Here’s the New Zealand information requested and response – what you might call “non-trivial” but answers in a form that also answers many other requests as far as possible, from government records
From here:
HNZ00033452 Response.pdf (
The spreadsheet reply is here and also at the bottom: Proof v.3.1 - Google Sheets
15 February 2024 Chris Johnston Tēnā koe Chris, Your request for Official information, reference: HNZ00033452
Thank you for your email on 6 December 2023, asking for the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):
And here’s are the data items requested in the form of three datasets – one for each of vaccinations, benchmark vaccinations and death and, lastly, control group. I wonder if the request was run by Steve Kirsch and others first?
“Can you please provide a count of the number of people vaccinated against COVID19 funded by the government of NZ and those who subsequently died of any cause - as measured by MoH record level patient or payment databases.
Please provide this as a machine readable CSV file.
Dataset 1 - Vaccinations
The following breakdown of each column is required:
1) Month of vaccination - from the first vaccination until the end of Nov 2023
2) Vaccination number (eg 1=1st, 2=2nd, 3=1st booster, 4=2nd booster etc) using a coding scheme used within the MoH
3) Location - Territorial Local Authority (ie Council area) based grouped into The following categories: Auckland, Greater Wellington (incld Wairarapa), Christchurch, Dunedin, Rest of South Island, Lower North Island (including Taranaki and Gisborne but excluding Taupo and King Country), Uppoer Nirth Island. Ideally this is the physical vaccinating provider paid. Ideally derived from the location the injection was given (eg Rest Home for a mobile clinic - which is possible because the address of the patient’s NHI number will be the rest home, or the physical address of a physical site like a pharmacy/GP clinic).
4) Age Band of Patient - <19 years old inclusive, 20-39 inclusive, 40-59 inclusive, 60-74 inclusive, 75+ inclusive
5) Intentionally blank - null
6) Death Last Dose - ><30 days inclusive, 31 days-90 days inclusive, 91-180 days, 181 days to 365 days, 366 days to 730 days inclusive, 731 to 1095 days inclusive, over 1096 days inclusive. Each of these categories should be calculated from the date of the patients’s most recent vaccine and a suffix appended depending upon the number of their last vaccine (eg “><30_5” would be coded against a patient who died within 30 days of their 5th jab/3rd booster
7) Intentionally blank - null
8) The count of the number of vaccination injections in each of the categories above when the underlying dataset has a Group By query applied using Count(Distinct NHI_Number) or similar for this column.
9) The count of the number of people who subsequently died after the vaccination month in each of the categories above when the underlying dataset has a Group By query applied using Count(Distinct NHI_Number) or similar for this column. So for example, a group of 1000 70 year old people who were injected in June 2023 with their 3rd injection where 7 people died after 4 months (in Oct 2023) after visiting an ER would appear in a record like the following:
202307, 3, “Auckland”, “60-74”,”>null_1”, “91-180_3”, “null”, 1000, “7”
Similarly there be no recorded deaths for 366 days and over because this is in the future after this dataset is being summarised. If there were 1234 1st injections and no deaths within 30 days of Feb 2022 for teenagers, but 3 / 345 within 2 months and 10 / 456 in month 4 then the records might look like:,
202202, 1, Dunedin, “<19”, “null”, “<30_1”, “N”, 1234, “0”
202202, 1, Dunedin, “<19”, “null”, “31-90_1”, “null”, 345, “S” (see below re use of “S”)
202202, 1, Dunedin, “<19”, “null”, “91_180_1”,“null”, 456, “10”
Dataset 2 - Benchmark Total Vaccinations and Deaths
The following breakdown of each column is required:
1) Month of vaccination - from the first vaccination until the end of Nov 2023
2) Vaccination number (eg 1=1st, 2=2nd, 3=1st booster, 4=2nd booster etc) using a coding scheme used within the MoH
3) Intentionally blank - null
4) Age Band of Patient - <19 years old inclusive, 20-39 inclusive, 40-59 inclusive, 60-74 inclusive, 75+ inclusive
5) Death First Dose - <30 days inclusive, 31 days-90 days inclusive, 91-180 days, 181 days to 365 days, 366 days to 730 days inclusive, 731 to 1095 days inclusive, over 1096 days inclusive. Each of these categories should be calculated from the date of the patients’s first injection and a suffix “_1” appended
6) Death Last Dose - <30 days inclusive, 31 days-90 days inclusive, 91-180 days, 181 days to 365 days, 366 days to 730 days inclusive, 731 to 1095 days inclusive, over 1096 days inclusive. Each of these categories should be calculated from the date of the patients’s most recent vaccine and a suffix appended depending upon the number of their last vaccine (eg “<30_5” would be coded against a patient who died within 30 days of their 5th jab/3rd booster)
7) ER Visit - a “E” if the patient visited a hospital Emergency Room for any reason between their last injection and their date of death inclusive. Otherwise “N”.
