There has bee an explosion of conjecture in the socialist MSM around the conviction of Trump – drawing parallels with the lawfare waged against Martin Luther King all those years ago.
“No-one is above the law” oozes from the pages of the deep state propagandists, “from the river to the sea”.
From here:
Will Trump go to prison? What to know after historic guilty verdict (
“Donald Trump is the first former president convicted of a crime and now he could be the first one sent to jail or prison.
Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, opening up the possibility that he could be incarcerated.”
The charges could result in a four-year jail term and/or community service – and will be appealed, of course – as will the any sentencing. The Democratic Party would love to “Epstein” Trump – you know, put him in solitary, get rid of his Secret Service detail, turn off the cameras, pay a nearby con to “off” Trump and claim a suicide.
Trump Says Putting Him In Prison Could Be ‘Breaking Point’ For Country – Daily Presser
“The Secret Service is making preparations in case the former president, Donald Trump, is convicted ad sentenced to prison time in the hush-money case.”
The “crimes” manufactured by the sycophants of the Democratic Party that have bastardized the legal system to pursue their greed for political power is simply the latest manifestation of their lawfare abuse. Spending millions of tax dollars to meet political goals.
Pizza gate, Hillary Clinton’s treason, the murder of Seth Rich, the persecution and imprisonment of J6 protestors (Ashli Babbitt’s death) the bribing of the kids of richer Americas kids via student loan “forgiveness”, the import of criminals from overseas and given the right to vote – are other manifestations amongst decades of the abuse of power that are part and parcel of “big government”, the deep state and “the blob”.
One can make other comparison with Trump’s plight and the plight of the US. The Democratic Party has created a security “Stasi” police state where dissent against its immoral, unethical, ignorant and corrupt policies is now “an offence” or assault against its pursuit of a one-party socialist US.
We can all remember the political use of the racist bigots in BLM, Antifa’s “summer of love”, and the freakish antics of the extremists in the LBGTQ+ bowel “movement”. We all have met perfectly good people from all walks of life and have no problem with “live and let live” amongst adults – sharing laughs and debates, regardless of personal beliefs – extremists in LBGTQ+? GTF out.
All discrimination – positive or negative – is a form of corruption. For every positive act of discrimination there is a negative consequence.
We saw the manifestation of the evil of the swamp in the four years of the scamdemic- during which time two and half million extra Americas died – before their time – and tens of millions were damaged mentally, physically and economically. All by design to bring down Trump and “Make America Poor Again”.
We are on the brink of a nuclear war with Russia. Maybe half a million Ukrainians and 50-100,000 Russians have died over the last 27 months – all because neo-cons in the Democratic Party and the Rinos in the Republican Party wanted to cover up crimes against humanity in the form of bioweapons labs in Ukraine and the corruption of the Biden crime family who were using Ukraine – and Russia and China – as their sources for bribes and the “pay to play” tactics of the Clintons.
The case brought by Russia to the UN Security Council a few years ago remains unanswered – that is no way to build world peace. I can understand why Russia had to first take Crimea to secure its access to the Black Sea ad I can understand why Russia would want to protect the culturally aligned people in Luhansk and Donetsk from continued bombardment by “Ukraine” post the CIA and Pentagon backed coup in 2014 – in collusion with Nuland’s political ambitions within the Democratic Party.
All taxation is theft – the bigger the government, the bigger the theft – and corruption – the Democratic Party wants a one-party state of big government – run by as many regulations necessary to get round any legal safeguards.
Joan of Arc was burned at the stake (twice to ensure no remaining witchcraft) by a jury of her peers – by a French jury overseen by the English occupying force. Now Trump is no saint – none of us are – but he was one of the greatest Presidents of the modern era (from the 1980’s onwards) – as measured by the rise on living standards in the greatest number of Americans in all demographics within society. The Democratic Pary has NEVER been able to achieve anything like that from their policies – improvements occurred DESPITE Democratic Party policies, not because of them.
The Democratic Party chose to oppose him by committing treason against a sitting President – impeaching him – twice - for crimes its lead operators had committed themselves. The “projection” of treason on to an opponent that showed them up for what they were and are – criminals who care little for making anyone’s life better.
We see the “fruits” of their insane immigration, climate and social policies. Making everyone poorer and deeper in debt with every day.
Democrats treat debt as “income” that funds the collapse of the US ad the overthrow of its Constitution and Bill of Rights.
