Finally, some good news - the EU reports a DEFICIT of 6.5% in mortality to March 2024 compared to a 2016-2019 pre-C19 baseline
Although the EU Commission, its Parliament and its Council of Leaders (a president for each!) is completely disinterested in the millions of extra dead Europeans over the last four or so years of the scamdemic, there is a little good news on the rate of excess deaths.
Let’s start with the way the baseline is calculated, from here:
Excess mortality statistics - Statistics Explained (
“… the baseline consists of the average number of deaths that occurred in each month during the period 2016-2019.”.
Each month is compared with each month in the baseline period.
From that link, we have this:
“In March 2024, there were no excess deaths in the EU as a whole and the indicator fell below the baseline to -6.5 %.
In comparison, the indicator stood at -1.1 % in February 2024 (Figure 1). According to the weekly death statistics, during March 2024, approximately 27 600 less deaths were recorded compared with the average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019 (baseline).
For comparison, in May 2023, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, excess mortality stood at 3.6 % (11 831 additional deaths). The indicator was 7.9 % in May 2022 (25 989 additional deaths), 10.7 % in May 2021 (33 364 additional deaths) and 3.1 % in May 2020 (9 742 additional deaths). In March 2023, the excess mortality rate in the EU was 1.4 %.”
Multiply those numbers by 12 to annualize.
Here’s a link to an article from May 2022 – just for reference:
“Excess mortality in the EU climbed to +16% in July 2022 from +7% in both June and May. This was the highest value on record so far in 2022, amounting to around 53 000 additional deaths in July this year compared with the monthly averages for 2016-2019.”
No injections, few infections + the deaths of the vulnerable during the C10 scamdemic and experimental modified mRNA injections and we have fewer deaths.
This phenomenon should play out in the US and elsewhere.
So, the US chart below should drop to below the levels of 2019.
It would b great to have the equivalent chart for the EU and the UK plus other countries in a calendar year bar graph of death rates per thousand population.
Lots of work there for the willing and able – it might highlight lots of information on quality of life as well as effectiveness of C19 treatment protocols – with changes compared to modified mRNA injection rates and timings of course!
United States Deaths 2023, How Many Deaths in United States 2023 | Dead or Kicking
So far in 2024 (not sure to “when in 2024”) there have been 1,401,152 US deaths with the death rate stubbornly above 10 compared to the sub 9% of 2019.
I have no idea how the death rate from human migration impacts these numbers, if at all.
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Do you trust the EU stats? Could they be hiding some of the deaths? I do hope the stats are for real. But after 3 years of excess mortality across the board in all heavily vaxxed countries, I find it surprising that excess deaths would go negative so quickly. I would have expected a taper, like 6% in Jan, 4% in Feb 2% in March, baseline in April.
Even if these stats are true, and I think they are highly suspect, it doesn't mean the experimental genetic transfection products, injected into so many in the past few years, will not kill more people. Sadly, the spike was designed with many potential mechanisms of harm. Far more than you would find normally in a new drug candidate.
Right now more and more people are getting debilitating and deadly autoimmune diseases like myocarditis. More people are getting and dying from accelerated or 'turbo' cancers. These have just gotten started.
The one pathology which is likely to occur in most or all those who got the bioweapon, is a nasty of neurodegenerative disorder based on prion proteins. Prion diseases are from proteins which can misfold in your brain, and cause other proteins to stick to, and misfold too. As more and more proteins are misfolded, aggregates form and cause more and more brain cells to die. The process is exponential, (slow and barely noticable for a long time, then boom, all at once in a short time) as more and more misfolded protein agregates are formed and grow in size. Brain tissues of those killed by the vax (usually for other things like blood clots) show these misfolded protein regions forming.
When symptoms start for a person, their death is certain and usually within a year. At some point, (if this hypothesis is correct) lots of people will come down with CJD, or some other name given to the spike protein induced prion disease.
I hope you didn't get the experimental product, but if you did, then Ive heard some have been able to reverse dimensia. There's a person with a substack called veryvirology who has been investigating this.
I hope Im wrong about this. Good luck.