Flashback – Remember Joliet Jake played by Belushi in “The Blues Brothers”? Human experimentation over decades – 3 million American dead and tens of millions injured – silence from Trump and Kennefy
Here’s the back story from Brave AI:
Key Facts:
· Location: Joliet Correctional Center, Illinois
· Duration: 1969-1979
· Participants: Vietnam-draft conscientious objectors
· Experimental design: Ingestion of feces-laden chocolate milkshakes and exposure to feces of other inmates
· Goal: Mass-produce and isolate the virus that causes Hepatitis A
A decade of human experimentation in the 1970’s, performed on “conscientious objectors”. I believe the prison was shut down with the guards just taking their guns and radios and leaving everything else behind. The experiments yield nothing of use, but I think the prison is used for Blues Brothers reunions - with Belushi’s brother replacing John?
Human experiments were also conducted I Germany and England.
A brief history of hepatitis milestones - Trepo - 2014 - Liver International - Wiley Online Library
Here’s some more stuff:
Historical Path of Discovery of Viral Hepatitis — HMSR
Hepatitis A: Old and New - PMC
Much like other diseases, like TB, overcrowded and unsanitary conditions seem to be significant factors in contracting the disease.
CDC advice: Hepatitis B Vaccine Administration | Hepatitis B | CDC
“The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination among all infants at birth, unvaccinated children younger than 19 years of age, adults aged 19–59 years, and adults aged 60 years and older with risk factors for hepatitis B or without identified risk factors but seeking protection.”
2022 Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Report | National Prevention Information Network
“Tens of thousands of new cases of viral hepatitis occur every year in the United States. Viral hepatitis is a serious public health threat that kills thousands of Americans annually and is a leading cause of liver cancer. Hepatitis A and hepatitis B are vaccine-preventable and hepatitis C can. be cured.”
Tens of thousands of cases a year? Seems like a crap vaccine if every newborn is injected at birth! Do we know if the cases were amongst those “immunised” and whether the ”vaccinations” caused the disease? I will leave the issue in the capable hands of ICAN and Adam Siri.
I am starting to become concerned over the silence of Trump and RFK jr. around the extra deaths over the period of the scamdemic, the harms and deaths caused by the experimental C19 mRNA injections and the deaths from the administration of Remdesivir and morphine.
I detect radio silence on this issue that should be front and center I the minds of everyone.
I estimate that extra deaths up to 31 December 2023 are around 2.25 million. A holocaust perpetrated on the America people.
Th Ethical Skeptic has done a much deeper dive.
The State of Things Pandemic - Week 38 2024
“As of October 26th 2024, there have been
o 773,068 Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),
o 168,140 Excess Non-Natural Deaths (including 120,000 sudden cardiac deaths in casual drug users),
o 379,293 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment,1
o 377,981 Excess Deaths from the SARS-CoV-2 virus (6.6 x annual influenza-pneumonia)2
making for a grand total of 1,320,500 (77.7%) Manmade Excess Deaths of US Citizens, out of a Pandemic Total Excess Mortality of 1,698,481.”
1.3 million Americans killed by the actions of other Americans – out of a total of 1.7 million. Personally, I think that there have been another 500,000 American deaths in 2024 so far, bringing EXTRA, not excess deaths to 2.75 million over the last five years, since the “outbreak” in early 2020 – (or maybe mid-2019?).
To close this circle of experimentation on human beings with no accountability, I am concerned that the crimes revealed in Kennedy’s boo “Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” spanning decades – and including the C19 scamdemic, will be forgotten.
Along with the almost 3 million dead Americans and the harms inflicted on tens of millions of Americans by the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections.
How far have we come over the last 50 years since those Hepatits experiments on human subjects? Surely the dead and maimed deserve more attention.
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My working theory is that team Trump is waiting to dove tail that topic in after taking control. As it is, people think I'm crazy when I tell them just a little bit of what is going on. Time will tell.
Wouldn't assume the hepatitis thing is due to vaccine failure.
Parts of the third world have hepatitis as an endemic disease. I know in Vietnam some 8% of the adult population has it (and as a result, liver cancer is the leading cause of death), and quite a lot of those picked it up in infancy (mother-child transmission) and early childhood ("community exposure") rather than the standard routes we think of in the US (eg sex and IV drugs). So given the sheer number of migrants we've been taking in from those countries where hepatitis is much more common, I'd be shocked if we *didn't* see a rise in cases.
You can get a sense of relative rates of hepatitis infection using liver cancer as a proxy:
Though I suspect some of the lower number countries reflect a lack of access to medical care rather than an accurate low rate (if someone dies of liver cancer, and nobody makes a record of it, does it count?).
I'm willing to give RFK and DJT the benefit of the doubt on their silence for now. RFK is not entitled to security at the public expense until he takes the office, and if he can lull pharma into thinking he's sold out, he might actually live long enough to be installed at HHS. I mean, that's a mega-profit industry, and that much money at risk is... a big incentive. I worry like everyone else that they really have sold out on the vaccine-safety issue. But I'm not sure we know anything until all the new hires are actually in office.