It’s Sunday – a time for a little music. One of the hits from July 1981 was released by a bad called UB40 called “One in Ten”. The band named itself after an unemployment form used I the UK – at the time the unemployment rates was north of 10%.
The opening lyrics go like this:
(7) UB40 - One In Ten (1981) - YouTube
“I am a one n ten, a number o a list, I am a one in ten, even though I don’t exist, nobody knows me, but I’m always there, a statistical reminder of a world that doesn’t care.”
Which can be compared to the ratio of the vaxx injured from the administration of experimental, adulterated and contaminated C19 injections. The Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials of a few months duration using Process 1 resulted in more than 5,000 adverse events from the around 40,000 doses administered to around 20,000 healthy adults under 65.
Pfizer then invented a completely different process (Process 2) that was manufactured with the adulterated fragments of a monkey virus, contaminated by base metals, endotoxins, e coli, foreign DNA, bacteria and other toxic substances. The dosage has bee increased from the initial course of two injections to around6 6-8 doses by now, especially to those who are the oldest and sickest, as well as to children who are at no risk from the C19 disease caused by the spike protein on the continually evolving SARS=COV2 virus (not the young and healthy in the clinical trial). All those contaminants, adulterations and the mRNA itself are enclosed I toxic lipids like PEG and a pseudo-uridine (which modified the unstable uridine preparation) that transports the mRNA plus adulteration and contaminants to every cell in the body over months and even years, rather than the intention of just the unadulterated and uncontaminated mRNA disappearing after just a few hours.
Here’s a few links to the government mandated US and global genocide so far:
More than 2 million extra US deaths since 2020
United States Deaths , How Many Deaths in United States | Dead or Kicking
The casualties from the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials:
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print (
A reconciliation of excess deaths in the US – 700,000 deaths from the gene altering injections, another 350,000 from malpractice. administering drugs like Remdesivir,
The State of Things Pandemic - Week 22 2024 (
The reports of deaths and injuries reported to VAERS:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 7/26/2024 – VAERS Analysis
Doses administered in the US by manufacturer – 400 million Pfizer in the US out of 4.6 billion in total and 250 million Moderna out of probably 2.5 billion globally.
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by manufacturer, United States (
COVID-19 Vaccine Equity | Pfizer “Since December 2020, nearly 4.6 billion Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines have been shipped to 181 countries…”
Note the 1 million US adverse events and 18,000 US deaths for 670 million doses in total by Pfizer and Moderns – compared to 600,000 adverse events and 18,000 deaths for the more than 7 billion doses administered outside of the US (grant total 1.6 million adverse events and 36,000 deaths from 7 billion doses worldwide).
Note also the complete disinterest by either of the POTUS candidates to the extra more than 2 million dead over the last four years – not even mentioned.
Why should anyone vote for any candidate that is completely disinterested in more than 2 million extra American deaths in just four years?
The 18,000 US deaths reported to VAERS are horrific enough, but the actual numbers killed by the badly made, experimental C19 modified mRNA gene modifying injections are far higher.
The actual number of US deaths by lethal injection(s) can be triangulated at around 700,000 – 1 death per thousand dresses (Denis Rancourt) forensic analysis (Ethical Skpetic) and by applying an under-reporting factor of around 40 (Kirsch Rose et al). These 700,000 deaths ca be reconciled against the extra 2.25 million deaths estimated by comparing death rates from 2018 and 2019 to US death rates for 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2024.
The Ethical Skpetic estimates that around 350,000 Americans were killed by malpractice using drugs like Remdesivir. These deaths with Remdesivir present are NT reported to VAERS and are all, probably, labelled as deaths with C19 present.
Doctors and medics are instructed not to associate adverse events with the poisonous C19 or Remdesivir injections – if they want to keep their jobs – they prefer to keep killing and maiming their patents rather than preventing or curing them.
And so, we come to the ghosts of VAERS.
The deaths are tragic, not least because they were unnecessary and premeditated.
But consider the injuries. A million have been reported to VAERS for the 670 million doses administered in the US alone. Applying an under-reporting factor of 40 implies that there are 40 million adverse events suffered in the US.
But consider this, the Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trials – aborted after 2 months or so – indicated that, using the “cleaner” Phase 1 process resulted in over 5,000 adverse events from the 44,000 doses administered to 22,000 odd healthy people in the injected arm. And these were people with relatively intact immune systems who were not being treated for other conditions.
That’s a harm rate of around 5,200 per 44,000 doses = almost 12%.
670 million doses administered in the US = close to 80 million adverse events – ad that is amongst health adults under 65 after just a few months of the clinical trial, using the relatively cleaner Process 1.
Now consider that there were around 260 life-altering, severe, adverse events from those 44,000 doses – a rate of 0.6% against 670 million doses = 4 million severe events.
There were 127 serious, life-threatening events for 44,000 doses = a ham rate of around 0.3% times 670 million doses = 2 million life threatening events.
A total of the severe and serious events that could be reportable to VAERS for the US alone of 6 million events.
80 million adverse events = 6 million severe or serious.
Compare that to the 50 million possible adverse events by applying an under-reporting factor of 40 to the one million adverse events reported to VAERS using the “dirty” Process 2.
Ow, multiply these numbers by around ten to get the worldwide impact of the experimental modified mRNA gene modifying injections – remember Pfizer shipped 4.6 billion doses worldwide, with 500 million in the US.
Just for the adverse events from around 7 billion Pfizer and Moderna doses there could be 800 million adverse events reportable to VAERS – 60 million severe or serious.
Keep in mind also that the VAERS data for each year is regularly revised. For example, early n there were around 6,000 deaths reported to VAERS for 2021, that number is ow over 12,000.
Lastly, here is an analogy.
Case 1 – police arrive on a scene with a corpse that has many stab wounds. A witness says, “I saw a man in a black coat leave the apartment with a knife dripping blood, go back to his apartment two doors down”. The police bust into the apartment see the ma, the black coat, the knife still covered in blood and make the arrest. The man in the black coat is prosecuted and sentenced to the electric chair.
Case 2 – paramedics arrive at a scene where a man has died from a massive heart attack – his vaxx card in his wallet shows that he received a mRNA injection the day before from am ma in a white coat. The neighbours ask if the police need to be called. To investigate. “No, say the paramedics, he was injected to prevent a theoretical emergency on government orders – harm, but no foul”.
A statistical reminder of a world that doesn’t care” – this is the “one size fits all” world of socialism.
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Hi Peter,
My calculations of total deaths directly caused by the COVID-19 vaccines are about 1.6 million in the USA and about 150,000 in Canada to date.
That is more deaths caused by the toxic COVID-19 vaccines that we lost in all our wars, foreign and domestic, since these countries were settled in the 1500s.
Alberta practiced competent early treatment in 2020 and had no excess deaths well past 1 July 2020. No excess deaths means no real pandemic.
It was all the government fraud, a scamdemic.
In the USA they killed off another 530 thousand people in 2020 through incompetent late treatment, Remdesivir and ventilators.
I want Nuremberg 2.0. Military tribunals, hangings and firing squads.
Best regards, Allan MacRae, Calgary
My pronouns are Nuremberg/2.0