Having failed to land a job with the Fourth Reich – the WEF+WHO – or a job in Communications with big Pharma, ex-PM Ardern now NZ’s “Global Ambassador for Death and Misery via Censorship of Science"
From here:
Which has an embedded link to an article reprinted from The Australian to the Brownstone Institute here:
Media Is to Blame for Covid Vaccines’ Wall of Infallibility ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Which in turn references this article published on 21 September 2022 in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology
covid19-vaccinesan-australian-review.pdf (opastpublishers.com)
Suffice to day, Ardern along with Trudeau and Australian members of the Fourth Reich, the WEF+WHO, such as Andrews and a host of unwitting and witting political sycophants across the world, pursied an agenda that denied decades of scientific evidence and wisdom, to pursue a propaganda campaign that killed millions and assaulted billions.
After committing these crimes against humanity, these “vaxx nazis” then blackmailed, coerced and threatened main stream and social media to censor any and all free speech that would expose the mass murders and battery assaults they had committed.
Instead of exposing the lethality of the C19 mRNA and viral vector injections and their shoddy manufacturing, polirticians like Arden gave indemnity from prosecution to the criminal acts of big pharma and violently suppressed protests with the jackboot, tear gas and batons.
Ardern is so toxic, not even the Fourth Reich, WEF+WHO, would touch her, neither would big pharma in their communications departments. Ardern does have a Bachelor of Communication Studies in Public Relations and Political Science at Waikato Management School from 1999 to 2001 – oh and she worked in the family fish and chip shop as well.
The new NZ Prime Minister Hipkins has shown his colours and created a, no doubt high paying, job out of whole cloth.
“..as well as being appointed to the board of Prince William’s Earthshot Prize, our former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been appointed by current PM Chris Hipkins as a special international envoy for the Christchurch Call, an organisation she initiated in the wake of the despicable and vile Christchurch Mosque shooting with high hopes for a brighter future.”
Make up some quack company, get the government to pay for it, then get yourself appointed to it.
I doubt that any country anywhere in the world will have a majority of people that want to listen to this murderous clown – sure, big pharma and other “woke” ignornant politicians may tolerate her presence as the Pope and the Queen tolerated Biden’s odorous emissions.
She can now make up a threesome with these two other useless and harmful bubble dweller – Greta “I can see CO2” Thunberg
(How dare big pharma and politicians inject poison that kills people and all you can talk about is money? Sorry Greta you are an intellectual midget fed lies by your parents and with problems brought about by your grandfathers role in the Chernobyl disaster and its impact on your mothers womb.)
and the Mary Poppins of the Information Ministry, Nina Jancowic
Nina Jankowic, Our Mary Poppins of Disinformation! - YouTube
All these WEF supporters/members are committing TREASON and really they should be charged....and with dire consequences!
The Jabaconda is an endangered, nigh on extinct species, on the cusp of obliteration were it not for the small reservation in which it has been placed. It is most unlikely to survive for very long, and in the short term will persist in a modern version of medieval stocks, an open prison at which passing onlookers might scoff and toss the odd rotten egg or tomato.
Harbingers of dead end edicts, whether biological, medical, social and economic rarely if ever thrive, and were they to, it would be short lived. They inevitably remain the author of their own demise.