8) The count of the number of vaccination injections in each of the categories above when the underlying dataset has a Group By query applied using Count(Distinct NHI_Number) or similar for this column.
9) The count of the number of people who subsequently died after the vaccination month in each of the categories above when the underlying dataset has a Group By query applied using Count(Distinct NHI_Number) or similar for this column.
Dataset 3 - Control Group
For anyone in the NHI dataset who is NOT in the COVID Vax Pay per Dose database but is enrolled with a GP Practice in NZ, please produce the following dataset.The following breakdown of each column is required:
1) Date of 1st COVID19 injection in NZ - this will be the same value for each row
2) Vaccination number - 0 - the same for all rows
4) Age Band of Patient - <19 years old inclusive, 20-39 inclusive, 40-59 inclusive, 60-74 inclusive, 75+ inclusive
5) Death Period - <30 days inclusive, 31 days-90 days inclusive, 91-180 days, 181 days to 365 days, 366 days to 730 days inclusive, 731 to 1095 days inclusive, over 1096 days inclusive. Each of these categories should be calculated from the date in column (1) of this dataset and a suffix “_0” appended
8) Size of Control at start - The count of the number of people in each of the categories above when the underlying dataset has a Group By query applied using Count(Distinct NHI_Number) or similar for this column.
9) Death count - The count of the number of people who subsequently died after the date in column (1) in each of the categories above when the underlying dataset has a Group By query applied using Count(Distinct NHI_Number) or similar for this column.For all Datasets please provide a list of codes used and descriptions, and a description of the file format.
A Reasonable OIA with Precedent This OIA should be possible by using simple queries on the entire datasets of COVID Vax Pay per Dose and National Minimum Dataset of Hospital data - matched using the NHI number. My understanding is the Pay Per Dose dataset is about 12m records. This OIA does not ask for the creation of any information, just the aggregation of a data set the MoH already collects as a normal course of its business
This OIA does not seek any personal or commercial information about patients or suppliers. Where a cell count in column (7) or (8) is less than 5 please mark as “S”. Where a cell count in column (7) is truely zero this should not occur in the dataset
To which request, the relevant ministry said this:
“Te Whatu Ora have received several similar OIA requests asking for deaths and covid vaccination status data over the past two months. Many of these requests would require the creation of new information and/or would require significant resource to collate. Because of this, we are unable to provide bespoke responses to each individual request. Instead, we have consolidated the requirements from all OIA requests asking for deaths and covid vaccination status data and produced a standard dataset (see attached)”
So, here’s a link to the standardised dataset,
And the website for all official data here:
Please subscribe or donate via Ko-fi – any amount from 3 bucks upwards. Don’t worry and God Bless, if you can’t or don’t want to. Ko-fi donations here: - an annual subscription of 100 bucks is one third less than a $3 Ko-fi donation a week!
You’ve explained it better than 2nd smartest guy. Thank you.
It will be interesting to see how much mainstream media takes this up. When 'forced' ...ok..but this means it has to get out for everyone to see...all those who are asleep and think their govt are their parents and were looking after their health and safety. Forced and yet staying hidden is what often happens....