What’s this got to do with Socrates?
Well, Trump is probably going to be sent to jail and/or will be put in an orange jump suit to pick up litter along the freeway or work in a soup kitchen.
The Democratic Party thinks this is just fine. Trump is an opponent, they got him and now they will look to humiliate him and all his supporters – make him a martyr if necessary – they simply do not care. They have no moral or ethical compass – the interest and well-being of the one-party State transcends all – just like China.
Enter Socrates – a soldier of Athens and philosopher.
Polyhistoria | The Library | Socrates' Death Penalty & "A Jury of One's Peers"
“On a day in 399 BC, the philosopher Socrates stood before a jury of 500 of his fellow Athenians accused of “refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state” and of “corrupting the youth.” If found guilty; his penalty could be death. … Socrates was found guilty by a vote of 280 to 220.
He was sentenced to death and took a slow acting poison – Hemlock and died in the presence of his friends.
The “blob” injected the world with a slow acting poison and pretended it was to “cure” and “prevent” a virus they had funded via “blob” members, Fauci and Collins – aided and abetted by Drosten, Ferguson, Gates and Farrar, amongst others like WHO chief scientist Swaminathan and Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus.
Now, Trump is not Socrates either – but the parallels with the mob justice pursued by the Democratic Party and its pursuit of the “one-party state” – modelled on China – is apparent.
The jury in Trump’s case is not 500 Athenians. Nor is it a jury of his peers – it is the “evolutionary jury, sitting for years of the MSM, the Democrats and the blob/swamp who manoeuvred for years to bring three trial cases to fruition – screw double jeopardy actual crimes and a fair trial. The “mob prosecutors” built the case(s) over the last 5-7 years. Letitia James campaigned on the platform of “Get Trump”.
Mob justice also works to bilk taxpayers – not just with lawfare to prosecute Trump and any opposition to the Democratic Party – but also in reverse.
27 million bucks – not half a million, 5 million or ten million. And this BEFORE the trail of Chauvin was completed. All life is precious, including Floyd’s, but seriously? Floyd was a career criminal high on drugs, committing a crime. What collection of sick minds thinks it is ok to fine the residents of Minneapolis 27 million bucks for the life of a bad man. Who pays? The residents of Minneapolis – who did not commit the crime. The residents will be paying the interest on that 27 million – a million a year – forever.
Who pays for the corruption ad evil machinations of the Democratic Party? Everyone in the US and around the world.
US government debt is about to hit 35 trillion dollars – all due to military and welfare spending to perpetuate corruption and grift. Promise the welfare and borrow the money. Interest o the debt is going to be more than 50% bigger than the Pentagon budget – 1.5 trillion bucks every year v a trillion for Défense.
The persecution and victimisation of Trump is just another incident in the litany of Democratic Party abuses. The trafficking of millions of criminals into the US (plus welfare benefit seekers whose welfare belongs to US citizens, not them), the fake science of “climate change”, the creation of a scamdemic, the coerced/forced injection of toxins into the sick, the elderly, even babies and pregnant mothers and people with no risk of dying from any virus or disease – are all other manifestations.
The demonization of parents as “domestic terrorists (that is, enemies of the State) objecting to the grooming of their kids in school, the forced discrimination in favour of extremist freaks in the LBGTQ+ “movement”, the proximity of nuclear Armageddon – the destruction of the environment and extermination of endangered species to install “renewable energy” – all facets of the corruption that infests the Democratic Party and “the blob”.
I am still looking for an explanation as to why “renewable energy” is not free. All the capital costs have been met with taxpayers’ funds via tax breaks, subsidies and direct grants. Only the maintenance still costs money, so why aren’t power bills coming down as the “free” renewable energy enters the grid? Another scam.
Mob rule – this is not “democracy”, or informed consent, or “the will of the people” It is the harnessing of corrupt practises to further personal gain for the leaders of a Cult.
All of the above is my opinion – and we know that opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has them and they all smell.
In a socialist country I would be expecting a knock n the door, or the shutting off of utilities and access to money. Canada did this already, Germany is passing laws that create political party “enemies of the state” – All countries are passing censorship laws that dovetail with the new International Health Regulations. Australia, the EU, the UK everywhere – all via censorship.
What is perhaps even more frightening is that all the amendments to the international health regulations (the power to forcibly enter a house, cart occupants off to quarantine camps, inject with toxins etc) already exists in the laws and health regulations of every US State in the US.
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