By now it should be apparent that Pfizer is a “bad actor” whose business model involves instigating diseases and conditions from which it can profit from with an initial treatment followed by years of follow-up with even more expensive treatments that prolong rather than cure diseases and conditions.
It also should be apparent that neither legislators nor regulators anywhere in the world will prosecute its crimes against humanity – not random genocide, nor battery assault via its intentionally and pre-meditated C19 mRNA injections – in a manner that will save lives or compensate the victims in a “fast and effective” manner. The issues will be tied up in the courts and legislative bodies for decades.
Fun fact: in the US, according to the numbers from this chart, the split between Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna killer shots is maintained at a strict 60 Pfizer: 40 Moderna split. How’s that for a free and competitive duopolistic market (enforced by the Dod?).
It should be apparent that the clinical trials applied to those C19 mRNA injections are the most closely analysed of all drugs created by Pfizer and approved by the bought and paid for alphabet soup of health regulators across the globe, including the WHO.
All Pfizer drugs have probably NOT been tested and approved using processes laid down and, more importantly, none of the Pfizer drugs have probably been tested for ADVERSE EVENTS beyond the odd few days at most.
Pfizer’s products should be assumed to be harmful unless proven safe in properly conducted clinical trials against true placebos over the long term for “safety and efficacy”.
Refresh all clinical trials for all Pfizer drugs and pull them from the market until done. Pfizer has tens of billions of dollars in blood money from its murderous C19 mRNA injections to pay for this. It should NOT be in charge of these trials. A (new?) regulator should be – not rhe CDC or FDA or anyone affiliated with the NIH.
Lastly, it is also apparent that the manufacturing processes used to produce all Pfizer drugs probably do not conform and comply to the processes used in the clinical trials.
that the contents of Pfizer injections have changed since the clinical trials were approved. Health regulators do not check for quality or conformance of any “evolved” changes to clinical trial concoctions, nor do they ensure that quality of the concoctions are above an acceptable threshold (say 99.9% conformance and compliance).
It follows that not only should clinical trials be redone for all Pfizer drugs, but that a (new?) regulator is required to ensure compliance and conformance with the treatments in those clinical trials for other Pfizer products as these were inspected and approved in the same slip-shod manner by the bought and paid for regulators across the world.
So, what can be done to particularly single out #EndPfize and also the two other genocidal maniacs Moderna and AstraZeneca – to start with!!!?
Two ways:
The first is for people and medical professionals across the globe to side-step their useless, guilty and complicit governments and regulators by boycotting ALL Pfizer products.
No-one is talking about this.
Obviously, treatments using Pfizer branded drugs need to be substituted with other products – which may or may not be cheaper, equally risky or effective. Doctors will need to “doctor”! (Yes, other drugs maybe be “tainted” by the same criminality and negligence – it is all relative).
Imagine if every patient simply asked the question when offered a Pfizer drug “do you have anything else or anything better?” Imagine if every doctor said to Pfizer “no thanks, you butchering a$$holes”.
Here is a list of Pfizer product in the US:
There will be the equivalent brand names in each region/country.
The second is for investors to ditch their holdings in Pfizer.
A significant (90%?) of the 150 million workers in the US have retirement plans – ranging in size from a few thousand to a few million bucks.
How much money are we talking about invested for retirement in the US (including those investment managers and their pooled investment vehicles)?
Not small at all.
The same dynamic exists in the labour and retirement plans across the globe.
What is described below applies globally.
It is obvious that a company that, in a pre-meditated and intentional manner, kills millions and injures billions FAILS under ESG criteria (Environmental, Social and Governance – especially the Governance aspect).
Whether Americans and others are aware of it or not, they are more than likely owners of Pfizer stock in their Target Date Funds, 401k’s, company pension schemes and other pooled investment vehicles.
This is because those investment vehicles invest in “passive” index funds and are, indirectly used by hundreds of millions of investors to access equity markets. These passive funds can be index trackers of the S&P500, Russell 2000, Large Cap, Growth or similar funds. They can be Global Equity, NASDAQ100, North American, All-American, Global Leaders and so on and so forth.
The investment managers of these “passive” index funds, take no view on the moral or ethical position of a company. They simply hold investments that exactly match the proportions of an index.
Passive index fund managers include the likes of Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street.
There are many millions more that invest in “active” funds that, in turn, invest in Pfizer stock whose aim it is to beat the investment returns of these “passive” index funds.
These “active” fund managers include BlackRock (its “book of business is roughly split 50% active and 50% passive), JPMorgan, Fidelity, Morgan Stanley et al. Ironically, it is against the law for active fund managers to have political or “woke” active investment strategies without the INFORMED CONSENT of their investors. For example, if Blackrock tried to funnel funds to Ukraine - it is breaking the law.
Here is a list of the top 50 investment managers in the US – combined active and passive assets:
America's Top 50 Asset Managers by AUM (
Pfizer has a stock market value of 250 billion dollars. One sixteenth of one per cent of US retirement assets of all sorts.
Key fact - anyone with savings in a pension fund is probably investing in a company that is trying to kill and maim them.
Create a new class of passive index funds THAT EXCLUDE PFIZER from their “passive” index funds – a business opportunity for an entrepreneur or established passive fund manager – call it the “X-index” suite of products.
The stumbling block will be formulating instructions to amend trust deeds to Trustees/Administrators to enable the switch from the existing “broad stock market” passive index funds to the new “X-index” passive funds that “X” out Pfizer. There are a number of these index funds already for various purposes, so the technology and systems already Xist (sic).
Care (plus timing and coordination) would need to be taken with the removal of Pfizer from index funds as massive and fast selling would collapse the Pfizer share price, hurting those not so nimble and agile who still owned the stock.
There you go!
Use your head and then vote with your feet!
Disclaimer, I do not own any pharma stocks or take any big pharma drugs).
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You should send this to Ed Dowd and his team at Phinace Technologies and to Catherine Austin Fitts for her Solari solutions column.
Diseases these days are manufactured to improve Big Pharma' bottom lie.