Gonor here, gonor there, gonor every effing where! Heavily vaxxed London becomes the UK’s worst city for gonorrhoea – sign of immune system fail or infections from criminal migrants?
From here:
Victorian disease surging through UK towns and cities - hotspots mapped | Express.co.uk
The article sounds the alarm over an increase in rates of gonorrhoea, especially in London. In the UK
Before cracking on with the “raw” numbers, let’s side-track to criminal migration in the UK.
From here:
Net migration to the UK - Migration Observatory - The Migration Observatory (ox.ac.uk)
You can see the “boom” in immigration from 2005 onwards, tracking at around 400,000-500,000 a year and the “spike” in the last year or so.
Here is a link to some official numbers. Good luck finding the cumulative number broken down by year of entry.
Additional statistics relating to Illegal Migration (December 2023) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Suffice to say that criminal migrants are dispersed the length and breadth of the UK spawning an entire industry dedicated to locating hotels, houses and bed and breakfast establishments – all with security, translation, food and health services and a burgeoning civil service and local authority support effort.
Those “official” numbers exclude “getaways” that land on the UK’s shores.
My guess? There are around 3-4 million criminal migrants in the UK, two thirds of which are “official”.
How many have diseases such as gonorrhoea? Maybe 1%? How many have other infectious diseases? Who knows. How many migrants come from countries with high rates of HIV-AIDS? Who know. Dengue, malaria, cholera etc. Not known, or at least not officially published.
Let’s say its half per cent of the criminal migrants – one in 200 – so 1/2% of say 3 million = 15,000 criminal migrants with gonorrhoea have entered the UK in the last ten years.
Back to the gonorrhoea “outbreak” and London.
London has around 10 million people – a seventh of the entire UK. How many people are sexually and promiscuously active? Well, there are around 6 million out of that ten million between the ages of 16 and 60 and I am guessing maybe 5% are likely have multiple sexual partners.
That brings the 10 million Londoners down to 6 million who might be sexually active and just 300,000 who are “promiscuous” (multiple partners) and susceptible to STDs such as gonorrhoea.
Here’s some numbers from the article.
“The data also suggested that the risk of contracting gonorrhoea is around three times higher in London than anywhere else in England. The rates in the capital and the surrounding Greater London were measured at 383 infections per 100,000 people.”
The figures are for the entire population of London. 383 per 100,000 for a population of ten million means that there are 38,300 people with gonorrhoea in London.
Compare that to the 300,000 sexually active with multiple partner numbers!
The incidence rate for those promiscuous people is NOT 383 per 100,000 – it is more like 12,766 per 1100,000!!!
Circling back to the potential number of criminal migrants with gonorrhoea - maybe a quarter are housed in London – so the ½% gonorrhoea “ball-parked” incidence rate for these people implies little under 4,000 out of 38,300 are illegal immigrants. Of course, this likely needs adjusting for the “fighting age male” demographic that characterizes the vast majrty of cromonal migrants.
Ok, let’s close this off with an image of the injections of spike venom in the UK.
Here’s an example of a single London borough – Southwark- population a little over 300,000 - from here:
Interactive map of vaccinations | Coronavirus in the UK (data.gov.uk)
Not very vaxxed, right?
It compares to the vaxx rate of 2.24 per capita for the entire UK from OWD up to Septeber 2022 when records stopped being updated (almost 18 months ago!!!).
So, how are we left? Any the wiser? Are a few thousand sexually active criminal migrants responsible for the “spike” in gonorrhoea cases or is it the re-activation of prior “cured” gonorrhoea infections or completely unrelated.
Maybe we will get a story about shingles soon, that is, on top of the huge increases in heart disease and cancers.
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Drip, drip, drip goes the trolley; drip, drip, drip goes the train.
Why does it hurt when I pee?
She's got the jack.
Top up with syphilis=mass insanity