From the “we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us” files - Chinese EV car sales are booming! Maybe that’s because the millions of unsold ones get “planted” in fields!
From here:
China is Throwing Away Fields of Electric Cars – Letting them Rot! – Forbidden Knowledge TV
With a direct link to a YouTube channel (maybe worth subscribing to?) with inside knowledge about China not reported anywhere, here:
China is Throwing Away Fields of Electric Cars - Letting them Rot! - YouTube
Skip the first three minutes to get straight to the “inside track and field” of the story,
Looks similar to the abandoned vehicles left behind in Afghanistan right?
The expression widely used in financial circles after a massive screw up, springs to mind - “It’s only money and it’s not mine”.
“China claims to have the fastest-growing Electric Vehicle (EV) market in the world but those numbers are fudged with tens or hundreds of thousands vehicles that are fully registered with 30 miles on their odometers that lie abandoned in fields throughout the country. Pumped and dumped.
Not only do the EV batteries cause an insane amount of environmental destruction to produce, they are now rotting in fields, where they will create yet more environmental destruction.
Similar to the Ghost Cities with millions of empty apartment buildings and the mountains of discarded bikes piled all over the country, these are the detritus of financial scams that have played themselves out.”
The clips look to be from 2021 or 20222? So maybe there’s more fields of rotting batteries or fewer!
Rip up the planet to virtue signal, employ slave labour, then allow an environmental catastrophe to occur with thousands of toxins leeching from the batteries back to Mother Earth - oh and don’t tell anyone. Sound familiar? Sounds like it’s straight from the anti-human playbook!
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Gubment’s doing what they do best waste and destroy. Anyone with a lick of sense would not get near one of these death traps. Todays virtue signaling is now the newest mental illness. And it’s off the charts!
Holy moly, all the while the best thing we can do for the environment is make do and mend. Old bangers need zero carbon to build, hence get an old banger and try not to scrap it. The environment will thank you!