Four long years – what have we learned about the scamdemic? How does this litany of “conspiracy theories” rhyme with conspiracy facts?
The US military (Senior Service?) identified national debt and an aging population as threats to national security.
Decades in the planning – the US military had developed a solution that could also be applied to its allies and conquered colonies - David Martin has the details of the evolution of the plans for genocide.
The US military in coordination with HHS siphoned off billions of taxpayer dollars and funded the development of biological weapons offshore using subcontractors like EcoHealth Alliance and Metabiota around the world including, Ukraine and China.
US companies – Pfizer and Moderna (plus JnJ?) - Injections are bioweapons owned and distributed globally and in the US by the US military.
The experimental C19 mRNA and viral vector spike venom injections have been classified incorrectly as “vaccines” – with lower safety standards – rather than gene modification (therapy) products – which have much more onerous safety and quality standards.
The US military cannot be prosecuted under current US law for any manufacturing safety or harms caused by the experimental C19 mRNA injections of spike venom – Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have details.
Although they are actually biological weapons, the mRNA injections have been mis-defined as countermeasures and so compensation for injuries from these “shots” can only be obtained through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program -CICP
Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) | HRSA.
My bet is that Disease X will be one of the other diseases already on the list – though a disease can be added easily enough. (Examples COVID-19, Ebola, Pandemic Influenza A, Smallpox and Anthrax.).
A psy-op in 2020 was perpetrated based on the use of an RT-PCR test calibrated to measure seasonal flu and call it Covid-19. In 2020, non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI’s) were mandated that has no basis in science or medicine. In fact, these NPI’s were excluded from all prior pandemic NP’s because they did noy work. The psy-op required an overturning of decades of valuable and experiential research in existing pandemic protocols. The psychological and economic impacts of these NPI’s was massive – violence in the home, drug abuse, suicidal tendencies and loss of childhood experiences essential for a happy, later life.
The experimental C19 mRNA spike venom injections were a disaster from the start. Even the theatrical clinical trials showed this. What followed was a massive cover-up of the deaths and harms badly made and toxic injections.
The adverse events reporting system in the US has a public “face” and a private stockpile of harms. The public face is supposed to show adverse events from around the world caused by US made C19 mRNA injections made by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna (plus less widely used injections like Novavax and JnJ). It risibly claims that whilst 670 million doses administered in the US caused 1 million adverse event reports, more than 5 billion doses administered outside the US caused just 600,000 adverse events.
In the US, excess mortality has persisted at around 16% for each of the last four calendar years – more than 2 million MORE Americans have died during the scamdemic. Perhaps this was the part of the solution to the threat to national security. There is no sign of it letting up.
Globally, estimates of 17 million excess deaths are being ratcheted up, maybe to in excess of 30 million – and that does not include any projections into the future.
Phase 3 clinical trials for the C19 mRNA injections indicated a rate of harms of 20% of reported those Injected with the experimental shots. Given Pfizer and Moderna shots likely are around 6 billion globally, this implies 1.2 billion adverse events.
There is no ability to whether the adverse events abate or worsen until an early death. Some studies have been done that indicate that each injections reduces remaining life expectancy by 7%. Five shots = more than a third of remaining life is extinguished because the injections reduce the ability to stave off the immune systems ability to fight the development of morbid conditions.
This was with Process 1. The actual Process 2 used to make the shots had twice the rate of harms.
Note that 1.2 billion number of harms EXLUDES the AstraZeneca and JnJ viral vector injections that were pulled within months of launch in 2021 because they were 4-5 times more toxic than the miRNA injections. Around 2 – 2.5 billion AZN injections were administered (almost all – 2 billion - in India under license to the Serum Institute). AZN was not administered in the US.
Pfizer’s shots contained parts of a monkey virus (SV40) known to promote cancer. Endotoxins (e coli bacteria) probably cause sepsis and the use of pseudo-uridine rather than fast decaying uridine carries the modified mRNA to all vital organs. God knows what the impact of aspiration or not had at the injection site.
C19 had far more of an impact in 2020 in the US and UK, because the elderly were executed by medical personnel in medical settings – maybe because they thought they were preventing spread of C19 – using Remdesivir, midazolam and morphine, plus restraints, denial of solids and liquids plus hygiene plus contact with family/advocates. But also because of the denial of anti-biotics to those refused their usual consultations for existing conditions and not diagnosing new non-C19 conditions.
Lstly, how much corruption of politicians and health authorities is revealed by the over-ordering of doses. For the EU, there are half a billion unused doses with a billion administered up to May 2023 when the EMA stopped producing updates. Similarly for the US 330 million doses were unused out of 676 million administered. The price charged by Pfizer and Moderna started at around 20 bucks per does in 2021 but leapt to 150-300 bucks for bivalents 18 months ago.
Did I miss anything?
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Pretty damned good analysis, Peter.
What have we learned? That we keep getting taken in and believe evil. This scamdemic is part of all the experiments that have been done to us over the can even go back as far as the 'Black plague' which was poisoning of the wells...come forward to the Spanish flu...massive scaremongering and people dying from the getting the jab...none from the flu. We learn nothing unless we wake up to how and why we're being controlled and decimated.