venom weapon.
Never mind the under-reporting factor for VAERS as partially revealed by V-Safe. How about the failure to compensate by the federal swamp. How much is being paid to employees to NOT compensate the injured and the dead. A few thousand bucks in claims paid v billions paid in salaries into the swamp.
Yje UK has a compensation scheme – from here, reported on 9 November 2023:
‘Every day is hard’: The families battling for AstraZeneca vaccine compensation (
“Figures obtained under the Freedom of Information laws show the scheme has paid out in 148 cases. Of those at least 144 went to the next of kin or else the now disabled recipients of the AstraZeneca vaccine. " About 80 families are seeking to sue AstraZeneca because the government scheme is insufficient.”
The UK compensation scheme has a maximum pay-out of 120,000 pounds for 60% disability – below people get nothing.
“Meanwhile a further 243 people harmed by the vaccine have been denied government help altogether. They met “the criteria for causation” but failed to show they had been left 60 per cent disabled or worse. In their cases, the independent medical assessor recommended that the vaccine has not caused “severe disablement”.
So, the equivalent of TWO arms and a leg, before qualification. How many injured by the spike venom weapon? See if you can work out whether this (covering data to 22 February 2023 is for six months and since December 2020 when the injections are “approved”.
Coronavirus vaccine - summary of Yellow Card reporting - GOV.UK (
Good luck, but we do have this:
“The overall reporting rate is in the order of 0.5 Yellow Cards per 1,000 doses administered for both the bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech, and bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna.”
Our World in Data has the number of injections up to September 2022 – the UK probably stopped bothering to give out any more data – when 151 million doses had been administered.
151 million doses at 0.5 per thousand = 75,500 yellow card reports of adverse events. What’s the under-reporting factor?
From here:
“Professor Carl Heneghan described how under-reporting of adverse drug reactions to the Yellow Card system could be as high as 98%, meaning the ability to detect signals and assign causation is substantially hindered.”
Only one event reported for every 50 suffered, so the number of adverse evets could be as high as 50 times 75,500 = 3,775,000 adverse events.
Now factor in that UK taxpayers funded the development of the (AZN viral vector spike venom weapons, paid for the weapons and have to pay for the injuries and deaths – whether compensated or not), Factor in the cost of the Covid enquiry – 125 million pounds so far compared to the “In total the Government has paid out close to £18 million.”.
“Baroness Hallett vowed to ensure the inquiry, which is thought to have cost taxpayers in the area of £145million already, doesn't run beyond summer 2026”. Yeah right.
Plus, the farce of the UK government going full tilt on the mRNA technology hand in paw with Moderna. How does that stack up to 18 million pounds paid in compensation so far?
151 million doses of a mix of Pfizer, Moderna and AZN injections, likely cost 25 pound each = around 3.8 billion in direct costs
Who knows how much was paid to AZN to develop its especially venomous injections. Not just an ineffective but highly unsafe and the reason it was pulled from deployment within a year of launch.
The stupidity of the UK government and its advisors does not stop there. Doubling down on mRNA as viral vector was a spectacular failure is the order of the day. Similar plans are underway in Australia, Canada and maybe even China!!!
How much money for FAILED and dangerous technology?
UK signs £1bn deal with Moderna for new vaccine centre (
“The UK government is collaborating with Boston-based Moderna to build the country’s first manufacturing centre for messenger RNA vaccines in a deal worth £1bn as it seeks to be a leader in responding to pandemics.”
A billion-pound reward for a dangerous and failed technology, v that 18 million paid out in compensation to those wounded and killed by the spike protein weapon.
Same unbelievable logic. Taxpayers are bilked out of billions for unsafe and ineffective injections, then have to pay out again for damages whilst the government attempts to throttle claims by as much as possible.
All this before the psychological stress caused by non-pharmaceutical interventions have taken their toll – stress kills – and before the economic damage for “known to be useless” lockdowns, masking and social distancing impacts are taken into account. Billions upon billions compared to multiple times less to compensate the dead and wounded from the spike venom weapon.
Which brings us to Canada:
From this 11-minute video here (h/t Ranger71):
Around 11 million Canadian dollars has bee spent on those impacted by the injection of spike venom.
There was a budget of 33 million. Budgets are not necessarily appropriate. You might have a new venture that you are prepared to sink a limited amount of money into, or you might know that a certain amount of “wastage” in your office might occur from people stealing papers and pens or from shoplifting.
Nonetheless the video shows how 2/3 of that budget has gone to a legal consulting firm to throttle claims of injury. Keep I mind that Trudeau made it (almost) a federal offence to report vaxx injuries to the Canadian adverse event reporting system. Many medics have testified to this and have been “struck off” if they persist.
Maybe the true cost of vaxx damage in Canada Is ten million bucks. The budget is 33 million and out of that 22 million goes to “consultants” tasked with throttling any and all claims to the maximum extent possible.
Lastly, we are still experiencing the same “privatisation of profits and taxpayer funding of losses” that we saw in the financial crisis that ended min-March 2018.
Pfizer and Modera claim immunity because “the government told me to do it”. Well, if the government instructed them to do it, all profits should go to the government TO COMPENSATE VICTIMS!!!
From here:
0000078003-23-000115 (
44 billion bucks of “chump change” on 1 October 2023, up the odd 23 billion on 31 December 2022. Total balance sheet size of 215 billion. The next report and accounts will reflect Pfizer’s purchases of companies that treat the cancers its injections cause.
Not even a gesture by Pfizer – compare that to the advertising budget of billions and the sneaky tricks around censoring advocates of truth about the impact of the injectins of spike venom.
Lastly, here is a quick look at the “denial” rates for private health insurance claims. From here:
How Often Do Health Insurers Deny Patients’ Claims? No One Knows. — ProPublica
“The limited government data available suggests that, overall, insurers deny between 10% and 20% of the claims they receive. Aggregate numbers, however, shed no light on how denial rates may vary from plan to plan or across types of medical services.”
How do federal “compensation” schemes tie up with denial rates for private health care?
Why would they not correlate?
Tens of millions of adverse events on all the adverse evet reporting systems globally should mean that 80%-90% of claims should be compensate.
Anyone fancy setting up an insurance company that acts like a government commendation scheme? You know, say “hey we can insure you for heart attacks and cancer” and then when a claim is made, instead of the 10-20% denial rate, make it a 99% denial rate!
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FYI, Margaret Anna Alice has a recent post asking for "signatures"--replies--in her comment section which thank the founders of substack for defending freedom of speech despite recent pressure moves. Your name should be in there!
Also, did you know that when a reader tries to find your stack via Google (I haven't tried it via other engines), a defunct site is what he is typically directed to first? You should get substack to eliminate that other one--it's doing your fine stack a disservice. Here's the link:
these people needed to be helped first and not let those who want to genocide people and wars etc get the largest portion of stolen money, stolen from the public....