Here's one to get you at it. Why would animals, birds and insects feel the need to walk in circles for weeks on end?
From here:
Millions of Animals, Insects and Birds Are Suddenly Walking in Circles Around the World – Nobody Knows Why - News Punch
Things that make you go “hmmm…”
“But why are so many other animals, insects and birds also walking in circles all over the planet? What we are witnessing is not just limited to one group of sheep in northern China. This appears to be something that is happening all over the world, and so we need an explanation that can account for that.”
Magnetic Pole excursions. The poles are moving more rapidly toward an estimated location just above the equator somewhere in the Indian Ocean, where they will meet. The behavior is possibly related to pole reversals that have happened in the past. Birds and bugs rely on Earth's magnetic field for navigation. Also, our Magnetosphere—the force that protects us from solar and space radiation in the form of CME's and gamma particles and have the potential to toss us back to the Stone Age—is weakening. The Magnetosphere is about 85% (or less than) of what it was 100 years ago. 5G radiation is a good study subject and should not be excluded from consideration, but geology tells us pole reversals happen every 2 to 3-hundred-thousand years. The last one was 780 thousand years ago so we are way over due. My bet is on magnetic disruptions and all those birds are our 'canaries' in the coal mine.
Are they testing out their new 5g control mechanism?