From here:
Forum Conversation: Norman Fenton on the Revelations of Pandemic Data • Children's Health Defense (
Too many excellent truth bombs to extract - though I will post these two as it highlights the false basis for the entire scamdemic.
“..out of 136,000 deaths formally classified as from COVID on their death certificates, about 5000, only 5%, didn’t have at least one other comorbidity. In this group, there were only three children under the age of 20.”
“..the PCR test used as a standard for life-impacting decisions and mandates, had a 99% inaccuracy rate for asymptomatic people testing positive.”.. “4% of asymptomatic students showing a positive result on the initial test didn’t have the virus, confirming a very high inaccuracy rate.”
These three items expose the pandemic fraud for what it was and destroy the entirety of the Covid narrative.
1) What the hospital protocols were and what they did;
2) What happened in the nursing homes in March/April 2020;
3) How the CDC/NHS etc. manufactured Covid deaths through fraudulent coding.
They also highlight the fact that there was mass murder that was intentionally orchestrated and intentionally utilized to create the illusion that there was a 'deadly' pandemic.
Why were 14,369 injury deaths listed in the Covid-19 death count? Why were 1,265 deaths due to falls listed in the Covid death toll? Why were drowning deaths included in the Covid death toll? Why were suicides included in the Covid death toll?
99% of people falsely certified as having ‘died from covid’ actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and ‘public health’ despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.
From the CDC itself 7/16/21: “Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021). A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.
Most patients who "died from COVID" had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”
Translation: No one has ‘died from covid’ as “covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions.
Exposure after exposure. Thank you for your painstaking research into all of this.
As far as I know, only Denmark has called a halt in jabbing anyone in & below a certain age group.
Ever other country still blindly supporting jabs & booster jabs.
Need a proper word to classify more guilty. Guiltier seems too tame.