Has global MSM censorship (on the instructions of the WHO) also succeeded in preventing analysis of 700,000 US deaths caused by badly made mRNA injections in the “freedom movement"?
Let’s start with the Overton Window. This is the range of ideas that governments and health regulators consider acceptable and where the governments and health regulators instruct the MSM to apply the throttling techniques of censorship and to portray dissident as conspiracy theorists and pariahs,
We have seen how the Overton Window has been used to sack, fine and imprison dissidents and pariahs.
Right now, in the US, there are many other issues “crowding out” the coverage of the butcher’s bill of the C19 modified mRNA injections. These are mainly illegal immigration, the failed Trump assassination, Ukraine and the spending of trillions on “Net Zero” – plus the H5N1 chicken little scare.
All these issues plus the censorship and lack of coverage by the “freedom movement” of millions dead and hundreds of millions if ot billions of injuries have consigned the US fractin of 700,000 Americans killed by the badly made experimental modified mRNA injections to the memory hole via a dome of silence.
Let’s restate the number of deaths suffered in the US in the last four calendar years:
1.7 million extra deaths during the vaxx period of 2021, 2022 and 2023. Just 3 calendar years.
580,000 extra deaths in calendar year 2020. Remember, the industry and health regulators operate with tricks ad gimmicks to inflate and deflate numbers that suit their own personal financial ends. For example, what are the chances that the Magnification cycles used I 2020 were above 35 to inflate the number of cases and were reduced to 30 or below to deflate the numbers and hence represent a benefit from the injections? We know that deaths were stated whenever C19 was detected – whether alive or dead (active or inactive) – regardless of what the actual cause of death was (gunshot, suicide, food poisoning, Remdesivir etc).
You can get to the number of 700,000 American dead in three ways – triangulation for a more robust estimate with confidence intervals/risk bounds that are way below those used by the FDA to approve drugs and the experimental C19 injections.
1. One death per thousand doses as per Denis Rancourt – around 700 million US doses = 799,999 deaths
2. Applying a under reporting factor of 40 to the 18,500 or so American only deaths reported to VAERS = 740,000
3. The work of the Ethical Skeptic which does a deep dive using sophisticated statistical analyses to come up with “695,895 Excess N8n-Covid Natural Cause Deaths (primarily from the Covid Vaccine),”
The Ethical Skeptic also calculates that “375,594 Excess Deaths from Malpractice and Denial of Treatment” – that would be the use of Remdesivir and the withholding of IVM and HCQ.
So, why isn’t the “freedom movement” of pro-healthers (not anti-vaxxers, pro healthers) not writing screeds of analysis on the extra deaths, converting these to excess deaths and reconciling these to contributory causes – as the Ethical Skeptic has done?
Look back at the extra deaths in the table above over the “vaxx period” – 1.7 million extra deaths.
The experimental C19 modified mRNA injecti9ns caused 0.7 million of these from the human experiment and 375,000 from 2death by healer”.
Just the deaths from the injections of evil represent over 40% of the extra deaths and the “death by healer” another more than 20% (were the latter deaths mostly in 2020?).
Out of interest, here’s some data o the relative lethality of injections by manufacturer taken from VAERS and compiled here:
VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 6/28/2024 – VAERS Analysis
Deaths per million doses are in the right-hand column. These numbers can be multiplied by 40 to adjust for the under-reporting factor.
Janssen is three times more lethal than Moderna which is 50% more lethal than Pfizer/BioNTech. The number of doses does not quite match that compiled by OWD here:
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered by manufacturer, United States (ourworldindata.org)
By way of comparison, here is data from the EUDRA system – which probably has an even higher under-reporting factor (medics are liable for deaths and harms there0 of around 70. This data was compiled after around 900 million doses out of around 1 billion doses administered util the EMA stopped bothering to report numbers of doses administered in 2023.
Markedly different – remember these are “raw” numbers unadjusted for ay under-reporting factor. Applying one death per thousand doses to these doses indicates 900,000 deaths in the EU.
Spare a thought for India – it denied the experimental C19 modified mRNA injections and went with the vital vector Astra Zeneca shots licensed to the Serum Institute – more than 2 billion doses – imagine applying just the US URF of 40 to the EU deaths of 144 per million doses – 5,760 deaths per million doses for 2 billion more than 11.5 million dead by Oxford/Astra Zeneca injections!
Is anyone in the EU reconciling extra deaths with excess deaths with deaths reported to EUDRA – how about an equivalent in India?
The “dome of silence” has been applied to tens of millions of the dead. Now reflect that serious adverse events are around a dozen times the number of deaths and serious (life threatening events) are 5 times the number of deaths and the media blackout I the MSM and the “freedom movement” is deafening.
If only there was a World Health Organization that was not corrupted by big pharma and the WEF (enabling the US DoD’s global bio war on humanity) and who was not seeking to legitimise the callous butchery we have witnessed. Instead, the WHO seeks to “push back aggressively” on “conspiracy theorists” examining data such as this.
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There is. Contact Tess Lawrie at world health Council