For those wanting chapter and verse on the context of the Hunter Biden trial and the criminal actions of the Biden gang, Judicial Watch lists all its heavy lifting to get to the truth
From here:
Judicial Watch Statement on the Hunter Biden Verdict | Judicial Watch
Th article details all the actions taken by Judicial Watch over many years to get the Justice system and the FBI to tell “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” in accordance with accountability via the production of evidence in their possession relating to crimes that have been committed.
Biden’s Justice Department and FBI have acted at every turn to conceal, delay and obfuscate evidence that it possesses but which would incriminate the Biden crime gang.
A report has been issued to the Department of Justice detailing allegations of perjury by Hunter and James Biden to several House Committees – with no response as yet. There is an active investigation by a Special Counsel to allegations of bribery and corruption by the Biden crim family.
The infamous “Hunter Biden laptop” WAS ADMITTED AS EVIDENCE IN Hunter Biden’s trial and conviction for which Delaware law dictates a sentence between a minimum of 3 and maximum of 25 years with a 750,000-dollar fine. Hunter Biden faces tax evasion charges in California as well.
There is so much evidence of criminality on that laptop that goes unprosecuted as yet.
You can watch the President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, give his views in this 80-minute video here:
Evidence Tampering: Biden Audio Tapes Update (
With less than five months to go before the November elections there is zero probability of the Republicans impeaching the decrepit “dead duck” Biden – what would b the point. Quite frankly, the medical team at the White House have performed miracles to keep a cadaver mobile and able to speak any words at all. The scary thing is Biden makes more sense than Harris, who would step in to replace him in the event that the activation treatments stop working.
Now that the Democratic Party has used lawfare (stealing taxes to pursue political opponents) to prosecute and convict Trump for Federal crimes in State courts, the way is clear for a Trump Justice Department to throw the book at the Bidens (and Clinton’s and Obama’s and their “aiders and abetters” – including Comey, Clapper and Brennan).
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